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ON THE WAY, towards Small Heath John stopped the car outside a house confusing Beth as she watched him climb out of the car, leaning down to face her he pointed his finger in her direction. "Stay." Turning before Beth could argue, john made his way over towards the door to which a man flung open a box of tools in his hand and dressed in a nice white shirt, jumper,apron and peaked cap. Beth could only guess he was a factory worker.

John clearly hadn't a lot to say as he said a word or two before walking back towards the car and climbing in. "What was that all-." Beth began but John quickly cut her off. "Ask Tommy, he said something about having bloody business with you he needed help with at the factory so i'm dropping you to him and going to work." John grumbled slightly, the tension still hanging in the air from the fight they had only the day before. Staring down at her wedding ring, Beth grinned slightly before sliding it off her finger.

John glanced towards her slyly but Beth caught his eye and held the ring flatly in the palm of her hand before sliding it into the top pocket of her jacket. John let a large smile crack onto his face and he let his eyes wander from the road to Beth for a moment. "Is the wedding off?" He asked, his voice too happy for Beth's liking but she still smiled shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know yet. But if it is don't think it's because i'm getting with Tommy because i'm not. I just maybe think I don't need a man."

Pulling up outside the factory, Tommy stood waited against a wall nodding towards John. John watched as Beth flung open the door and before she could close it he caught his hand causing her to raise her eyebrows at him. "I don't think you need a man either, Betty." Beth's smile grew wide and she leaned over placing a quick kiss to John's cheek before closing the door of his car and walking towards Tommy as John began to drive away. "What business do you have planned Tommy?"

Tommy didn't answer instead putting his hand out. Beth stared at it for a moment before hesitantly taking it and allowing him to pull her into the factory, their hands interlocked as fire cackled around them and the loud sounds of the factory caused Beth to feel small. Pausing outside an office Tommy turned to Beth, her eyes wide as she watched the flames spurt every few minutes. "Do you want to come in?" He murmured- reaching into his pocket and pulling two cigarettes from it. Holding one out to Beth- she took it gratefully and followed him inside the office closing it behind her in silence.

When she turned she spotted the man from earlier that morning, staring at her. "Your brothers came to my house." The man spoke up. "And what appears to be your wife." Beth grinned slightly taking a drag from her cigarette. "The said the Peaky blinders had business with me." Walking towards the desk, Tommy sat across from the man. "Your not afraid of me." Tommy spoke, puffing on his cigarette. "So, what is it you want from a simple working man?"

"Fear." Tommy began. A loud rumbled of thunder could be heard and Beth stepped closer to a tommy her hand being placed onto his shoulder. Tommy's hand reached back and it gently held her fingers. "Poor Mr. Nutely drank too much. He went for a piss on the train tracks behind the factory. Train came. They found his body in Saltley broken into bits." Tommy threatened. "I know what you do. Tell me what you want." The man, mr. nutely spoke. Turning his chair, Tommy pointed towards the blue print map on the wall.

"There. The lots complete warehouse. Bays four, five and six. You have the keys?" Tommy questioned. "Yes, I have the keys." Mr. Nutely answered slowly. "What's in Bay four?"Tommy pressed. "Completed types 40's and type 21's waiting for the paint shop." He answered. "Bay five?" Beth asked, speaking for the first time since she entered the room. "Paint shop and parts." Mr. Nutely answered. "So it's bay six." Beth spoke softly. "What is?"

"Give me the keys for bay six." Tommy demanded. "It's just old stock and storage." Mr.Nutely blurted. "Give me the keys to bay six." Tommy repeated. The man sighed and stood up walking over to his jacket and pulling out a set of keys. Handing them to Beth, he stared at Tommy as he stood, his hand grabbing her waist. "I'm only doing this to protect my family." Beth smiled slyly and allowed Tommy to direct her out the room and towards bay six. Walking into the cloaked room , Tommy led Beth towards an army truck in the back helped her stand onto it beside him.

"What the fuck are you planning, Tom?" Beth asked quietly. Throwing her cigarette to the ground. "There was a Russian man at my wedding night. He gave a wrong code so Arthur killed him. I'm going to get payed a lot of money by the Russians if all of this goes to plan, Beth. It's dangerous but if we get it bloody right I'll never see you fucking without again. Your hair matted, clothes torn and living in your skin and bones." Tommy spat. Running her knuckles over the side of his face, Beth sighed.

"I want you to go to the Betting shop and run through my books. I've got a meeting with Father Hughes about the Shelby Charity Foundation dinner happening this weekend." Tommy instructed. Scanning her eyes over his pale face one last time, Beth jumped down from the vehicle. "Find me when your done." She spoke gently, before disappearing out the factory's doors, Tommy watching her leave around the corner before he stepped off the vehicle. "Oh Bethany Clover what have I done."

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