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A SLOW WEEK, had passed in which Beth spent with Tommy glued to her side. Polly had called in the occasional time to check up and leave in business documents but Beth worked hard at them as Tommy slept so when he woke he could relax. He wasn't a clingy person but ever since Tommy had gotten out of hospital he was continuously keeping Beth at an arm distance away (not that she minded). Polly had even picked up on it, raising her eyebrows at Tommy who pulled his girlfriend closer to him or refused to let her leave the room without him.

Sitting on the couch in the living room, Beth sat reading a book, her back pressed against the arm rest of the chair and her legs rested over Tommy's lap. His hand holding her thigh in place as he himself pretended to read the book in his hands. A car pulled up in the drive and Tommy instantly stood, peaking out the window and frowning at the unfamiliar Bentley. A suited man climbed out and made his way to the front door. Beth stood, allowing Tommy to take her hand and lead her into the front door in which the man had knocked.

Opening it slightly, Tommy raised his eyebrows at the man who held a thin sheet of paper in his hands. "Mister and Misses Shelby? My names Mark O'Pearse. I'm here to inform you of the recent passing of a woman named Jolene Addison, she claimed to be a friend. She wrote her will leaving her belongs to the both of you. Mrs. Addison doesn't have any blood relatives so if you want to have a funeral you will have to arrange it." Handing the sheet to Tommy, Mark smiled muttering his condolences before making his way to the car and leaving.

Grasping Beth's shoulders, Tommy pulled her into his chest, running his hand over the back of her blonde hair as she let out a cry. "I should've went to see her sooner- I- the last time I seen her was at the ball and I-I." Letting out a stutter of words, Beth grasped Tommy's jacket in her hand as she sobbed. "C'mon love. It's okay- She was old. You can't beat yourself up." Rubbing up and down her back, Tommy's face distorted into a frown as he heard Beth's cries. "I'm a bad person Tom! She had no one and I was too occupied to come see her."

Letting out a small chuckle, Tommy squeezed Beth resting his head a top of her head. "C'mon sweetheart, you're not a bad person, eh? You were just living your life. How about I call John to come over and I'll call Aunt Pol to help sort the funeral." Shaking her head, Beth let out a sniffle. "No Tom, just want you to stay." Furrowing his eyebrows, Tommy pulled her back, placing a kiss to her forehead. "I promise love, I'm not going to leave you ever again."

A couple of days had passed and with the the help of Polly, Tommy had managed to organise a funeral for Mrs. Addison. A proper one, knowing how much the old lady had meant to Beth. Combing her hair back, Beth let out a small grumble as she pinned it back from her face. She wore a lace black dress that sat neatly above her knee and accessorised it with a pearl necklace gifted to her by John one Christmas. Her face was paled and Beth had begun to realise she had began to lose weight once again.

Running her bony hand over her face she let out a shaken sigh before glancing over her shoulder in the mirror to Tommy who sat with Charlie on his knee, his eyes never faltering the slightest when Beth made eye contact with him. "Ready?" Tommy asked, looking down to the child on his knee as he began to blurt make believe words. Nodding slowly, Beth stood up. Brushing out her dress she walked through the manor and down the stairs to see John, Arthur, Finn and Aunt Pol sat in the living room.

Tommy followed behind her, shooting John a warning glance as he stood to his feet. Ignoring his brother, John embraced Beth, placing a kiss to her forehead as he heard her sniffle quietly into his shoulder. "It's okay love, she's in a better place. Safer." Polly spoke, taking Charles from Tommy's arms. Sighing Beth pulled away and quickly wiped the tears that had managed to slip down from her eyes. Taking Beth's had, Tommy began to lead them outside into the crisp morning air. The sky a bright blue and the sun shining bright.

Walking to the field out the back, Beth attempted to hold back her sob as she seen the carriage, a photo of Mrs. Addison portrayed at the front. "Do you like it?" Tommy asked hesitantly, squeezing Beth's hand as she let out a small laugh through her tears nodding her head. "It's beautiful Tom." Nodding in agreement, Tommy glanced behind him to see Arthur and John messing but shooting them a cold glare he tilted his head to Beth causing both men to stop they're playing fights.

Stepping into the field, Beth's hands began to tremble as she stared up at the cart. Feeling a hand slip around her waist, Beth relaxed into Tommy's arms. Glancing behind them at the Shelby family who watched. "You should say something Beth." Polly indicated, gesturing her hand toward the cart. Swallowing thickly, Beth nodded and rung her hands out nervously, her eyes trained on Tommy as he joined his family, wrapping an arm around Finn's shoulders.

"I met Mrs. Addison one random night. I was wondering through the streets of Small Heath during the early hours of the morning. She had been sat out in her back garden and had called me over. Told me I reminded herself when she was young. She said we had the same hair." Beth grinned, picking up a strand of her hair and flocking it into the air. "It became a slight ritual of some sort. I'd show up randomly and Mrs. Addison let me in. Said I was like a blonde alley cat- underfed and always running from trouble."

"She had a husband who she loved more than life itself but who died at war and she was just so old and precious. An old fashioned lady with a big heart. Mrs Addison once handed me money and pushed me onto the streets, telling me she found her solider and it was time for me to find mine." Covering her mouth slightly, Beth planted up toward the sky which had began to become a cloudy grey. "I found my solider, Mrs Addison. It was Thomas, funny that eh? I hope your back with yours."

Reaching into her pocket, Beth struck a match and sighed before lighting the sides on fire, the cart slowly beginning to be lit a blaze.

i'm really struggling to update as much seeing as i have exams at the moment but as soon as they're over I will be updating a lot more. A sad chapter today :( Rip to my queen Mrs. Addison. Anyways how is everyone? Also hope you enjoy this filler chapter. So much to come!
Lee x

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