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WALKING BACK INTO the big mansion that belonged to the newly wedded Shelby's, Beth's eyes landed on Grace and Polly at a table where they had large bowls filled with drink. Walking over, the conversation between Grace and Polly dropped and Beth chuckled dryly reaching around Grace and beginning to fill a cup with alcohol.

"Tommy told me he's not happy with you being here. I thought you already left." Grace said trying to press Beth's buttons, staring at her intently for a moment Beth shrugged a small smile gracing her face. "Don't be ridiculous Grace, you and I both know who he was looking at as you walked down the isle." Beth replied, winking over at Polly. "And it wasn't fucking you."

Grace frowned shaking her head. "We all know your just incapable of love Bethany, I'm surprised you haven't tried to attack me yet, considering your Tommy's angel you'll probably wait for him to turn his back before you stab me." Polly laughed at Graces comment and pulled Beth into a side hug, squeezing her waist. "Don't get too feisty Grace, don't forget who the Shelby's will pick if you and Beth fight."

Taking polly's cigar from her hands and placing it into her mouth Beth winked at Grace. "Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and the groom will now dance. Alone." The room broke into cheers and Grace, Beth and Polly all laced on fake smiles as the attention was turned towards the bride, glancing at Beth one last time Grace kept her smile plastered and walked into the middle of the room where Tommy stood, circled with people and waiting his bride.

Watching as Grace leaned against Tommy's chest as they swayed to the music, Beth coughed glancing down at the drink in her hand. Picking up a loose strand of Beth's hair that had fallen out of the up-do she had it in, Polly shook her head. "Tommy's really fucked you up, eh? Really broke that big heart of yours." Polly murmured, eyeing Beth carefully. "It needed to be broken Pol. I would have kept going back to him until we all ended up dead."

Glancing around the room wearing, Beth pointed to the framed picture of Tommy, Grace and a chubby child Beth had yet to meet. "His name is Charles Calvin Shelby." Polly informed proudly, her eyes wandering back to Tommy and Grace. Coughing on the rum in her mouth, Beth's eyes widened. "Please tell me Thomas didn't call the baby of the woman he cheated on me with, after my dead brother." Polly shrugged, grimacing slightly.

"I don't think Tommy expected to ever see you again, maybe calling the Charles after Calvin would keep a part of you alive within him, make it easier for him to look at the child." Polly said. Rolling her eyes Beth groaned. "Not to be rude or anything Pol, but I am not Calvin nor was I ever and Thomas calling the baby that was supposed to be mine after my dead brother is making me feel more nauseous then looking at his dancing with his copper bride on his wedding day."

Laughing Polly shrugged, rubbing Beth's arm comfortingly. "Oh Bethany how I've missed you." Leaning into Polly's warm embrace, Beth grinned. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you may now join." As people began to flood onto the dance floor, Beth caught eyes with Tommy who began to walk out the back door, Finn and Arthur following behind of him, John too drunk to come.

Without shooting Polly a glance, Beth pushed herself through the crowd and caught Finn's hand, who grinned back at her and began to pull her behind him. Tommy never batted an eye towards Beth as he climbed into the front seat, Arthur into the passenger leaving Beth and Finn in the back. Glancing back into the wing mirror Arthur winked at Beth cheekily. "You sure you want to come? You haven't been hanging with the Peaky's for a while."

Reaching over Beth shoved him lightly and let out a small scoff. "You should be the one to not come, your not getting any younger Arthur but it's fine, you don't look a day older than eighty." Finn let out a laugh first at Beth's comment breaking the air, and even Beth noticed Tommy cracking a small smile as they drove through the night. Arthur chuckled, fixing his peaky hat. "Shut it Betty."

Pulling the car up, Tommy jumped out quickly Arthur following him behind and as Beth went to climb out she stumbled slightly, Finn holding in a chuckle as he helped her get her balance before they walked out to the front of the car which was still running. "May i introduce you to the Grand Dutchess Tatiana Petrovna from Tbilisi Georgia." Standing out of the car a beautiful woman with dark hair walked towards them, Beth glaring slightly.

"Grand Dutchess may i introduce you to the Shelby brothers and Bethany Clover. Small Heath, Birmingham." Moving closer,  the police officer leaned into Tommy's shoulder. "And eh, good luck with this one Tom." Standing her ground, Beth's glare hardened as the Dutchess looked her up and down, inspecting her. "Give me the money." Tommy demanded.

"I was told to give it to Mr. Kaledin." Tatiana spoke, her accent heavy. Glancing over at Finn who was trying to focus on his feet and not interfere in the conversation Beth cracked a smile at his innocence. "Whoever it is up there, he gave the wrong name. We asked him the name as he gave the wrong one." Tommy informed.

"What name did he give?" Tatiana pressed. "No. I don't trust any of you. Give me the money." Tommy spat, sliding his jacket off his shoulders. Not expecting a jacket to be thrown at her Beth scrambled to catch it, pulling it gratefully over her shoulders as she shivered in the cold.

Tatiana never spared a glance to Beth as she continued her conversation with Tommy. Beth looked up catching Finn and Arthur share a smug look back at her and she simply rolled her eyes pulling the jacket closer to her body. She tried to refrain from letting her body drift into a daze as the smell of Rum and cigarettes filled her nose. "I do not watch this shit anywhere near my fucking house!" Tommy yelled. Beth's eyes floated back up being pulled into the reality.

"All i know is no variations. It's from Churchill himself. And whoever it is up at the house he gave the wrong fucking name. And you do this to me on my fucking wedding day." Tommy growled. Blinking Tatiana stared at him intently. "The money is in the car Mr. Shelby. Fetch it out and count it." She spat. Grinning Tommy nodded reaching into his pocket and pulling out his tin of cigarettes. "Good. Finn."

Finn hurried towards the back of the car, coming back with a brown brief case clicking it open, Arthur and Beth walked over, pushing Arthur slightly Beth leaned over flicking through the money. "Yeah, we're good." Beth murmured. "You can go Moss." Tommy directed. "Can you do it?" Tatiana pondered. Tommy dragged on his cigarette not answering. "Can you kill?" Tatiana repeated.

"Moss, you take the 'Dutchess' back to Birmingham." Tommy nodded, grabbing Beth's  waist he and pushing her back to the car. Pushing Tommy's hand away from her, Beth glared climbing back into the car, Finn staying guard outside. Feeling the heat under Tommy's jacket Beth's eyes began to feel heavy under the feeling of Tommy's car driving against the rocky pavement,  the smell of rum and cigarettes and the feeling of Tommy's presence. The world becoming dark.

i'm so busy with school and everything happening again so updates are slow but i'm trying to keep updates up
ally xx

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