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TOMMY SHELBY HAD, been hospitalised moments after he feel unconscious. John rushed into Ada's home after hearing Beth's scream and held her as the hospital took Tommy away. Ada cried, Beth cried, John cried. Thomas Shelby had once again fucked up. Tommy himself was scared, having said what he thought where his last words, Beth presumed it was the end. The parametric informed them in Ada's that Thomas Shelby was in fact not dead before they took him away.

Beth was badly shaken up so it was no surprise to her when, Ada and John stayed up all night in the sitting room. Beth held Ada in her arms as she herself lay against John, occasionally sipping on the mug of tea Ada had provided her with along with an array of biscuits. It was late in the night when John fell asleep, around three am and Ada following shortly after but for the life of her, Beth couldn't sleep. Standing up as quietly and gently as she could, Beth pulled the car keys from John's pocket and made her way out the front door.

The sun had begun to rise, a light colour of yellow and orange filling the sky. Taking a deep breath, Beth smiled lightly as she reached the car.

The door to Alfie's bakery flung open and Beth grinned lightly seeing Finn toward over her. "Hello Finn." She greeted watching as the tall man broke out in a smile. "Beth your back! Alfie's in his office. C'mon in." Nodding in response, Beth walked through the door and began to follow her similar venture though the warehouse. Stopping out Alfie's office she knocked lightly, heading a muffled come in. Pushing the door open, Beth walked in and took a seat the other side of the desk Alfie sat at.

He had yet to notice her presence as his head hung low in his papers, mumbling words to himself in return with which Beth couldn't help but laugh. Hearing the familiar laugh, Alfie's head shot up and a smile etched across his face. "Ah, Bethany-eh? Beth, bloody Beth back again-eh? What the bloody fuck can I do for you doll face." Alfie spoke, his voice loud as per usual, echoing around the small office. Sinking into her chair slightly, Beth forced another smile as her eyes began to water.

Looking down at her hands she began to pull at her fingers shrugging slightly. "S'Nothin' Alf. Just came to see you s'all." Letting out a sigh, Alfie took his hat from his head and placed into down onto the table. "Tell me." Shrugging Beth looked out towards the window, pursing her lips as she struggled to take a deep breath. "S'Tommy. He's in hospital- and-and-." Unable to finish her sentence, Beth placed her head into her hand beginning to cry. Alfie let out a surprise grumbled as he stood up. Walking around the desk Alfie took Beth's hand pulling her into a tight hug as he began to rock her back and forth.

"C'mon now- it's alright eh? I'm here. I'm fucking here." Alfie murmured, squeezing her tightly. Beth had abandonment issues, something Alfie soon realised a few days into there new living situation. Her family had slowly died off at the same time as her second family had left for war without a guaranteed return. Beth was clingy to the people she loved and often deprived herself of feeling emotions around those she deeply cared about. Having pushed past her own problems over the past few months trying to cater Tommy, everything finally began to leak out.

"I'm so sorry Alfie, I'm sorry." Beth cried, clinging onto his jacket as he kept her up right with the arm that sat wrapped around her waist. Kissing the crown of her head, Alfie only held Beth tighter. "I'm here. I'm not leaving-eh? I'm here."

When Alfie had managed to tame Beth they talked everything through over breakfast before, he drove her back to the central of London. Stepping out of her car, Alfie pulled Beth into one last hug, squeezing her before pulling away and wiping the dried mascara that ran down her face. "I told you to stop bloody using that stuff. Makeup, eh? You don't need it." Letting out a small laugh, Beth shrugged. "Thank you Alfie." Rolling his eyes, Alfie grinned. "S'not me you should be thanking. Your bloody mother and father created that face not bloody me!"

Letting out a laugh, Beth pushed his shoulder playfully. "That's not what I was talking bout Alf, bloody twat." A smile swept over Alfie's face, cupping Beth's cheeks in his large hands. "I will always be fucking there for you. You m'dear are fucking crazy! Mhm, crazy. Glad you came to me instead of taking off at the priest yourself, eh?" Letting out a laugh, Beth kissed his forehead. "Those blinders sure are protective over you, ain't they?" Looking over her shoulder, Beth couldn't contain her smile seeing John standing out on the front patio.

"Go. Go." Alfie shooed, Pushing her back lightly. Smiling Beth nodded, tipping her imaginary cap as she and Alfie began to walk separate ways. "Till we meet again Mr. Solomon's." Alfie's hand waved over his head, not turning around he let out a loud shout. "Don't fucking kill any priests Bethany!" Shaking her head at his antics, Beth pushed open the gate to Ada's home, smiling at John who pulled her into a bear hug.  "We'll be alright, won't we?"

Sitting down onto the steps of Ada's home, John looked out into the sky. Beth followed his actions sitting beside him and placing her head onto his shoulder, smiling when John pulled her closer. "Do you remember the time when me, you, and Arthur got so drunk we jumped into the cut and Tommy pulled all three of us soaking back to Polly's and she bet us all black and blue." Letting out a laugh, Beth nodded. "Or the time we thought Tommy was cheating so, Calvin me and you all waiting until he came home and I hit him so hard I nearly broke my knuckles."

Snorting, John shook his head. "Polly and mum was so mad. You came home with bruised and bloody knuckles and Tommy came home with a nose bleed and blood all over his fucking shirt!" Beth couldn't help but giggle. The door creaked behind them and Ada appeared, rubbing her eyes tiredly she wordlessly sat down beside Beth, cuddling in. Draping the blanket she brought with her over the trios laps.

"Or the time at Christmas when Finn spilt the gravy onto the table and on Pol's dress and she got so mad she made us all leave for laughing so we all sat in the hut in the Garrison eating Christmas dinner." In return the three adults began to laugh. Ada lifted her head from Beth's shoulder trying to contain her laughs as she spoke. "Oh! Oh! I've got one! I've got one!"

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