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STARING OUT AT, the pink sun setting sky in the streets of Small Heath, Beth felt her stomach twist. After the meeting Tommy had dropped Beth off at Ada's for tea whilst he went off on a hunt for Arthur who had missed their meeting. Much to his unknowing, Beth had never entered Ada's and instead ventured toward the graveyard on top of the hill of Small Heath that viewed over the town. Leaves crunched underneath her feet as she walked through the rows of graves, her arms hugging her body as a cold wind swept through the air.

Making her way toward an all to familiar isle, she sighed softly. Her feet thudded to a stop and her eyes casted down to Isabella Clover and Roberto Clover's gravestones that stared back at her. Kneeling between the two she bent over, her head resting above her knee's as she sat in silence. "You've lost quiet a few people now." Letting out a startled gasp, Beth stood to her feet with speed, staring toward the suited man who stood with a tooth pick placed between his teeth. "I have, it's the circle of life." She spoke quietly, her eyes glaring.

"I'm sorry about your friend, I believe you were there, weren't you?" He spoke, leaning against the tree, Beth had spent many a night asleep at. "Your not sorry, you killed him Luca." She spat, her eyes watering as her nose scrunched in disgust. "Just like you killed my pops, right?" Luca taunted, his eyebrows raising. "John had nothing to do with that. He was a kind man, he spared your mothers life whilst you put him seven feet bellow. You're disgusting." Beth growled, a tear rolling down her porcelain face. Luca shrugged, pulling a face. "I could shoot you now, I couldn't care less." He grinned, holding up with gun.

"Do it." Beth taunted, stepping closer to him. "Fucking pull the trigger, Changretta! You think you scare me? You think death fucking scares me? I'm Bethany Shelby, I'm not bloody scared of you. I never will be either. So pull the fucking trigger." She yelled, the tears falling although her composure remains calm. "No. I'll kill everyone last one of you Shelby's but you're last. I'm going to have him watch." Luca spat, holding his gun down. "Then leave. You either kill me now or you leave me at peace. I don't want to have to look at a man who's intentions are to kill the ones I love."

"Peace to you until I put a bullet through your veins." Beth watched as he turned, waiting for his figure to blur into the distance before she let out a pant of air. Her heart felt heavy in her chest as she took off in a run, the cold air of Small Heath catching in her lungs as she sprinted through the town. Making her way to Watery Lane she ran toward Polly's, banging harshly on the door. The door opened, with a sour creek, Beth pushing past Polly who yelled after her but it had fallen past deaf ears as Beth's feet carried her up the stairs.

Slamming open the door open to her bedroom she let out a frustrated yell to seeing no Tommy and took off down the stairs. "Bethany, Beth? Beth what's going on?" Polly yelled in worry, watching as the girl took out the front door and out the streets of Small Heath once again. Beth's feet thumped against the gravel, her heart racing as she carried her knee's forwards. Seeing a figure walking toward her, Beth sped up her pace, her knee's feeling ready to fall out from beneath her as she ran.

Tommy Shelby once seeing a head of blonde hair running towards him, instantly stilled his walk, letting out a yell for Bethany. "Tommy!" She cried, nearing closer to the man. Her feet skidded to a stop and when she reached him, she flung her arms around him holding him tightly as she finally allowed her body to let out a loud sob. Her knee's buckled and if weren't Tommy's tight hold she would have collapsed to the ground. Running his hands over her hair, he hushed her as she sobbed, holding her tightly as she cried into his chest.

"It's okay love, i'm here. I'm here." Tommy murmured, running his hand over her hair. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry." Beth cried, her sobs echoing through her body. Every tear that fell from her eyes paining more then the last. Pulling her shoulders back softly, Tommy stared into Beth's face, wiping her tears with the pad of his thumb. "What's happened, eh? What's got my girl so upset?" Beth attempted to catch her breath, staring into Tommy's eyes as he held her. "Was at the graveyard-." Tommy's jaw clenched, nodding along.

"Luca was there and he- he said he was going to kill all the family and leave me last and make you watch it." Beth rambled, grasping Tommy's jacket between her hands. "I won't let him do that, okay? I'd never let him do that to you." Tommy murmured. "You say these thing and you make these promises but yet John's dead and Grace is dead. So what the fuck is it stopping him from killing you and I? Or Finn or Arthur or Ada? You don't understand Tommy, he doesn't care! He's going to kill me and I'm going to be in that graveyard between my mother and father and brother." Beth yelled.

Tommy huffed, grasping her jaw tightly and forcing her to look him directly in the eye. "I will never let him bloody lay a hand on you. I love you. I will never let him come close to again and I promise I will try my bloody hardest to make sure you don't lose anyone else in your life because of me." Grasping Tommy's cheeks, she pulled him into a soft kiss, resting her forehead against his. "I love you too." She repeated, wiping her eyes. "C'mon let's get you home love." Tommy sighed, pulling her under his arm.

They walked in a silence, Tommy's eyes seeing red as he though of Luca Changretta talking to his girl like that and telling his girl how he would kill her and make him watch. Who gave him the right? Tommy's blood boiled and when he looked down at Beth he only seemed to get angrier knowing how upset she was. When they reached Polly's, Tommy knocked softly, being confused when Polly opened the door and began to yell out at Beth.

"What the bloody hell was that? What had you running around in such a bloody rush, eh?" Pol yelled, pulling the blonde in by her wrist like a child. "Not now Polly. Beth ran into Luca Changretta at the graveyard, she was trying to find me." Tommy dismissed, pulling Beth closer against him, as if afraid she'd disappear into thin air. Polly began to ask questions but with the glare she received from Tommy she was quickly silenced, as she watched them retreat up the stairs.

As time passed, Tommy lay in bed, Beth pulled against his chest as both adults lay awake in each others hold. Beth had been lightly tracing over his arm that draped over her waist whilst Tommy had been staring off into space. "He can't take you away from me. I won't bloody let him." Tommy murmured, kissing her shoulder delicately.

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