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BETH LET OUT a shaken breath as Tommy wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. He had offered for her to come for business but considering the Russians were in fact crazy, Beth opted out instead insisting that she'd help  Pol, Micheal and Ada out with business, but with a twisted feeling in her gut, Beth was reluctant to let Tommy go. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid." Beth demanded, breathing the scent of cigarettes and cologne from his shoulder. Tommy squeezed her his hand rubbing up and down her back as he hummed.

"I won't, I promise sweetheart. I'll come home early to you, eh?" Tommy murmured, more so reassuring himself than Beth. Pulling back slightly, Beth scanned his face her eyes watering. "I know it's just- we are better than ever and I don't want that to be fucked up. I love you so much Thomas Shelby." Leaning down, Tommy placed a kiss to Beth's lips, pulling away and pushing her hair behind her ears. "I love you more than bloody anything. It's you and me Beth. I'm going to get you the wedding you want as soon as this shit is over. I. Love. You."

Smiling, Beth placed her lips to Tommy's one last time before shoving him in the direction of his car. "Go! Before I change my mind!" Tommy let out a small laugh, waving his arm into the air before he climbed into his Bentley and drove off. Beth bit her nails as she watched him drive off into the morning, plopping herself onto the marble steps she sighed. "Please god don't let Tommy Shelby fuck this up."

Stepping into a warm bath, Beth let out a small grin as she found herself becoming cozy. The lukewarm bath filled to the brim with bubbles, and few candles lightly; something she hadn't got to do often, being a relaxing bath. Instead a rushed one before bed or in the morning for work as a daily routine. Glancing over the edge of the bed, Beth glared as she saw the sky darkening, Thomas Shelby yet to return. Submerging herself in the bubbles, Beth combed her hands through her hair before sitting up with a gasp for air.

Rubbing her eyes tiredly she reached over for the bottle of wine she had left at the side of the bath and took a large gulp, her eyes closing as she attempted to make her worries go away. Tommy and Beth had been good, possibly better than good and Beth wished nothing of the sort to mess that up, including the Russian woman who somehow always dwelled to pull Tommy toward trouble and it hadn't been the first time Tommy had cheated- so Beth really found herself worrying.

The long process of accepting the fact that Tommy had gotten Grace pregnant was near impossible- for the first month of staying in Alfie's, Beth had realised how dependent and lenient she had become toward Tommy- something that she never wanted to be again. She worked so hard to build a woman of independence and class, a woman who hadn't thrown her education out the door to play around with her brothers best friend, the boy next door, a woman who could handle her own problems without relying on other people.

Beth missed the days of course, before war when life was easier. The days where Tommy would bring her a flower a day and write her sweet nothings on sheets of paper and they'd sneak out to meet each other every night pretending it was their secret when in fact everyone knew they were in love. The past had not to be dwelled on, so Bethany Clover had to let go. Another painful and slow process but one in which would do her justice in the end.

Rubbing her slender fingers over her eyes, Beth attempted to get away, to imagine something other than Tommy but whenever she closed her eyes a memory would flash, a kiss, a hand hold, a laugh, anything - as much as Bethany tried to stop it she was so so in love with Tommy that it quiet in fact scared her. The prolonging thoughts of giving up everything for Tommy once again played in her mind but Bethany knew better than to give into the demons inside her head, itching and scratching and crawling to seep through her skin.

A knock had been brought to the door, and Beth let out a sudden yelp, the hand holding the wine splashing slightly. "What is it?" She called, sitting up properly. "Miss Shelby, Mister Shelby has returned home." Grinning, Beth stood from her bath, not bothering to dry herself off as she pulled her robe around her body, tightly the belt before making her way out into the hall. Rushing toward the stairs she looked down from the top step, frowning when she seen Tommy had not been there.

Trekking down the stairs, careful not to slip on the marble with her wet feet, Beth softly padded toward Tommy's office. Knocking she quietly creaked the door open to see Tommy sat at his desk. His face lit up when he seen her and for once Thomas Shelby had been so happy to be in his own home once he had seen the smile on Beth's face. "Your home!" She murmured, closing the door behind her as she made her way to the opposite side of his desk.

Tommy shook his head, opening his arms to Beth who only laughed. "Tommy, I'm like a drowned rat, I'll soak you." Beth spoke softly, rolling her eyes. "I don't give two flying fucks. C'mere." Tommy demanded. Smoking, Beth made her way around the desk and sat into Tommy's lap, her hands wrapping around his neck. "I've missed you." Tommy murmured, his eyes scanning her face. "If you don't stop looking at me like that I'll be forced to believe you're in love with me!" Beth whispered, her voice teasing.

"If only you knew." Tommy grumbled, pushing her wet hair behind her ear. "I wanted to be with you all fucking night. John was drunk and dancing and even Arthur was going fucking mad but I couldn't stop thinking about you, so I came home." Tommy grinned, nuzzling his head into Beth's neck. Beth ran her hands through his hair, smiling to herself. "I love you Tommy." Beth spoke, placing a light kiss to his head. "And I love you." Tommy grumbled. "But it's time for bloody bed!"

Beth grinned, standing up and leading him up to their bedroom, both changing into pyjamas before falling into a deep slumber, both wrapped around in each others arms.

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