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TOMMY HAD DECIDED, he was ready to go back to work and Beth although hesitant, supported his idea and went to work with him nearly everyday to get out of the house and see her family. Her bump was now fully out and although she was panicking about the baby on its way, she was glad to have Tommy finally at her side to reassure her through the pregnancy. She had been put off most foods, and although Beth had a rough relationship with food, ever since she had fallen pregnant it intensified and the one thing she seemed to crave constantly was ice cream.

So in the office, when she had stood up to waddle toward Polly's to get herself some ice cream, a panic flushed through her body when a hot liquid hit the ground with a loud splash. "God Beth, you've pissed yourself!" Finn laughed, watching the woman turn to him with a cold glare. "Finn you idiot." Polly grunted, coming over to slap him onto the back of his head. "She's broke her bloody waters." Finns face paled, a long with Beth's who stared at Polly with wide and scared eyes. "Polly. I thought I did piss myself." Beth whimpered, looking down at the liquid on the ground as Finn began to crack up once again.

"Your okay love." Polly cooed, grabbing her arm and leading her out toward the Bentley. "Finn get Tommy. Now!" Polly yelled, watching as the teenage boy took off in a run. "I'm scared Pol, I can't do this." Beth sighed, clutching Polly's hand tightly. "You can do anything Beth, you hear me? This child is blessed to have you as her mother. Your going to make a wonderful mother and don't you dare think different." Polly whispered, kissing her forehead as Tommy, Finn and Arthur sprinted out to the pair. Arthur opened the Bentley as Tommy took Beth into his arms, kissing her head as he whispered sweet words to her.

Tommy opened the car door first and slid into the back and helped Beth lie against him as she struggled to catch her breath, her eyes watering as she began to freak out. "Your fine my love. It's all going to be okay." Tommy whispered, pushing her hair back from her face as Arthur took off like a maniac, speeding his way to the manor with Polly in the driver seat, her hand back and clutched tightly in Beth's. "Your fine doll. You haven't even started contractions. Still another while to go." Polly assured, squeezing her hand softly.

By the time they reached the manor, Beth had her first contraction, letting out a small yelp as she squeezed Tommys hand so hard her thought it would break. "If this is what it feels like to have a baby, I'm going to kick you in the balls so hard you'll never be able to get me pregnant again, you prick." Beth yelled, her eyes squeezing closed. Arthur couldn't help but to roar laughing at Tommys face that gradually paled in colour. Polly grinned, helping the woman out of the car and into the house. "Where are we bringing you Beth?"

"Not to Tommys room, cheating bastard! That's where Grace had Charles." Polly grinned at the girls attitude that grew worse from her contractions, Tommy following behind, attempting to help. After they had managed to get her upstairs and by the time the doctor arrived, Beth's contractions grew worse and she finally crowned. Arthur had left without thinking twice and went downstairs to sit with Isaiah and Finn who had made way over to see the baby born.

Arthur had tried to pull Tommy away who hadn't stayed for Charles birth but when Tommy seen the fear in Beth's big eyes as she looked up at him he couldn't leave her, so he stood by her bedside, holding her hand and kissing her forehead as she screamed bloody murder. But not shortly after, the crying baby had arrived and the doctor was cleaning her up. "You did it, love. You did it." Tommy praised, wiping the sweat from her forehead with a towel as Beth nodded, panting slightly, her voice strained from screaming.

The doctor returned and the quiet baby was handed to her mother and when Beth stared down at her little girl; a pale child with a button nose and the smallest features with a slight row of black hair, she couldn't help but sob. "God she's beautiful, Tommy." Beth grinned, glancing up at her fiancé who smiled so wide he was unrecognisable, his own eyes watering. "She really bloody is." Tommy murmured, sitting onto the bed beside Beth, his thumb tracing over his daughters small cheek as she looked up with him with big blue eyes.

"What's her name Mr. Shelby?" The doctor asked, neither Beth or Tommys eyes looking away from their beautiful newborn girl. "Jane Addison Shelby." Beth whispered, glancing up Tommy who nodded in approval. "My beautiful Jane." Tommy laughed, wiping his eyes. "Do you want to get the family up to meet her?" Beth asked, making Tommy nod. "I'll go get them. I'll be right back." He murmured before leaving the room and going down to get the family.

"Beth's really tired but she's not going to admit that so if one of you make that baby fucking cry, I'll kill you myself." Tommy threatened, the smile still on his face as he jogged up the stairs. Polly and Arthur shared a look as they followed behind him, laughing to themselves. "God Tommys in a good mood, eh?" Isiah murmured; nudging Finn. "Our chances are gone with Bethany. She's upgraded to a milf now." Finn whispered, the two boys laughing to themselves as they followed up to the bedroom.

Creaking the door open, Beth glanced up at the Shelby's that began to walk quietly into the room. "Oh my." Polly gasped, looking down at the girl and back to Beth. "She's gorgeous, Bethany." Beth laughed, leaning against Tommy who got back into the bed beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer. "God she's adorable." Arthur sobbed, covering his face as he began to cry. Beth couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "What's her name?" Finn asked, smiling down at his niece as he watched her look around. "Her name is Jane. Jane Addison Shelby." Beth croaked, her voice raspy.

"Jane Addison Shelby." Tommy repeated, his eyes soft as he stared down at the baby that he knew would own his heart. "God I can't believe you finally did it Tommy. Took you bloody long enough." Arthur grinned, clapping his brother on the back. "Not yet." Beth grinned staring up at Tommy with a glint in her eyes."Still need to get married."

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