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EYEBROWS RAISED BETH blew out a puff of air, holding in a laugh as she stared at Tommy's mansion. She expected it to be big  but the house in front of her appeared to have over a hundred rooms. John let out a laugh, rubbing Beth's arm with the hand that was placed securely around her shoulder. "It's even nicer on the inside, c'mon i'll show you. I drove slow just incase you changed your mind and wanted to go back to Alfie's-."

Beth clasped her eyes shut shoving John away from her. "Just shut the fuck up, John. I need to be here, with my family and you talking about how fucking nice they're house is and how i might want to change my mind doesn't help, so please just go into the fucking house and get me a fucking drink and i'll be there in a moment." Beth shouted, her voice strained.

John frowned slightly and nodded walking into Tommy's crowded mansion. Beth stared up into the clouded sky, pulling her lip between her teeth she refrained from letting out a strangled scream.

A hand on her shoulder broke her gaze and Beth turned, eyebrows raised to see John and Arthur staring at her in confusion. "C'mon Betty, Tommy's called a meeting in the kitchen with the peaky men, y'should come." Arthur suggested, smiling slightly. Beth grinned shaking away her bad thoughts and nodded, allowing John to take her hand begin to pull her behind Arthur. "M' the fuck is this bloody kitchen!" Arthur yelled, people turning to stare as Beth and John laughed.

Turning Arthur began to walk down stairs and Beth took a deep breath, John squeezing her hand tightly before nudging her. Beth nodded, reassuring herself and walked down, staring at the peaky boys who looked up at her. "I'm telling you now, we got lost. You really need to do a map." Arthur yelled, holding the bottle of fancy champagne in his hand up. Tommy's attention was however on the cigarette in his hands and Beth could tell straight through him what a nervous mess he was.

Taking a drag on his cigarette, Tommy looked up his eyes catching Beth's for a moment before he sighed looking around. "Alright boys your all here. Today this is my fucking wedding day." Tommy began. "And you said there'd be no bloody uniforms." John spat, looking down in disgust. "Never the less. Never the less John. Despite the bad blood I'll have none of it on my carpet. Now for Graces sake, nothing will go wrong. Those bastards out there are her family."

"And if any of you basterds do anything to embarrass her your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, you do anything..." Tommy screamed and Beth simply rolled her eyes going unnoticed by John. "Tom-." Isaiah began. "What!" Tommy yelled turning to glare at Isaiah. "What about snow?" Isaiah asked. "Yeah their women are sports i'll say that." John joked, grabbing Isaiah in a headlock playfully. "No. No. No." Tommy murmured madly, getting into Isiah's face.

"No cocaine. No cocaine. No sport. No telling fortunes. No races." Tommy listed, walking around the kitchen. Stopping he grabbed Finn's face in his own and Beth stood forward on instincts. "No fucking sucking petrol out of their fucking cars." Tommy demanded, hitting Finn a slap. Turning Tommy walked towards Charlie pointing directly at him. "And you, Charlie. Stop spinning yarns about me , eh?"

Charlie frowned slightly. "Ah i'm just trying to sell you to them Tom." Tommy took deep breathes, his eyes closing. Beth let out a dry laugh rolling her eyes. "You nervous eh Thomas? Want them to like you?" She taunted. Tommy's eyes flashed open with speed and the look of disgust on his face nearly made Beth shiver. "I'm not fucking dealing with you right now Bethany but i'll bloody deal with you later." Pausing for a moment Tommy raised his eyebrows his eyes on the floor. "i can't even fucking look at you right now."

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