Chapter sixty-seven

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I rolled over in bed and stretched out my arm for John. His side of the bed was cold. I opened my eyes for a moment, blinded by the sunlight coming in from the open window. I yawned, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Snowball had left his spot at the foot of the bed too. I glanced at the clock. It was a little past nine.

I rose, walking over to the window to bathe in the summer sunlight for a minute. I closed my eyes taking in the country air.

One thing I did like about leaving the city was the smell of nature. We may not have been that far from London but it seemed like it.

I picked up my bathrobe, which I had lazily left on the floor, and put it on. I opened the door and made my way down the steps.

John was sitting on the couch watching the telly with Jack in his arms. He was feeding him a bottle.

"Have you been up since you checked on him?" I asked making him aware of my presence. "That was near 5 in the morning."

"Yeah, I couldn't go back to sleep. But he got up about an hour ago so we've been hanging out."

"Aww darling," I said walking up behind the couch. I put my hands on his shoulders and began to rub them. "You shouldn't have let me sleep for that long."

"You needed it. Besides, you just looked so peaceful, I couldn't bring myself to wake you."

I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. I leaped over the couch and took a seat next to him and Jack.

"Are you just watching the news?" I questioned. "That's so boring and depressing."

John laughed and shrugged.

"There wasn't anything on."

I took Jack from John's lap and into my own.

"There's my lovebug." I grinned before kissing him on the forehead. "Hi, baby."

Jack smiled and made a noise. He was growing so much each day, it was remarkable to watch.

"So what time are you going in for rehearsals?" I asked.

"Probably one."

Queen was doing a mini tour of the UK. It was four shows and it ended with a free concert in Hyde Park. Sort of as a thank you to the fans. They were in between albums but they were going to debut some of the songs from the new album during the tour.

"Are you excited?"

"For what?"

"Ummm it's your birthday tomorrow silly." I teased.

"Eh, 25, I'm getting up there."

"Nah stop that nonsense."

"I'll tell you it's nonsense when you are saying the same thing in November."

I stuck out my tongue at him.

"You'll still love me when I'm old and gray? And I finally can fit in with my favorite ice cream?" He asked.

I laughed and leaned up and kissed his cheek.

I placed my lips in front of his ear.

"I'll love you until my dying breath."

He turned and leaned forward kissing me. Poor Jack was caught in the middle. John slowly let go and grinned.

"Good, because I feel the same way."

"You'll love me when I'm old and shrinking? And I'm even tinier than this? And I'll need to get a step stool to kiss you?"

"I'd gift you the stepstool or just pick you off the ground."

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now