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WHEN BETH WOKE, without missing a beat she made a dash for the bathroom. Running toward the toilet, she dropped to her knees and began to vomit up half the contents in her stomach. Her blonde hair was swept back behind her, and Beth sighed in content when Tommy's hand began to rub up her back as he watched her vomit. Sitting over the toilet for a minute, Beth sat back and wiped her mouth with the collar of Tommy's shirt before flushing away her vomit.

Staring at her, Tommy raised his eyebrows as he crouched down to be level. "Why the fuck did you have so bloody much to drink? I get you were in the bullring with Polly but Beth you were a fucking mess." Tommy grumbled, leaning over to sweep a lose strand of her blonde hair behind her pale face. Shrugging Beth frowned, reaching over she grasped Tommy's hand in hers. "M'sorry for ruining your meeting yesterday."

Squeezing her hand, Tommy shook his head. "Don't worry about it love. Just lay off the drink for a while- eh? John's in asleep in our bed but i'm going to wake him- we need to go see Arthur to discuss business. What do you want to do?" Beth grinned cheekily, running her thumb over the back of Tommy's hand. "I'll go see Finn and Isiah."  Tommy's small grin fell and he instantly shook his head. "Like fuck you will Beth, you three are bloody trouble together."

Beth only rolled her eyes, letting out a small laugh as she pulled on Tommy's hand jerking him forward and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Leaning completely against him she sighed in content. "I do love you more than life itself." Beth mumbled, tugging her body closer as she clung to the gangster. Tommy smiled, placing a kiss to her cheek. "I do love you but your still a bloody pain when you're drunk."

Beth let out a small laugh and went to pull away but Tommy quickly pulled her back, clinging to her as he pushed his head into the blade of her shoulder. Gently taking his peaky hat off, Beth tossed it onto the floor as she began to comb her hands through Tommy's hair. A vulnerable side to the man shown through. One that was rarely shown and only shown to Beth. "I really am sorry for everything I put you through." Tommy hummed.

Swallowing thickly, Beth felt her eyes began to tear up but she only grasped Tommy's body tighter against her own in response. "I know my love, I know. That's why I came back, eh?" Tommy leaned back out of her hold, placing a quick kiss to Beth's lips he stood- pulling her up off the ground with him. "C'mon love, let's go wake up Johnny boy."

Walking into the betting shop, Beth clung to Tommy's hand as she felt her stomach twist and turn from her hangover. Tommy inspected the room, looking at the four hungover women as Beth plopped herself down onto a kitchen chair beside Lizzie, Polly sat the far side of the table with a wet rag over her eyes. Tommy took his cigarette from his mouth grinning he looked down at Pol. "Heard you were giving speeches from the back of a wagon, Pol."

Polly let out a loud sigh- and Beth was sure if that she had rolled her eyes under the damp rag. "I can't remember a fucking thing." She grumbled. "We'll Moss tells me you were threatening to burn down the town hall." Tommy corresponded, a look of disapproval casting over his eyes. Beth felt her cheeks flare up as she looked down at her lap knowing in fact it was her threatening Moss. A secret that wouldn't harm Tommy to know.

"Oh Tommy we were just having a laugh. The crowd around Beth was bigger than the one around Jessie Eden." Polly grinned. Esme couldn't contain a snort as Beth looked up glaring at her playfully. Tommy's eyes diverted to the blonde and he raised his eyes brows expectantly. "Who's Jessie Eden?" Beth only shrugged, in fact she couldn't remember Jessie Eden, only remembering the crowd around her as she shouted out slurs. Polly swiped the rag off her face throwing it to the table.

"She's too soft. You're not going to break capitalist system talking about separate lavatories for women." Polly grinned, beginning to walk away. Tommy's glance followed her, shooting Beth a slight glare. "Who's Jessie Eden?" The man repeated. "Our new bestfriend." Lizzie replied. "Shop steward at the Lucas Factory." Esme chimed. "I wouldn't reckon she's your type though Tom. You're more into the blondes." Beth mumbled cheekily.

Ignoring her comment Tommy continued. "I don't know what you want. You have to tell me what it is that you want and then i'll know." Esme raised her eyebrow stepping closer to Tommy. "Actually we want to know about the robbery you're planning. Not the factory the robbery. The other one. The one you're not telling the women about." Esme spat. Beth immediately stood up, glaring at Tommy and pointing her finger towards Esme. "Esme better be still fucking drunk because I swear to fuck Tommy if you're keeping this from me I will go mental."

Tommy only shrugged, casting his eyes to the cigarette in his hand. "John has a big mouth." Beth stood dumbfounded, her glare on Tommy becoming more intense as she crossed her arms. "No Arthur's got a big mouth. He told Linda, Linda told me." Esme replied. "Polly." Tommy warned, glancing for his aunt for help. "Ladies why don't I talk to Tommy privately and I'll report back to you." Pol bargained. "You're not going to just take payment from the Russians, are you Tommy? You're going to clean them out, is that right?"

"Esme." Beth growled, warning the woman. "So what happens after when they try to come for us? When i'm giving birth?" Esme questioned. Tommy stood for a moment and by the look in his eyes Beth knew he was ready to snap. "Get out. Back to work. Now." Tommy demanded, the patience in his voice running slim. "Esme come on." Lizzie sighed, pulling the pregnant woman out. "Keep us posted will you sister?" Esme called, standing in the door frame. A nod from Polly and the door was finally shut leaving a silent room of Polly, Beth and Tommy.

"Fucking hell." Tommy grumbled. Raising her eyebrows Beth let out a small growl. "Start fucking talking Thomas."

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