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RUBBING HER TIRED eyes, Beth flung open her bedroom door in the Shelby Manor to be greeted by John who held a bottle of expensive whiskey and a large cheeky smile on his face. Standing back Beth allowed him into the room and watched as he took a glass pouring a decent amount of whiskey and handing it into Beth's hands. Raising an eyebrow she took the glass, staring at John intently.

"Down it, and pull your jacket on. You can leave your stuff here but Polly, Tommy, Arthur and I are going to the betting station. I thought it was best not to leave you here on your own considering the kids and Esme are knocked out." John offered. Not having to be told twice, Beth downed the expensive whiskey that burned the back of her throat and warmed her stomach. Reaching over she took her grey overcoat and pulled it over her body, allowing John to take her hand and lead her out of the bedroom.

Walking down the stairs, Beth gawked at her pale complexion in a passing mirror and sighed internally. Her face was painted with light makeup and her hair pinned back. An unrecognisable girl staring back at her. The doors to the mansion were pulled open by maids and Beth shivered from the cold air as she and John walked through the doors and down onto the rocky pavement.

Beth slid into the farthest seat of the Bentley, a small frown on her face as she watched Polly strut as if she worth a million pounds. Tommy following quickly behind her. John pressed down on the gas and Beth couldn't contain her laughter as he began to speed down the country lanes. Shouting at his loudest about how he was going to be the first to arrive in Small Heath. Arthur speeding up behind them.

Somehow as they reached Small Heath, among the loud conversation Beth and John shared. He took the wrong turn and somehow ended up being the last Shelby to arrive at Small Heath. Arriving right behind Arthur's car but Beth waisted no time sliding out of John's car and onto the streets of Small Heath.

Smiling widely, Beth stretched her arms out looking around the town she grew up in. Rolling his eyes John grabbed Beth's hand and pulled her towards the Betting shop. Men clapped at the Shelby's arrival, while Beth grinned and smiled politely at the men who greeted her. Staring around at the betting shop which had changed over time, Beth grinned at the smell of piss, shit and rum. It was good to be home.

A few days had passed and as Tommy found himself busy with work, Beth found herself slowing easing back into the life of Small Heath Birmingham and the family she once called her own. She didn't stay in Tommy and Grace's mansion but instead found herself sitting in John and Esme's crowded home, staring at John who placed a card onto the table, letting out a loud shout. Rolling her eyes, Beth took a card slamming it onto the table and sliding it towards John.

Esme who watched the commotion from the couch, where she sat with a baby bouncing on her lap and three kids playing with toys at her feet let out a laugh as John groaned in defeat. "I win!" Beth declared happily, smiling as John frowned. "Again." Esme sniggered, winking towards her husband. Watching as one of John's boys climbed into her lap, Beth froze staring down at the child who blinked up at her innocently. John and Esme shared a knowing look unable to hide the small smiles that began to cover their faces.

"Hello?" Beth questioned, not knowing exactly what to say to the small creature that sat in her lap. "Hi. Mummy says your my auntie Beth." He murmured, his lisp light as he smiled wide showing the use gap in his front teeth. Nodding Beth shrugged down at the child who grinned leaning up into her ear. "Daddy says you fancy uncle Tommy." Rhys whispered. Beth let out a small giggle slowly placing her hands around the child to steady him as he leaned back down into her lap. "Is that so?"

Nodding Rhys grinned. "Oi, that's my best friend not yours." John spoke loudly, a playful tone in his voice as he glared at the blue eyed, blonde child who turned to stare at him giggling happily as he hugged Beth who squeezed him in return warming up to the small child she saw as a small creature. "Hey! What did i tell you Rhys it's not bloody nice to whisper and keep secrets." Esme scolded, her mother side coming through.

Frowning Rhys stared up at Beth with big eyes, that made her melt inside. "It's okay Esme, he just said John told him that I fancy his uncle Tommy." Beth grinned, holding in a laugh as Esme coughed awkwardly, standing up at speed. "Bed time for little Shelby's, c'mon time to tuck you all in." She shouted, the kids rushing after her, up the stairs of the house on Watery Lane. Grinning across at her John shrugged. "Rather you have a crush on my brother then that prick up in London."

Shooting him a glare, Beth sighed. "You don't understand what Tommy did to me John. I was in a state of vulnerability and he took advantage of that until i hit breaking point. I can tell by his eyes he doesn't even regret it." She murmured, reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a cigarette, leaning over to light it off a candle. "You didn't have to leave." John replied coldly. "Excuse me?" Beth pardoned, taking a pull from her cigarette. "You could have stayed here, not of run away from your bloody problems."

"I didn't run away you daft man. If I had of ran away I would have ran to somewhere like Ireland. Find a nice man, settle down in a cottage in the country, squeeze out a child or two but no, instead I went to stay with someone whom i trust and now i'm back." Rolling his eyes John let out a sarcastic laugh. "He still bloody fucking loves you, anyone could see that. I just wish you two would own up to your problems and kiss and make up."

Beth exhaled her cigarette a loud laugh escaping her mouth as she stared at John in shock. "Where is this coming from John? You bloody fucking well know what Thomas Shelby has put me through and now-." Beth paused her voice quietening from a shout as she remembered the children up in bed. "Now he's married John, with a child." John's eyes softened, nodding he grinned sadly.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I just- I don't want you to fucking leave again. We need you. You've been a Shelby since the day Calvin and Arthur brought you into Polly's home, your nose pouring blood onto your little dress, and sticking into your blonde hair. You're my sister whether we're blood or not and so help me god when Calvin lay on the dirty grass in France and Tommy stood over him crying his eyes out in fear and bloody sadness, me and Tom promised Calvin we'd fucking keep you under our wing because you'd have no one else.

And I refuse to break that promise Beth. Tommy hurt you i know but he fucked up and I just- I need you and Finn and-." Noticing the few tears that began to trickle down his pale face, Beth stood up sitting into John's lap and wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug, as he let out a loud sob. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

so sorry, updates are so slow because of school and exams but i promise i'll try update more, thank you for reading and keep voting and commenting! hope you all enjoy and are doing well xx

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