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"I NEED TO go to Camden town for a while." Beth had brought it up at breakfast. Tommy's fork hit the table with a clatter and his eyebrows furrowed. "Has something happened?" He muttered quickly as he looked up from the newspaper his nose was stuck into. "No- well yes- I just- I need to go home for a little while." Beth stuttered, quickly shoving a spoonful of eggs into her mouth. "Are you not enjoying your time here?"

Swallowing her food thickly, Beth raised her eyebrows toward Tommy from across the table.  "I am, I just want to go to visit Alfie for a while. Then I'll come back." She spiked softly her eyes fluttering down to her hands, as she awaited for his snarky response. "Ada said you were upset with me last night. I didn't mean to upset you." His eyes hardened as he attempted to study her for an expression but Beth's eyes stayed staring down at her hands.

Standing up with speed, Tommy's chair hit the dining room floor with a bang and he stormed over towards Beth. Crouching down he grasped her thin chin between his rough fingers and tilted her head roughly towards him. Beth's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she frowned, her eyes finally meeting Tommy's. "Speak. To. Me." Tommy demanded, his tone hushed. Swallowing thickly, Beth let out a sigh shaking her head. "I don't know what you want me to say. How bout you speak to me." She grumbled.

"Your not going to like what i've to bloody say. That's for fucking sure." Tommy spoke, a small grin on his face as his fingers began to trace over the skin of her jawline. "Tommy when have I ever liked anything you've said?" Beth grinned, a small laugh escaping through her teeth. "Stay, don't go to him. Stay. Stay. Stay." Dropping to his knees, Tommy's hands reached up to grasp her face in his hands. "Stay with me Bethany. Stay." Beth's hands began to tremble as she reached up grasping the hands that held her face.

"Tommy." Beth gasped, feeling her heart hammer in her chest. "Please don't do this to me." She begged, a tear beginning to run down her porcelain skin. "I- I don't know if I can do this again." Sliding his hand down the back of her neck, Tommy pulled Beth closer resting his forehead against hers. Squeezing her eyes shut, Beth let out a shakey breath. "I'm so in love with you. I can't let you go again." Tommy murmured, his lips brushing against hers as he nuzzled in closer. "I just- I need you to love me the way I loved you."

Tommy grinned softly at her words and nodded. "I will never be so foolish again. You and I, we run this fucking town together. I'm bloody nothing without you." Grinning Beth, let a small smile escape through her mouth. Pursing her lips she pushed Tommy back from her slightly. "I'm still engaged, might you know and I still want to go to Camden Town. When I return, if i return, we can discuss us but as for now I have another man waiting for me. A man who has always treated me right."

Tommy's smile fell and his eyebrows scrunched together, letting out a huff. "What the fuck do I need to do to tell you I'm sorry?" Pinching her fingers at the bridge of her nose, Beth rolled her eyes. "Make it bloody seem like you are. Not just to me but to every fucking woman or prostitute or bartender or horse trainer who you have fucked. If you want to be mine, start acting like it." Standing up, she brushed her off her dress and sent a cheeky wink down to Tommy who sat on his knees.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've to go pack." Turning she began to walk away but she looked over her shoulder a wide smile on her face. "And get off your knees Tommy, you look a bit too vulnerable."

Swinging open the doors to Alfie's factory, Beth walked in happily. Much to Tommy's dismay she had gotten Curly to drive her to Camden Town. A two day drive and it was fair to say both Curley and Beth were exhausted. Curley follows behind her slightly looking around with a startled expression at all the noises that echoed throughout the factory. Beth had seen how tired he was and insisted he stayed for the night and that Alfie could bring her back in a few days time. Curley didn't take much convincing and babbled on happily in agreement.

"Miss Beth, is this the man Tommy doesnt like?" Grinning at his words, Beth pushed a blonde piece of hair behind her ear as she side eyed Curley. "Yes Curley, but you have nothing to fear. Alfie is a good man. He won't hurt you." Curley nodded slowly before he began to ramble on again and Beth let out a sigh, of annoyance. As much as she loved Curley being stuck with him in a car for two days was hard work considering she never shut up.

Looking at the door to Alfie's office, Beth's step picked up but just before she opened it, she turned on her heel to look at Curley. "Stay here for a moment Curley. I'll tell Alfie your here with me, just incase he panics when he sees you here with me." Smiling softly, she nodded to Curley one last time before opening the door to Alfie's office. Alfie was hunched over his desk, his eyes never looking up as he continued to work, letting out a grumble for finn to 'bugger off'.

Beth held in a laugh as she closed the door behind her. "Wow, I'm going to chose not to take offence to you referring to me as you brother considering you look stressed." Alfie's eyes looked up quickly and he dropped his pen, smiling towards Beth. "Eh, look what the fucking cat dragged in." Beth grinned walked around Alfie's side of the desk and sitting into his lap. Picking up a sheet of paper she glanced over it. "What's wrong with you? Your being bloody quiet for once, eh."

Shrugging Beth bit her lip, wanting nothing more to do then blurt everything out and tell Alfie how she really felt, but instead her blue eyes found his and she grinned. "I brought a friend, he needs to stay for a night. He brought me here." Alfie's smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed as he leaned back into his chair. "If your telling me you've a bloody fucking Shelby outside, you can bloody send him back, eh?"

Rolling her eyes, Beth pulled at her fingers. "No it's Curley. He's been a good friend my whole life. Tommy and I used to sneak into Charlie's yard before the war and Curley would show us all the horses. The war pretty much fucked him up though but he's a good man. So please just be nice and behave. He's only staying for a night." Beth grumbled looking around Alfie's office. Alfie reached over, grasping Beth's hand he held it up and shot her a look.

"Why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?"

sorry i've been so busy with school lately but finally i'm updating. i also had bad writers block so i really hope yous enjoyed this chapter but i just know people will be pissy about beth and tommy but yet again idc because it's a tommy shelby fanfiction. not a john or alfie. hope everyone's doing well and i hope to update soon, also i've been working on my john shelby fanfiction and i'm thinking about posting it soon😌
ally xx

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