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TOMMY LEFT MICHEAL, and Bethany outside Charlie's yard in a rush before he drove away without another word. Huffing, Beth rubbed her eyes tiredly as she walked into the yard she had grown up in as a child. Slipping around the junk that lay around, Beth sighed seeing Arthur and John waiting, Micheal following behind her. John smiled at Beth, pulling her into his side, as he noticed her shiver. "You cold?" He hummed quietly, Beth only nodding.

Without a second thought, John took his jacket off, wrapping it around Beth who thanked him. Grinning she rested her head against his shoulder. "I was, uh- This morning I was out on the road with Beth and Tommy. I killed a man. He needed cover, I was all he had." Standing to his feet, Arthur towered over Micheal as he nodded. "What did he give you?" Micheal pulled a gun from the waistband of his trousers, showing it to Arthur. "He said it was good for close range." Micheal replied.

"Your better with my Smith and Wesson." Arthur spoke. "No, no. This is mine now. Feels part of me hand." Micheal defended, the tears in his eyes gathering. "Where'd you hit him?" John asked, looking toward Micheal for a second before looking back down at Beth who had been falling asleep against his shoulder. "I hit him in the side of the head." Micheal responded. "How was you when he went down?" Arthur questioned. "Tommy said I did alright." Micheal replied, pain laced across his face.

"This is where we think Charles is being held." John spoke, stepping closer to Micheal and handing him a slip of paper with an address. Beth's eyes fluttered open as she looked up at John in shock as to why he didn't say sooner. "They're not expecting nobody, so you should be alone." Aether informed. "There's two good men there. You do what they say." Arthur explained, pointing to the men in the dugout behind them. "But I fire the bullet, alright?" Micheal confirmed. "Yes you can be there but it's better if they do it. See these and experienced men Micheal. When you're sure the kids safe, you call Finn." Arthur demanded softly.

Absorbing the information being said to Micheal, Beth nodded, knowing Micheal was bound to defy his orders. "Alright." Micheal nodded, holding his arm out to Beth who squeezed Arthur's hand as she walked past, Micheal calling the two men to follow after them.

Micheal walked into the church, Beth following close behind him as they both held guns out. It was night now and Beth's mind spun at the thoughts of Tommy who must have been panicking as PTSD was bound to kick in having him back in the trenches. Taking a deep breathe, Beth sighed as Michael's shaken breathes only increased and to no avail causing the priest to walk out of the room he was in. Beth's heart stopping when she heard a sound of Charles coming from inside.

Cocking his gun, Micheal shook heavily as he edged closer to the priest. "What do you think you're doing boy?" Father Hughes spat, raising his hands when Micheal jabbed the gun into the priests eye. Father Hughes shakily raised his hands. "Please don't." He begged. "Please don't shoot. Please don't. Please." Shaking her head, Beth let out a growl. "Do it for fucks sake Micheal. Shoot him!" She hissed. Father Hughes raised his arm knocking Micheal down to the floor with him as the two began to fist fight.

Watching for a second, Beth contemplated helping Micheal but hearing a cry she instantly ran into the room. Picking Charles up in her arms she inspected him as tears of happiness welled in her eyes seeing him unarmed, a small laugh shaking through her body. Squeezing his chubby body, she gasped hearing a bang outside the door. "It's okay Charles, Bethany's here, eh? Daddy'll be here soon."She murmured, placing her lips to the toddlers cheeks as she bounced him on her hip.

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