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BETH FELT UNEASY, as she stared into the boxing ring where Bonnie Gold would fight Goliath. She knew Tommy would have a plan but her pregnancy side effects had kicked in the night before and without much sleep because of a raised temperature Beth had been feeling off and uneasy all day. Tommy appeared beside her, his hand finding her waist as he placed a light kiss to her head. He reached for a cigarette from his pocket and glanced toward Beth who was leaned against his shoulder smiling dreamily. His eyebrows raised at the woman as he stared back at her in confusion. "I'll always love you in glasses. You look so smart."

"That's what happens when you get your skull fractured. Don't tease." Tommy scolded, huffing out the smoke. Beth grimaced of the memory. It was a weird night, where Ada, John and Beth stayed up all night at what they thought to be the loss of Tommy Shelby. "I wasn't teasing love. You look sexy." She grinned, clearly teasing. Tommys cheeks flushed lightly from embarrassment and Beth couldn't help but laugh, as she glanced back out at the ring. "Calvin always said he wanted to be a boxer. I reckon he would have been a good one too. He was stronger than John and Arthur combined."

"He would have been a talented boxer. Light on the eyes but not bloody much up there in that skull of his." Tommy grinned and Beth knew if Calvin was here we would have been quick to hit Tommy a jab for the insult. "Hey Tom, Beth." Finn greeted, walking by with Isaiah. "You look gorgeous, Beth." Isaiah winked, laughing with Finn as they looked back at the scold on Tommys face. Beth looked up, holding in her laugh as she shook her head. "I'll kill him." Tommy declared, glaring off in the direction of his younger brother and best friend. Scoffing he stood up straight and shook his head yet again in disbelief.

"Thomas Shelby you are a hypocrite if I've ever met one! 'Oh Bethany you have no reason to be so jealous of May Carelton!' Look at you now, jealous over a teenager." Beth mocked, smiling smugly to herself.  "Go find the fucking women and stop tormenting me. Stay with Polly and Ada, eh? And if anything happens you stay with them and I'll find you afterwords, right?" Tommy instructed, softly. "You make it sound like something is planned to happen. Just don't do anything too stupid Tommy, our baby is going to need a father."

Her hand skimmed over the bump , Tommys hand repeating the action and placing it onto her slight bump. "I promise, no go and stay safe. Can't have anything happening to our baby, eh?"

Beth found Lizzie, Polly and Linda with ease and as she stood up the top of the stairs with the woman, Beth couldn't help her eyes scanning around in hopes to find her fiancée far from trouble. "Come on ladies, the fight is about to start. Let's go get our seats." Lizzie grinned, begging to strut down the stairs. Beth followed behind her, basking in the glory of the men that stood at the bottom of the stairs who stood wide mouth and uttering compliments to there friends about the peaky blinder girl who everyone in Birmingham and beyond knew bellowed to Tommy Shelby.

The women sat front row, contrasting of a line of Ada, Beth, Linda, Polly then Lizzy. Beth preferably wouldn't have sat beside Linda but it's not like they'd talk much and also she was quite happy to be seated beside Ada. She glanced around her eyes finding Tommys as he stared at the empty boxing ring before disappearing off to where she presumed to be hyping up Bonnie Gold. "I'm excited to see this." Ada grinned, turning toward Beth. "Apparently Bonnie Gold is quiet the looker." Beth scoffed at the comment. "He's not my type but he's quiet young but Tommy bet me and Charlies yard to Abrahama for a go at his daughter before."

The boys walked out and the match began and all the men began to scream. Lizzie had left for the bathroom and soon Polly, leaving Ada, Beth and Linda. "I really hate the fighting. I don't think it's good for Arthur or Tommy to be watching either. Don't you agree Beth? I just think it encourages them." Linda spoke up. Beth made eyes at Ada who held down a laugh. "I'm sorry Linda, I'll have to get back to you with that. I've began to feel poorly. Ada darling won't you come with me to the bathroom?" Beth smiled politely. "Of course Beth!" Ada played along. "Be back in a moment Lin."

As the girls left for the bathroom they broke into a fit of laughter. "God she drives me bloody insane Ada, you swear she wasn't married to a gangster. I've seen Arthur kill more men than I've seen any of the blinders." Beth grumbled, pushing open the door to the bathroom. "Pol, this fight is fixed isn't it?" Ada asked her aunt as her and Beth walked into the room. "Poor gypsy boy is getting battered out there. It's like setting a bear and a scrawny teenager into a ring." Beth scoffed, sitting onto the sinks counter, Ada following her actions. "Right, you said you've had some news."

Lizzie turned her attention from the mirror back to the three woman who stood ready to gossip. "I don't but Bethany does." Polly outed. "Wow very mature Pol." Beth grumbled. "We'll tell them now! While the men are out there screaming for blood." Polly instructed, holding a bottle of vodka out to Lizzie. "Have a swig, you won't like this." Lizzie took the bottle in confusion, staring at Beth blankly who smiled. "Tommy and I are pregnant." Lizzie took two big gulps of the vodka as Ada squealed pulling Beth into a tight hug. Polly smiled at the interaction.

"How far gone are you?" Lizzie asked. "If i we're going to London I'd be in Coventry." Beth grinned. "And are you carrying on past Coventry?" Lizzie pressed, taking another swig of vodka. "We are. Tommys very excited. He wouldn't stop bloody smiling when I told him." Beth bragged. "You found out whether she's having a boy or girl yet Pol?" Ada wondered. "No." Polly replied bluntly, putting the bottle of vodka down. "Go on then." Stepping between Beth's legs, Polly began to touch her right breast. Beth giggling with Ada and Lizzie as Polly did so. "It's a girl. Your having a girl." Polly announced.

Beth pulled the two Shelbys closest to her into a tight hug and even nodded for Lizzie to come over. Beth always knew Lizzie fancied Tommy but as Lizzie leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and uttered a congratulations, Beth in the moment felt bad for bragging. But it was a long and complicated fight she had for Tommy and she sure as hell wasn't fit to give it up for him now. The bathroom door swung open and Linda walked in, looking at herself in the mirror. "Is there spit on my back? There's men out there that are spitting and it's fucking disgusting."

"Don't let us stop you do what you really came in to do." Polly urged, looking at herself in the mirror. "It's helped me get through the fucking nightmare of being stuck in this city." Linda grumbled, pouring her last bit of Tokyo onto the counter. "We'll since your here and your almost family, Beth's got some news." Polly grinned. "I'm pregnant." Beth informed, smiling proudly at herself in the mirror she stood facing. Snorting the Tokyo up, Linda turned to look Beth up and down. "Oh? And have you narrowed it down to who it could be?"

"It's Tommys you daft cow. Same man I've been with since fourteen but maybe all the Tokyo you've snorted has confused me with you. Why don't you whip out your bible and go read a paragraph on how to not only keep your mouth closed but maybe your legs too." Beth grinned, smoothly out her dress. "Congratulations then. You've won the raffle." Linda spat. "She's a real Shelby lady our Beth. Just like you." Polly spoke, wiping the Tokyo from Linda's nose. "Right ladies let's rejoin our gentlemen, and just remember Linda, if they spit, just spit back."

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