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BETH LET OUT a loud yawn, stretching her arms out as she sat up. Checking beside her, she furrowed her eyebrows realising that Tommy must have already been up. Walking out of the bathroom in just his white jocks, Tommy grinned slightly at Beth who smiled. "Mornin' love." He muttered, walked to her side of the bed and placing a light kiss to her lips. Beth smiled happily, stepping out of bed, and standing up leaning into Tommy who wrapped his arms around her waist.

"How are you feeling dear?" She questioned, her hands combing through his jet black hair before cupping his cheek. "Better." Tommy hummed, placing a peck to her nose before stepping back. Beth watched as he began to pull on his suit and in return made her way to their wardrobe, pulling out a baby blue dress. Stripping from her night gown, Beth pulled the dress over her head. Sweeping her hair over her shoulder, without having to be asked Tommy zipped the dress up.

"Thank you dear." Beth hummed, sitting down at her makeup table. Tommy only grunted before wandering out of the bedroom. Beth didn't bother to apply makeup and instead unpinned her hair that had now swept down her back and brushed softly through it. Having bathed the night before her hair had a healthy glimmering shine. Stepping out of the desk, Beth pulled on a pair of heels before wandering into the hallway and into Charles room, taking the child into her arms from the maid.

Charles' face lit up in excitement and a wide smile grew across his face as he let out a squeal. Beth only laughed, bouncing the child on her hip and ticking lightly under his chin. "G'morning my love." Beth cooed. Charles smiled cutely, tugging on her hair lightly as he looked around. "Dada! Daddy!" Beth's smile only increased, moving toward the window and seeing Tommy making his way in from having a drink with Johnny Dogs. Seeing another car outside, Beth taught best of leaving Charles with the maid as she herself made her way downstairs.

Tommy stopped, seeing her walk down the stairs and held out his hand. Beth's cheeks flushed slightly as she grinned, placing her hand into his as he continued on walking to his office. Opening the door, Beth wasn't surprised to see Alfie Solomons, his back turned. Tommy closed the door shut tightly behind Beth and made his way to his drinks table. "Good morning Mr. Solomons." Tommy spoke, breaking the tension as Beth sat at Tommy's desk, watching Alfie who looked out the window.

"Yeah it is. Nice little place you got here Thomas. What is it? A foreclosure of gambling debt from some poor young lord, who you pumped full of opium in one of your casinos? Or is that just tittle tattle?" Alfie turned, smiling down at Beth who forced a grin in return. "Drink?" Tommy offered. "Your not allowed to be drinking." Beth grumbled, turning to glare at Tommy. "Don't touch it mate, listen to Bethany, eh? Your housekeeper told me you're not allowed to drink."

"Eh?" Tommy questioned, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a gulp, ignoring Beth who glared. "She said you are suffering from so many ancient injuries from your sporting life that your head is like some smashed vase what has been stuck back together by a horse." Alfie spoke. Tommy only grunted, sitting down beside Beth and beginning to pull a cigarette from his tin.

"Now. Word is in London that you can be found wandering around the streets of Birmingham stark naked, throwing away money. You talk to dead people. Also you believe that you are powerful enough to summon up jews of a very particular standing up to the gentile wilderness wherein you live in order for them to do your fucking bidding mate." Alfie continued, sitting onto tommy's desk, leaning toward him as he spoke. "And still you came." Tommy replied, dragging from his cigar.

"Yeah, well, you know I was passing, wasn't I? And who said I came for blood you- your beautiful woman might have been what i desired." Beth snorted at Alfie's comment, glancing cautiously toward Tommy who's jaw clenched. "Do you know something Alfie, this morning I tried to read the paper and I realised that the only consequence of my terrible accent is that I now need glasses." Tommy spoke, glancing toward Beth who raised her eyebrows.

"Right. Well, I know a man, who can make you a pair of these. He is a magician mate. He is a magician. So not only will you be able to read the newspaper you will be able to see into the future. Now, I know this right, because he made me this pair here for me. So you don't have to worry about telling me what all this is about, because I have already seen it." Alfie spoke, waving his glasses around. "Comedian." Beth murmured sarcastically, standing up to pour herself a drink.

"Your fucking around with Russians, isn't you, you silly boy?" Beth sighed, downing her rum before pouring herself a new glass. "Here we fuckin' go."

The door opened, Micheal cautiously peaking in before walking, Johnny Dogs behind him who nodded toward Alfie, then John who stared cautiously at Alfie and next Arthur who stopped suddenly when seeing Alfie. "Arthur!" Alfie yelled, throwing his hands up into the air. Arthur inhaled sharply, before walking out of the room, Beth chucking softly at the reaction. "Arthur?" Alfie repeated, softer this time. "Arthur come 'ere." Tommy demanded , Arthur walking into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Shalom! Arthur shalom!" Alfie greeted. "Alfie stop." Beth hissed, shaking her head at his childish behaviour in which he knew would trigger Arthur. "Alfie." Arthur acknowledged. "Come here. Come here. Let's sit down. I owe you a little something don't I? I do. Come on. Sit down. Come on sit down here." Alfie pried, making Arthur sit down infront of Tommy's desk, Tommy himself sat on top of the desk with Beth stood near John.

"I want you to know that whatever happened between us back then, that was business. I was just business. Alright? And I also want you to know that I have made my own apologies via my own god for abusing a very holy day to get you clinked up and battered, which I do. And now I would also like to extend my personal apologies to you." Alfie spoke. "Whatever happened back then? What was it, a fuck and forget?" John murmured into Beth's ear, who covered her mouth to compress her laugh.

Tommy glanced up jealously toward John, holding his hand out to Beth who sighed walking toward the desk. "All right?" Alfie spoke, glancing toward Tommy as Beth sat down on the table beside him, allowing him to wrap his arm around her waist. "I hear that you have allowed Jesus to come into your life, eh?" Alfie asked. "Yeah, you heard that?" Arthur asked. "Yeah, that's beautiful that's wonderful, That is lovely, isn't it. That's lovely. And I was wondering how does that work on a day to day considering your line of work, mate?"

"I accept your apology." Arthur spoke. Glancing up, John caught Beth's eye and mouthed 'sexual tension', Beth once again covering her mouth to suppress her laugh. "Cause I hear you're a right fucking nuisance with it. Hello.... cause all I'm saying is every man he craves certainty doesn't he? He craves a certainty even if that certainty of yours, right, is well, it's fucking fanciful isn't it?" Beth went to say something when she realised Arthur hand shaking as he squeezed an ashtray in in fist, Alfie clearly getting to him.

Tommy having seen her intentions grasped her waist tighter, shaking his head. Arthur in return placed the ashtray down. Leaning into Alfie's face, Arthur's expressions contorted with anger. "I'm old testament." He growled. "Fucking hell, look at that. Now, that.." Jabbing his finger to his face, Alfie turned toward Tommy. "Now that scares me more. Congratulations Tommy. You now have the finished article right here, don't you? See that man, he will murder the maim for you with god on his side. You don't let him go."

Shaking her head, Beth let out a sigh, her hand squeezing the one that Tommy held around her waist. "If we're doing business with this fucker, I demand to know why." Arthur spoke his voice calmer. Tommy stood, walking around to the other side of his desk. "Right, while I was in hospital I formulated a plan and this is how it's going to work. So the Russians can not be trusted to pay us. We are going to take what is ours. We need to see what is in their treasury. And that's why we need Mr. Solomons."

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