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BETH HADN'T HEARD, from Tommy in several days and she has become worried. Sitting in an armchair in Polly's living room, Beth read through a book when Finn and Michael Shelby strutted into the room, a box in Michael's hands as they smiled slyly between eachother.  "Bethany, Tommy gave us a gift to give you." Michael spoke up. Beth closed her book over and smirked over at the two boys her eyes landing on the box.

It was a white box with a white thick ribbon tied around it and a note stuck to the top. "Said it was top secret stuff and had to get to you immediately." Finn coursed. Standing up Beth took the box from Michael's hands and watched as the two boys at onto the couch in anticipation to find out what was in the box. Rolling her eyes, Beth sat back into the armchair and undid the ribbon- opening the envelop and beginning to read.

dear bethany clover,
i am writing to you as the phones are being watched over and this is disclosed business information that currently only you and i know. father hughes is coming for us all. he has threatened the life of my son  if i am to make communication with ada because of her communist connections. Arch Duke Romonav has payed with a sapphire and he has introduced me to his niece Tatiana, who hopefully i plan to be able to con. inside this box is a dress to the Shelby Charity dinner as Polly has told me you have made no efforts to come but i hope you do decide to come.
see you tonight, tommy shelby

Swallowing thickly, Beth glanced up to see Michael and Finn's anticipating faces. "He's said he bought me a dress for the ball tonight." Beth smiled fakely. "Well gowan open so." Finn encouraged. Pulling the top off the box Beth was greeted to a dress like none other than she had seen before and her mouth fell open. A silky spaghetti dress in a shade of light lilac and below of lay a small diamond hairpiece.

Beth's cheeks flushed red as she lay the dress back into the box and rushed over, kissing Michael on the cheek once and Finn on the cheek once before pulling them to their feet. "You have to leave." Beth mumbled dragging them towards the door. "What? Why?" Finn questioned in confusion. "I've a bloody ball to get ready for! That's why!"

Polly had left for the ball a few minutes prior to Beth because Beth was still running around trying her hardest to get ready. Her blonde hair was left straight and hanging down her back like a true gypsy woman with the diamond hair peace clipping it back at the side and she had worn the lilac dress that Tommy had bought for her. It hugged her skin comfortably but as Beth looked in the mirror at Polly's she began aware of the scars that littered her body from her childhood or fighting. A hand was placed over her eyes and Beth grinned. "Guess who?"

"That wouldn't be John Shelby would it?" John took his hand from her face and looked over her shoulder in the mirror. "You look stunning." He complimented. Smiling softly Beth turned around to face him. "I might even get to fuck a rich man tonight." John's smile fell and once he heard Beth's cackle he turned a shade of red realising it was all just a joke. "Well c'mon so king shelby we've a ball to attend to."

Walking into the big open room, John by her side Beth let her eyes dance the crowd. Walking towards them Arthur gave Beth a big bear hug picking her up from the crowd. Letting out a a loud gasp, Beth laughed as Arthur squeezed her. "Arthur put her down." Linda spat, rolling her eyes in disgust. Placing her to the ground, Arthur fell at Linda's side a forced smile on his face. "So you must be Linda." Beth grumbled, fixing her shawl that sat on her shoulders.

"Yes, I don't think we've gotten the chance to speak yet but I've certainly heard a lot about you." Linda smiled. Beth nodded slowly forcing a grin onto her face. "Oh i've a heard a lot about you too Linda. Now it you'll excuse me I have to speak to Tommy." John had to turn away from Linda as a laugh began to spill from his lips as she glared at him. Beth winked towards Arthur before the walking through the crowds. Grace had been stood with Tommy when Beth had came over and her smile instantly dropped.

