Chapter eighteen

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Queen was playing so many gigs I could hardly keep up with them. I was doing my best to help but I had my own life to keep up with as well. I had to juggle work, job interviews, and helping with the band. I helped them pick places to play and with anything they needed really. Maggie helped too when she could and so did Olivia. Brian had started dating Hazel, which meant that Harmony and Hazel were around a lot more. I didn't mind. I got along with them great. They were really helpful when I wasn't around to help with gigs. Honestly, it seemed like the boys couldn't function without me. I'd get calls at work asking where something was or something along those lines. It was laughable how much they needed me.

I was sitting on my work stool, my feet resting on the counter, staring at the people who passed by the shop. The gum I was chewing had long lost its flavor but I was too lazy to get up to throw it out.

"Nina!" My boss called from the back.

"Yes?" I responded putting my feet down. I turned to face him as he came into the room.

"When should I go see Queen?"

"Well, they've got gigs all summer so whenever you are free."

He nodded.

"Can you give me their schedule so far? I want to pick a night so we can close up shop and all go."

"All go as in the whole staff?" I questioned as he sat a box full of guitar picks on the counter in front of me.

I liked my colleagues. Because of how our shop runs I only work with one or two at a time. If that. Sometimes I just worked with my boss. But over the time I've worked here, I've gotten to work with all of them a few times. I love them all. They are such a great group of people. Most of them had been to see Queen before but the newer ones had not.

My boss left again and my feet returned to the top of the counter. I picked up a magazine and began to read it. The radio was playing "Paint It Black" by the Rolling Stones. I was nodding along to it as I read. The store was empty so I could do as I pleased. I had to keep pulling my velvet black bell-bottoms down. I was wearing a flowery shirt today. We pretty much could dress however we pleased. We didn't have a uniform. We just had to wear our name tags.

The bell on the door rang and I looked up to find Roger and Brian making their way towards me.

"Well, this is a surprise," I said looking at them for a moment before returning my gaze back to my magazine. "What do you people need now."

Brian laughed and leaned on the counter as Roger wandered off.

"Rog broke his drum sticks during practice today, he needs new ones," Brian informed me. I nodded pulling my legs down from the counter.

"Ahhh I see, typical," I responded which caused a scoff from Roger. He was standing in the corner of the store looking confused. I pulled my legs off the counter and got up.

"We moved the drumsticks since the last time you were here," I told him motioning towards the new spot. "You want the same kind you always get Rog?"

"Yes, they seem to last a while." He replied coming towards me.

"As long as they possibly can with you," Brian said and Roger shrugged.

I pulled Roger's usual brand out and went back over to the counter.

Roger got his drumsticks with the discount he usually got. He thanked my boss which then turned into a long conversation that I grew bored of quickly.

Once they finally left I was back to watching the window. Today was slow but people came in now in then. I helped a little kid and his parents pick out his first piano. I always liked that. It brought me such joy to help people get into music. Music is so important to me, it's like magic to me.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now