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BETH STOOD OUTSIDE, the church, clutching Arthur's hand in hers tightly. "This is it, Arthur. I've dreamed about this day since I was a child." Beth whispered, staring down at her dress for the millionth time. She had chosen an elegant white dress with lace sleeves, her blonde hair down and pulled back slightly. "You look beautiful, you hear me?" Arthur grinned, poking at her side as Beth laughed shyly. Tommy has purposely invited half of Birmingham, knowing Beth hadn't had family left to fill out her side of the church and Beth couldn't help but feel nervous to have everyone staring.

Jane was inside with Ada, and it was the first time ever that Beth hadn't been with her baby for more than five minutes. "I do hope Jane is okay." She murmured, glancing over at Arthur. "We'll walk in and Tommy will be bloody holding her. I bet you any money." Arthur grinned. "At least her and Charles get along. I was scared he'd be jealous." Charles first met his sister the evening she was born. He was nervous at first, Tommy walking in with the young boy on his hip as he explained his sister was fragile but Charles had taken a liking (thank the lords) and Beth and Tommy tried their hardest to make him feel loved the same.

The piano began to play and Beth clutched Arthur's hand tightly, her breathing faltering. "Arthur I think I'm about to have a nervous breakdown." She murmured, her heart racing through her chest as she began to panic. "You walk in that church as a Shelby already, eh? Your one of us Beth. All you have to do is walk down the aisle and go toward Tommy. Don't break a run." Beth gulped, Arthur's teasing going over her head as she nodded. "Ready." She murmured, taking a step forward. "Wait." Arthur grinned, pulling her veil over her face gently. "Now let's go Betty."

All heads turned to look and Beth couldn't help but smile proudly and wave to her family that she walked by. "She looks beautiful." Tommy murmured, handing Jane back to Ada who couldn't help but smile at Beth. "You were right." Beth whispered to Arthur, watching Tommy hand their child to her aunty. Arthur grinned at them as they came to a halt, grasping Beth's hand tightly one last time before joining Finn, Isiah, Micheal and Johnny Dogs who stood at Tommys side. Polly, Ada, Linda and Lizzie all stood at Beth's side. Ada being maid of honour and Arthur being best man.

The ceremony began and Tommy lifted Beth's vail back, the tears begging to fall from both their eyes as they laughed quietly, smiling like children on Christmas. "You look beautiful, love." Tommy murmured, taking her hands. "You don't look too shabby Tom." Beth grinned, winking at him as they grinned at each other with coy smiles. "They're like flustered teens all over again." Polly whispered to Ada as they grinned. Jane was held in Ada's arms, dressed in a pretty lace white dress that Beth had made sure matched her own to perfection for the wedding day.

Tommys eyes never left Beth's until their vows came up. "Bethany, I will now ask you to read your vows to Thomas." Beth nodded, taking a nervous breath before smiling shyly at Tommy. "I- I've loved Tommy since I can remember. I think if you ask anyone here today they'd tell you that is a cursing and a blessing in all its glory." Gulping Beth, nodded wiping her teary eyes gently to not ruin her makeup. "If you had of told thirteen years old Bethany Clover this, she would have laughed and said Thomas Shelby, the boy next door would never marry Calvin Clovers little scraggly sister who followed him around like a lost puppy."

Tommy couldn't help but grin as Beth looked up at him, a smile on her face. "I fucking-." Beth covered her mouth quickly with her glove cladded hand, the room laughing as she cringed at her slip up as her eyes widened. "Sorry, excuse me priest. I love you Thomas Micheal Shelby. I always will. I always have and I'm so happy to finally have this day with you that I've been dreaming about since my earliest memories. I wish John and Calvin could be here but I know they're standing somewhere together in this room laughing at my slip up." Beth glanced over at the two seats she had reserved to be free with their pictures.

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