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BETH WAS SAT, with Lizzie, Linda and Ada when the fight ended. Bonnie Gold was announced the winner and all four women had wide smiles of joy of their faces as they clapped at the Shelby win. Beth's eyes however scanned the room for a sign of Polly, Arthur or Tommy any of which the three people she really wanted to see most this moment. Beth's heart stopped beating for a moment when she seen Tommy push through the crowd in a panic, grabbing Finn and whispering something into his ear before Finn and Isaiah rushed back the way Tommy came.

Beth stood up quickly, making her way toward Tommy who caught her in his arms, bringing her into a hug. "I'm sorry." Tommy whispered, rubbing her back. "Go back to Polly and Lizzie and help Linda." Beth nodded, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she made her way back to the women who sat in a circle. Linda was sat down sobbing into her gloves, Polly holding her while Lizzie kneeled in front. Beth sat beside Linda, rubbing her arms in comfort as she sat in utter confusion.  "He's dead. Arthur's dead." Linda sobbed into her gloves.

Beth's eyes widened, her gloved hand coming to rest over her mouth as she gasped. "I can't believe it." Lizzie spoke in shock. Beth sat quietly, shutting her eyes, her hands trembling as she looked around for Tommy. A gun shot ran through the room and Beth yelled holding her heart as she began to panic her heart beginning to plummet as she ducked, looking around for the source. Tommy stood on stage, his gun high in the air as he stared around with teary eyes. "Close the doors! No one fucking leaves!" He screamed, letting off two more gunshots, people all around flinching. "My brother is dead." He announced.

"You hear me? My brother is dead!" Charlie stood onto stage, wrestling the gun out of Tommys hands as he pulled him in. Tommys eyes met Beth's and all it took was a nod for Beth to up and leave the women. She ducked through the ropes, struggling to regain her steady breathing as she walked toward Tommy. He quickly shoved out of Charlies hold, taking his girl into his arm in a tight hug as Beth clung onto him for comfort as she looked over his shoulder at the mass crowds that stared at them.

Tommys piercing blue eyes glared over her shoulder threateningly as he held her, a tight scorn left on his face as he rubbed her back.

Beth stood in all black, her hand tight in Tommys as she stared at the wagon that held Arthur Shelby. She huffed wiping the tears from her eyes before resting her head against his shoulder as yet another Shelby was gone. "Tommy!" Beth's head turned quickly her eyebrows furrowing at the woman with the white flag who stalked toward them. "It's alright. Let her come." Tommy instructed, squeezing Beth's hand before he walked off toward the woman. "Please. Let us go in peace." He bargained before turning around. Walking back toward the wagon, Tommy took his lighter from his pocket and threw it toward the oiled carriage.

The hot flames began to spread and Beth grunted, glaring into the flames that reflected in her blue eyes. "Cmon Beth." Polly sighed, taking her arm as the two women began to walk off, Tommy leading. Two Shelby's down, four to go.

"Your note talked about making terms for peace. But my son says there is no terms. You took my husband and my son. We took two of of your brothers." Mrs. Changretta spoke, glancing around the room. Beth and Polly sat either side of Tommy, Finn stood behind Beth's chair in Polly's sit-room. "The vendetta is done." Tommy announced. "We say the vendetta is won. We will take everything you have. All your businesses, signed over to us. You agree to this or my son will kill you all, one by one." Beth scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief at the woman who's life she once spared.

"The vendetta is won. That's it. No more killing." Tommy agreed. "Who do you think you were, Mr. Shelby? Mrs. Clover?" Beth stood up abruptly, brushing her dress off as she glanced down at Tommy. "Excuse me, I've business attend to." She grumbled, taking her jacket from the coat hanger. "Bethany?." Turning she raised her eyebrows at the Changretta woman who once was her kind an innocent teacher, a look of disgust laced across her features at the thoughts of the life she spared was used to kill another.

"I hope it keeps you up at night knowing that your the only one of the three alive that killed my husband and started this feud." Beth swallowed thickly, biting back a smart response as she left the room, her heels clicking against the floors. She walked through the betting office, head held high until she reached Tommys office and that was when she broke, slamming the door as the tears began to fall as she made her way to sit in his chair.

The door opened with a bang and slammed just as quickly as Tommy stormed in. "Don't let her get to you, eh? It's all words." Tommy murmured, taking a cigarette from his box as he poured himself a drink, yet to notice Beths tears. "She's right you know. We're horrible people who don't deserve to bring a child into this world." Beth grumbled, rubbing her forehead. Tommy glanced toward her, a look of anger covering his face. "Don't you fucking dare speak like that, you hear me?" He demanded, walking over to pull Beth to her feet.

"It's true Tommy, stop pretending like it's bloody  not. We are gangsters. We don't deserve the picket fence house with children and good ordinary lives and we will never have it. She was right. I am the only one left standing that killed that man at the piers and god Tom don't you get it? They'll kill me just the same as they fucking killed John, Arthur and Grace. With child or not I'm as good as dead because that's what I fucking deserve for choosing this life." Beth uttered, her voice breaking as she shook her head. "We've taken lives and god we pay for it in different ways and if we lose another child-."

Beth paused letting out a sob as she covered her face in her hands. "I won't let anything happen to you ever fucking again! You hear me? This child will be born and we will give it the best life bloody possible." Tommy whispered, taking her hands from her face. "I love you Beth and after all of bloody this, we're going to live a see happy life with our child and I won't ever involve you in anything like this, eh? I'll quit bloody everything for you if it means you'll stay with me." His thumb swiped at her tears, Beth grinned lightly as she nodded. "And we'll have our big wedding."

Tommy chuckled, sitting onto his chair and pulling her into his lap. "How could I forget the big wedding, eh?"

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