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BETH WAS SHOCKED, at the news that Luca Changretta was coming to Birmingham to take over Shelby Company Limited, especially after Tommy insisted she came. Beth was nervous to say the least but Tommy held her shaking hand in his as they gathered in the distillery alongside Polly and Finn, awaiting the arrival of Luca Changretta. The door creaked and Beth grasped Tommys hand tighter as Luca and his comrades walked in, stopping just opposite the table that was between them.

"All that's left of the Peaky blinders." He mocked in an English accent, laughing to himself. He approached Tommy until he was right infront of him and clicked his fingers. A man walked up to the table, laying out a series of folders as Luca returned around to his spot behind the table. "I've had my lawyer draw up these papers. They cover every enterprise in your possession. Bars, restaurants, warehouses.... Every fucking thing you've taken to gather over the years. You will sign them all over to my family." He was back infront of Tommys face, grinning down at Beth who looked at him with pure disgust.

"Or your going to die. Right here." Beth hands began to feel clammy as she watched the man walk back behind the table. "I would have buried you all. But my mother.. she knows you. She said it'll be worse for you if I let you live and take away everything you have." Luca taunted. "Search them. Especially this bitch." He grumbled, pointing over to Polly. As they were being searched, Beth's eyes stayed on Tommys who stared Luca down intensely. "So. Sign. Every fucking one of them. You can sign them on your knees, on the floor."

Nobody reacted and Luca flipped over the table in anger making Beth flinch, stepping back quickly. "Get on your fucking knees and sigh." Luca demanded, glaring as tommy lowered himself to the ground. "A friend of mine once said, but fucks small. So I had to find someone who's bigger than you. Now, you may know that these are two families in Brooklyn who want to take over your monopoly on the import of liquor in New York."

"But if they move against you in New York, they'll start a war between the families." Polly spoke up. "But if you weee in a vendetta against some ducking bookmarked in Birmingham, they could take over your business without a war." Tommy continued. "We also contacted a business man in Chicago. He's also interested in moving into the liquor business in New York." Polly informed. "His name is Alfose Capone." Tommy finished, watching as Lucas face twisted in anger. "You've been talking to that fat fuck?"

"You see, all the families you brought with you from New York, they're all dead Mr. Changretta and these men they work for money, for the highest bidder. They have new orders." Tommy grunted. "Is that right?" Luca asked turning to face his men. "Is that right? Daniel? Matter?" He turned back to Tommy. "Hey, very fucking..." And then he was reaching for his gun and Tommy was knocking it away and the two of them were fighting as Finn grasped Beth's arms tightly, pulling her back as she reached to pull Changretta off Tommy.

Nobody had noticed the figure in the doorway. The dark silhouette, only being shown by the light that cracked through the glass framed door. A ghost had risen from the dead, Arthur Shelby was alive and that was made clear when he took his final shot, the bullet piercing through Luca Changretta. Luca's body hit the ground, gin spewing from the bullet hole in the crate behind him. Beth clasped her hand over her mouth, staring at the Arthur who gave her an infamous smile. "Tell your people in Chicago that Michael Gray will sign the import licence to New York. Three binder barrels of English dried gin a month." Tommy spoke, breaking the silence.

"Leave." Arthur instructed quietly. "All of you. Tell your boss what you saw here today. Tell him you don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders." And just like that, it was over. Luca was dead as well as the vendetta. Beth ran to Arthur, squeezing him tight as she sighed into the hug. "You fucking bastard. I cried at your funeral." Arthur laughed, nodding over to Tommy. "Tommys idea, not mine." Beth smiled, stepping back to allow the other Shelby's to hug Arthur. "Bloody good idea at that." Beth grinned, allowing Tommy to pull her against him. "I told you, I would let anything happen to you, eh?"

After the traumatic experience, Tommy hadn't let Beth leave his site, his hand clutched in hers or wrapped around her waist at all times. After telling their family it was over and spreading the news far and wide, the Shelby family all congregated back at the manor to have a party to celebrate. Beth had taken it upon herself to put Charles to bed and as she said her last goodbyes and walked into the hall, she was surprised to see Tommy waiting for her. "I wanted to give you this back, I believe it's yours." Tommy murmured, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his mothers wedding ring.

Beth smiled wide, allowing him to slide the ring onto her wedded finger. "We're going to have this baby and get married. God, we're old Tommy." Beth teased, staring down at the ring. Tommy pulled her chin up to look at him before leaving a kiss to her lips. "We're going to have a bloody picket fence life. It's over love. It's all over." Tommy grinned, his thumb caressing her prominent cheekbone. "I know. I just miss John so bloody much. I wish he could have a fair shot at this life."

Tommy nodded, pulling her into his arms. "I miss him too." He murmured, rubbing her back gently. "He'd love our child." Beth chuckled, pulling back to smile up at Tommy. "Our little demon baby." Tommy grinned, rubbing his hand over Beth's stomach. "We made it." He whispered, caressing her stomach. "Oi, love birds! I just came back from the dead, you could at least pretend you aren't dying to rip each other's clothes off for five bloody minutes." Arthur slurred, crossing his arms over his chest. Beth and Tommy both laughed, following the mad man downstairs to the rest of the family.

Reaching the living room, Tommy picked up a glass, lit a cigarette and sat down beside Beth, pulling her as close to him as possible. "Right. Oi! Listen up." Tommy spoke up. "Before we all go and eat, I'd like to say a few words. Last time we were all here, it ended badly." Beth squeezed his hand tightly. "But now we're in a happier place. That's it I'd like to raise a toast." Tommy stopped, placing a kiss to Beth's cheek. "Hold on. There's a few words I wanna say from the heart and this time, you're going to let me finish tommy." Arthur grinned, clearing his throat.

"Now, as you know, Arthur Shelby's dead. Because of that, Tommys offered me a way out. A new identity. Start a whole new life for myself and I've thought about it. Made a new decision. I'm not going fucking no where." Arthur announced, the Shelby's nodding along with his word. "Now our enemies are gone. Dead all of them. For the first time since and my two kid brothers, Tommy and John enlisted in the Warwickshire Yeomary, we have leave. So I'd like to make a proposal. All of you, the Shelby Company Limited insists that Tommy here takes some time off."

"That's a good idea. That's a very good idea Tommy." Beth smiled, pushing her hair back out of her face. "It's time you took a holiday, Tom. Put your feet up. Spend some time with your lovely wife. The wars over. No one wants to kill us." Arthur raised his glass. "To peace." The Shelby's raised their glasses l, coursing his words. Beth cleared her throat, nodding to herself as she looked around the the eyes that stared into her sole. "We also have news."

"Well go on then, Beth." Arthur nodded, smiling to himself as he looked over at Tommy. "I- well we- but I- I'm." Beth stuttered, glancing over at Tommy for help. "Beth's pregnant. She's having the baby and we're getting married. A big wedding." Tommy coursed. Arthur stood up, his eyes becoming teary as he shook his head. "Your- your pregnant?" Beth nodded, grinning happily as the man pulled her up and spun her around in his arm. "Arthur! The baby!" Tommy yelled, although he couldn't help but laugh as Johnny and Finn patted him on the back.

"You have to go on a holiday then. You need it." Polly grinned, hugging Beth tightly. "Can dent your misses Tommy. Otherwise she'll be leaving ya, baby and all." Tommys expression didn't change as he rolled his eyes. "Very funny Johnny." Beth laughed, pulling Tommy toward her. "He's full of fun. Just say yes Tom, and then we can all go and eat."

Tommy glanced over toward Beth who nodded her head. "Fine." He broke, pulling her toward him. "I'll take a break."

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