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BETH HADN'T REALISED, she had fallen asleep until she felt a hand rubbing against her back. Opening her eyes wide, Beth stumbled forward a gasp leaving her mouth as she shot up from her seat. John fell back laughing loudly as he watched from the doorway and Tommy could help the chuckle escaping from his lips as he slowly stood up to be the same height as Beth. "We had a family meeting. You were asleep so I left you be. I'm sure John will fill you in." Tommy grumbled glaring towards his brother.

"Where are you going Tom?" Beth questioned tiredly. "London, I've a meeting there, you are to stay here. You'll stay the night with one of the Shelby's and I'll contact you when I've returned home. Stay off the phones they're being listened in on." Tommy spoke discreetly glancing towards his brother before he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to Beth's cheek before flooding the room, glaring at John as he passed. Sitting back down onto Tommy's office chair, Beth pointed to the chair across her and nodded at John. "Well sit down Johnny boy and tell me what's bloody happening."

Sitting down into the chair, John looked at the tired girl- a certain pain in his eyes. "I cut him Beth. I cut Angel Changretta. Tom says we've to take two of the Changretta pubs tonight. Me. You. Arthur. Isaiah. Finn. Burn them down so we will." John murmured, his tone blank. Beth closed her eyes letting out a huff of air but she just nodded tiredly. "Okay." John let out a loud scoff sitting forward. "Okay? This isn't okay. I'm making you burn down a pub with people in it and you say bloody okay. What the fuck happened to you?"

Rolling her eyes, Beth grinned. "I remember the first man I shot. It was for Tommy. In the Garrison. Vomited all over myself in fear and didn't sleep for the next few days but soon one turned to two, to three, to four, to god knows how many. What do you want me to do John? Cry? Many tears i've shed but many nights i've slept well after killing a man." Leaning forward towards John, Beth banged her hand on the table mimicking his actions. "I pulled the trigger. That's what fucking happened to me."

Rain poured down heavily, heavier than usual for a night in Birmingham but Beth didn't mind as the heat from the flames in the pub that she had just lit up. Screams were heard from every direction, men being caught on fire while some the peaky boys had taken upon themselves to beat as they smashed glass of cars and laughed loudly. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, Arthur turned Beth way from the fire, his hands shaking as he held her in his embrace. "Come home with me Beth, eh?A quiet night. A room to your own. You wouldn't have to stay out with John- drinking eh?"

Beth bit her lip but shook her head. "Thanks for the offer Arthur but I need a drink." Beth replied softly, hugging his side. Arthur nodded and placed a kiss to the rim of Beth's head. "Call me if you need me and I'll come pick you up." He murmured into her hair. "Arthur the day I got drunk with Finn and Isaiah, Tom told me I called you Calvin and- I'm sorry but i think it's because i see you like an older brother." Beth grinned. Arthur smiled widely nodding his head and began to stalk off. John began to shout, calling his brothers names but Beth stopped him and began to pull him to the pub along with Finn, both laughing.

Drink after drink, Beth found herself drunk dancing around the Garrison with Finn as men around them cheered for the Shelby man and the Clover girl. Helping her up onto the bar counter Beth cheered loudly, the filled pub beginning to clap as she began to sing softly. "Jesus John get her down! She sounds like a dying cat!" Isiah exclaimed in shock, laughing loudly. Beth's hand flew in every direction as she sang before she broke into an irish dance. The pub cheering loudly once again.

Beth shot John an amusing smile before grabbing his hand and forcing him up onto the counter beside her as they both began to dance freely. "This, this is Beth! Not the one who kills men." John shouted over the band that played. Shaking her head, Beth threw it out of the up do, letting it hang down her back as she picked up her dress and began to dance. "No John! Your yet to meet the new Bethany Clover. She's free!"

Waking up, Beth groaned her head spinning harshly as she attempted to sit up her hangover bad. Finn laughed from where him and Isaiah lay at either side of her, both already awake. Beth blinked before she lazily lifted to the covers to make sure she was clothed before looking between the boys confused. "Why are we all in the one bed?" Isaiah let out a laugh at Beth's question. "Finn wanted a cuddle last night and you wouldn't let me leave until we all fell asleep." Beth let out a loud snort of laughter looking between the two boys who began to laugh with her.

Entering the room with a pile of folded clothes, Polly placed them down onto the ground and looked up at the trio, her eyes widening as she took a double take. "What the bloody hell are you all doing in bed together?" Polly shouted, a small smile appearing on her face as Beth, Isaiah and Finn all laughed childishly. "We're just having a cuddle Pol." Finn spoke, his laugh becoming harder a long with Beth who had to grasp his arm as he laughs turned into coughs. Polly rolled her eyes at the hungover teenagers and blonde woman.

"Tommy called. Said he's spending the weekend off and he'll see you at the Charity Ball to discuss business matters." Pol informed before turning to leave the room. Rubbing her eyes Beth groaned and slid down under the covers. "The weekend, eh? Wonder how much trouble we could cause in just one weekend?"

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