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TOMMY SIGHED IN aggravation as he struggled to pull Beth up to one of the many bedrooms in his mansion. Pulling away from him once more, Beth pouted her lips , a huff leaving her lips. "I'm an engaged woman. I can walk myself." Tommy grumbled in frustration but stood back allowing Beth to take three steps up the stairs before falling over her feet and landing against the stairs, a giggle escaping her lips.

Sighing in annoyance, Tommy had decided enough and picked Beth up over his shoulder and continued striding up the stairs. "I've got bloody business to be attending to. Not minding a drunk girl who left me for a bloody fucking ginger." Tommy mumbled. As he reached the top of the stairs, Tommy looked down the long hall of rooms and walked along them finally picking one and entering it. Placing Beth as light on the bed as he could , Tommy let out a satisfactory grin and turned to walk away but a hand caught his.

"I can't sleep in my dress." Beth mumbled, her eyes shut. "Then take it off." Tommy replied, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm cold." Beth whined. "Then go under the covers." Opening her eyes Beth's lip begin to quaver. "But i don't have a night gown." Tommy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to not let his anger get the best of him. "You can sleep in one of Graces. I'll get it now." Beth let out a small giggle shaking her head quickly. "I'm drunk not retarded. If you leave me again I'll burn this house down to the fucking ground."

Tommy sighed, putting his hands up in defeat and walking towards the corner of the room, sitting onto an old chair. Beth sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly before she stood, pulling her dress over her head she tossed it to the ground. Pulling pins out of her hair she tossed them along with the dress and dropped back onto the bed. "Do you want me to tuck you in, too?" Tommy grumbled sarcastically. Sitting up yet again, Beth flipped Tommy off with her middle finger before climbing under the duvet covers.

"You were never able to handle your bloody drink." Beth sighed closing her eyes as she ran her hand over her face. "You were never able to handle me." She muttered. "I loved you." Tommy spoke, his voice raising slightly as he stared out at the moon in anger. "And I loved you. Don't start fighting with me Tom, all we ever do is fight anymore. I miss us too but I can't tell you that because I'm supposed to love Alfie and you're supposed to love Grace."

Grinning slightly, Tommy stood stalking towards the drunk girl in bed and sitting down onto the floor, his back against the wall as he stared at her in the bed like a child. "So tell me more about how you can't tell Tommy you love him." Beth grinned closing her eyes in content. "He brings out the worst in me, like this demon inside of me. A- a war demon! Makes me so angry and mad." Tommy's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned forward slightly in anticipation.

"But I can never stay mad. It always just goes away. It's like he knows I'm bad for him and he knows he's bad for me and we're simply never meant to be. I don't not love him- but I don't love him. I hate him- but I don't. I just wish things could go back to normal but they never will because he's Tommy Shelby and he's got Grace Shelby and Charlie Calvin Shelby and then there's me Bethany Clover who's soon to be Bethany Solomons. Life moved on and neither of us have."

Swallowing thickly, Tommy leaned over placing a soft kiss to Bethanys forehead before he stood up. Releasing a breath he didn't realise he had held, he walked out of the room and down the corridor into the room he shared with his wife. Tommy lay awake that night, thinking about the love that was meant to be and Grace lay awake beside him, tear stains on her skin as she watched her husband fall more out of love with her.

When Beth woke up, she panicked. Looking around the room she was in she gasped and sat out of bed quickly. Picking her dress up from the ground she pulled it over her head and sighed at the head ache that began to form. Looking into the large mirror in the room, she huffed. Her blonde hair was messy and wild and her under eyes were dark, her dress crinkled. Swallowing thickly she hoped she wasn't were she believed to be but pushed open the bedroom door.

Looking down a large corridor she let out a sigh of defeat seeing a picture of Grace, Charlie and Tommy hung up on the wall of the Shelby mansion. A maid passed by her but Beth quickly called after the woman. "Excuse me? Where's Tommy?" She asked politely. The maid stared at her for a moment before grabbing Beth's hand and leading her down the corridor, down a stairs and into a dining room where Tommy sat a newspaper in his hand. Without looking up, her turned the page of his newspaper and nodded. "Morning Beth."

Sighing Beth pushed her blonde puffy hair down and grinned. "Morning Thomas. I presume you brought me back here after your kid brother and Isaiah got me drunk?" Tommy nodded, his body tense as he looked towards the blonde who stood uneasy. "Well when you told the whole betting shop, your solider was home I couldn't just leave you there, now could I?" Tommy teased his lips curving slightly. Beth let out a small laugh as she rubbed her head. "I'm guessing that's not the worse thing I said last night was it?"

"You told me how you didn't love Alfie, but you didn't not love me." Tommy spoke, lighting up a cigarettes in his mouth. Beth's cheeks shot a flush of red as she shook her head. "I was drunk Thomas. Don't be a fool." She scolded, rolling her eyes. "I don't know Bethany. Sober thoughts are drunken words." He grinned winking over towards her.

Letting out a laugh, Beth watched as Tommy stood up and stalked towards her. Ruffling her hair he placed a kiss to the crown of her head and began to walk out the hall door. "I've business to attend to. Grace and Charlie are in the stables with Curly and John's on his way over to collect you."

Pulling on his peaky hat and jacket, Tommy pointed his finger at Beth. "And no getting drunk with my kid brother today." Beth rolled her eyes, smiling slightly as she watched Tommy leave, the door slamming behind him. Sliding into a chair, Beth smiled goofily. "What the fucking hell just happened?"

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