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IT WASN'T UNCOMMON for Bethany Clover and Thomas Shelby to fight, they often did as children, but never had Beth left Tommy no matter how bad it got. Upon finding out Grace Burgess was pregnant by eaves dropping Bethany Clover fled to Camden Town to speak with Alfie Solomon's who eventually she ended up with living with. Alfie was a kind man, sure he had his business side but he kept it away from Beth and it was something she appreciated having never had that from Tommy. He took her under his wing and within months, Bethany Clover was a changed woman.

Alfie fell hard for Beth as each day passed and it was clear obvious to near everyone who knew them. Beth who had taken a drastic change in everything from her looks to personality, her love life being strictly closed as she deemed never to be hurt the way Tommy had hurt her ever again. The sleepless nights up wondering why, the silent tears, every traumatic experience he had put her through had finally caught up and Beth would never let a man do the same again. Returning to Small Heath a new woman, one whose heart broke but in which it needed to break. One who had no time in the slightest for Thomas Shelby.

Thomas after finding out he was a soon to be father had been left to pick up the pieces of his new life with Grace. Only the Shelby's truly seen how bad it had hit Tommy when Beth left. He tried to keep his tough act up but it was no sooner he was starting more arguments, his brooding stare intensified and his bad moods worse than ever. It was clear he'd probably never be the same once John had caught him drunk in the office, cradled over his knees with her jacket pulled up to his face as he sobbed.

Seeing Tommy cry was an extremely rare site, so to save them both the hassle, John had walked away and pretended to never see it but he understood. Many nights he had sat up with Esme doing the same. As if the world changed when his son was brought to life, Tommy realised he was slowly starting to fall for Grace. Nothing would ever compare to the love he had for Beth but it was something. Coming up in the world with the Shelby business, Tommy bought a mansion for his new family and proposed to Grace who happily agreed and began to plan their wedding while Tommy spent more time in the office.

Grace was happy. She finally had gotten what she wanted, Tommy. She now also had a child of her own but as much as Grace tried to plaster a smile on her face, her mind slowly started torment her hearing Tommy say Beth's name in his sleep or when he would have night terrors he'd wake up panting, repeating her name over and over as if she'd just appear. Tommy denied it. Every time it happened he would go sit in his office and she wouldn't she him till the morning where he'd kiss her cheek and go on as if nothing happened. He had gotten better and soon Beth's name had been forbidden to be mentioned in front of him.

John missed her the most. He blamed Tommy for it all and at first he was angry but then his anger turned to sadness and he wondered why Beth would lie to him at the races. They were supposed to be best friends and no matter what happened between her and Tommy, it never effected the family but yet there he was, alone. Lonely. It was only by mere chance that John had been in Tommys office and spotted a sealed important letter and curiosity got to him and before he knew it he was reading a detailed letter from Alfie Solomons.

It had been clear the two men had been writing back and forth but to Beth's knowledge. Alfie had first wrote to Tommy about Beth coming to live with him and then every month Tommy couldn't resist and would write and ask how she kept. He knew he shouldn't have been indulging in such silliness but he missed her. They all did. John was in shock as he crumpled the letter angrily and without a second thought he rushed to Charlies yard to get the first boat out to Camden Town without telling anyone and he never did.

Not expecting her to have actually came to the wedding, John stared down at Beth in shock who stood with Carl on her hip, laughing quietly with Ada. It was a surprise she wasn't pointing a gun at grace, never mind smiling and laughing with Ada. The wedding music stopped and the two woman fell silent, ignoring the curious stares she received Beth watched as Tommy lifted Graces veil, his eyes now fully focused onto her.

Grace smiled softly with admiration , her eyes glancing to Beth once more before she and Tommy turned to the Jeremiah Jesus. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered her today to join together in holy matrimony of Thomas Michael Shelby and Grace Helen Burgess." The pastor continued to speak but Beth shifted her gaze down to Carl, smiling softly as he squeezed her hand tightly as if he could tell by her stiffened body that something was off. Glancing back up at Grace and Tommy, Beth swallowed thickly regretting her decision to have came.

"Do you Thomas Michael Shelby take Grace Helen Burgess to be your lawful wedded wife?" Tommy shut his eyes letting out a quiet huff of air, as if trying his hardest not to turn and run into Beth's arms, he nodded his voice smaller than ever. "I do." John glanced hastily down at Beth who held her posture her eyes never leaving Tommy's back as  her face lay emotionless and it nearly scared the living daylights out of John. He had known Bethany Clover for way too long and so see her so emotionless was an expression he had only once seen on Tommy after war.

"Do you Grace Helen Burgess solemnly swear to love, honour, and obey till death do you part?"

"I do." Without hesitation, Grace replied. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Grace's side of the family began to clap quietly, while Tommy grasped Grace's face, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers softly. The Shelby's side, aside from Beth bursting into a cheers. Stepping out of the isle quickly, Beth made her way out of the Church breathing in a breath of fresh air knowing that the madness was soon about to begin.

Noise began to flow and Beth wasn't surprised when she was nearly tackled off her feet and pulled tightly against Arthur who let out a loud cheer. "My fucking girl is back!" Arthur yelled, some of Grace's family turning to look at him in question but Beth only laughed, wrapping her arms around Arthur's neck, hugging him as he spun her around. John stumbled through the Church doors at speed, shoving Finn back and rushing towards Arthur and Beth. Arthur let Beth down to her feet and John smiled happily. "You fucking came!"

Beth grinned, pulling John into a hug while he rocked them back and forth. "I did. I missed you lots." Beth murmured softly. Pulling a way Beth gawked slightly grasping Finns hands as he stood beside John waiting patiently for his turn to hug Beth. "Look how grown up and handsome you've gotten, so handsome." Beth grinned, her voice teasing as the older brothers laughed. Finn's cheeks flushed a shade of red and he looked down at his shoes, smiling. Beth grinned holding back a laugh as she picked up on realising he is at his awkward stage and pulled him into a warm hug.

Glancing over her shoulder after she had pulled away, Beth glanced at Tommy and Grace who had been stood together. Polly walked through the church doors along with Ada and Esme, and quickly pulled Beth into a hug kissing her cheek. "Well would you look who's back." Esme teased jabbing her into the ribs. Beth grinned, letting out a soft chuckle. Grace turned throwing her bouquet back and Beth chuckled watching as what appeared to be her side of the family pushing and screaming in hopes to get the bouquet.

Arthur began to yell and Beth held back a laugh allowing Polly to pull her down the steps, putting on a fake smile, Beth smiled for the picture that she was sure would make the paper. "Never thought i'd see the day Tommy married anyone but you, Beth." Polly spoke her eyes casting over to eye Beth. Beth held her head high and nodded, keeping the fake smile laced across her face. "Me neither Pol, me fucking neither but eh i'm better off without him."

Polly opened her mouth to reply but Beth was already snatched away, John's arm around her shoulder as he pulled her towards his car. "Your not leaving my side doll face, don't need you killing the bride on her wedding day, do we now?"

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