"Wow the sapphire is beautiful." Beth spoke. Tommy grinned nodding his head. "It's from Tommy's work with the Russians- I'm surprised he didn't give it to you." Grace grumbled unhappily. "Oh cheer up Grace. Tommy said you were excited. Don't let me ruin that, eh? I'm engaged anyways won't be stealing your man." Beth spoke, smiling softly when Grace turned her attention towards Beth's hands. "Your not wearing a ring." She spat, before turning and walking away. Laughing at the pair Tommy rolled his eyes, before following Grace.

"Your not wearing a ring!" Beth mimicked, glaring after grace and allowing her middle finger to stick up to face her. "That's not very lady like." Gasping Beth placed her hand to her chest and turned at speed. "Holy fuck Finn! What are you playing at?" Beth whispered, a small grin beginning to form on her face. Finn never answered instead held out his hand to Beth who took it allowing him to spin her. Beth's eyes scanned the crowd as Finn pulled her back into him. "Finn, I'm sorry but there's business that I have to-."

Finn pulled away rolling his eyes with a huff. "Go on so." Turning Beth quickly made a rush through the crowd to where Tommy was standing with a duchess but just as she reached them John caught her arm and pulled her tightly into his chest. "This- this is the one i've been telling you about Mrs. Bethany Clover, eh? Soon to be Bethany Solomons." Pushing away from John, Beth plastered on a fake smile and turned to the little old lady she had found she had already knew. "Mrs. Addison? What are you doing here? I thought you might have died in the year I was gone."

Mrs. Addison grinned, leaning her weight onto her walking cane. "Tommy had come to see me a few times after you'd left. Told my you left without a goodbye, eh? Told me about the affair. He's a good man so he is Bethany. Might not seem like it but he is, eh? Like my husband." Grinning softly, Beth shook her head at the little old lady who had been talking to John. John stood in confusion a drink of champagne in his hand, his arm wrapped around Beth's waist. Beth looked over her shoulder for Tommy but he had disappeared yet again through the crowd.

"You look amazing." Mrs. Addison grinned touching the fabric of Beth's dress. Beth opened her mouth to answer but the speaker cut her off. "Ladies and Gentlemen the loyalty toast. To his majesty, the king." Glasses were raised but Beth's eyes landed on Tommy's who was staring between Grace and her a worried look on his face. "Dinner is served." Beth smiled one last time before John had pulled her towards Michael, Arthur and Finn. "Your dress is nice. Purples your colour." Michael complimented, winking towards Beth.

John pushed his face away, his eyebrows scrunching. "You never got over our Bethany, eh Michael?" Arthur teased clipping his ear as they began to walk towards the dining room. A man came running, reaching into his pocket, Beth let out a gasp and reached for him but it was too late. A shot had already rang shooting Grace Shelby into the chest. "For Angel!" Arthur tackled the man to the ground. Ada made a run towards Grace and Tommy who were now sat on the ground, Grace in Tommy's arms as he held her head.

"Get me a fucking ambulance now!" Tommy roared. Beth never turned around to to see John and Arthur beating the life out of the man who had shot Grace. Instead she leaned down to Tommy and began to put pressure onto Graces chest as the blood pumped from her wound. "Cmon Grace, just a little while longer, eh? Hold out just a few more minutes." Beth sighed, her hand never leaving the wound. Tommy's breath faltered and he reached out to Polly, but had run over. "Ambulance. Call an ambulance." Tommy demanded.

Polly took off in a run and Beth looked up at Tommy tears in her eyes. "Hey! Tommy look at me, hey!" Beth cooed, her spare hand reaching up to grab his jaw. "She's not going to make it, Tom. She was shot above the heart. There's nothing no one can do now." Tommy let gasps for air, his body shaking and Beth closed her eyes hearing the man scream one last time before silence. The only sound being Arthur, John and Finn's grunts and the sounds of Polly's heels hitting against the ground as she ran.

"She's gone Tommy. Grace Shelby is dead."

you don't understand how tempted i was to make Beth smile when Grace died but i knew it would just look dumb. anyway thanks for the supports. exciting times ahead
ally xx

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