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BETH AND ADA CROSSED THE, street to Polly's home. Both girls walked in a comfortable silence, Beth not being in the right mind to keep a conversation at peek and Ada simply squeezed her hand every time she felt the blonde girl got too carried way in her own thoughts. It was a system that everyone had gotten use to since John. It was evident the blonde was carried away in her thoughts half the time, the only person she ever seemed to utter more than two words to was Tommy.

They understood each other now. The pain, the numbness, Tommy had experienced it all once before and now it was his turn to be there for her through it. Walking through Polly's home, they quickly spotted the woman in her front room, a cigarette in hand and a sour expression plastered onto her face. It was only thing Beth couldn't rap her mind around, Polly's attitude that only seemed to worse from the time she got back. Polly had become everything they used to look down on. Snobby, rude, aggressive.

"Come on Pol, Tommys expecting us." Ada rushed, staring at her aunt with a bored expression. "Who's with us?" Polly grumbled, staring out the window. "Beth, Isaiah and the two Lee boys." Ada replied. Polly turned slowly, cigarette in mouth as she stared at the two women infront of her with amusement. "Ladies, how long since you've had a fuck?" Beth's face scrunched, her jaw clenching as she stared at Polly with an anger bubbling deep beneath her skin. "What?" Ada blurted, her face contouring in shock.

"Been nearly two years for me. Over Christmas I counted it up so I made a New Years resolution to change the situation." Polly hummed. "Anyone particular in mind?" Ada asked, glancing over at Beth to only share a mirrored look of annoyance at Polly's dramatics. "Not really, just someone unsuitable." Polly replied, picking up her brief case and leaving her home with Ada and Beth in tow. Glancing amongst the streets, Beth's heart rate sped, her hands shaking as she watched the people around her carefully.

In the car ride, Beth and Ada sat in the back whilst Polly sat in the front. The car let a big bang as the engine started and Beth couldn't help but let out a small yelp, her eyes clenching shut as John being shot replayed on repeat in her mind. Ada reached over, squeezing the girls hand in sympathy as the car drove off. Every loud noise, every word cold gust of wind, every person who looked slightly familiar, it all set her off. Once arrived, Beth and Ada walked either side of Ada as they neared the hospital. "So this is just to make things official." Polly pondered. Beth glanced meekly toward Lizzie who joined them, walking in silence.

"Your official return to the company pay roll. So no more talks of New Years resolutions or Tommy might change his mind." Ada scoffed. "What New years resolutions?" Lizzie spoke. "Oh nevermind." Ada grinned, poking at Beth who smiled lightly. "That's Ada trying to tell me to behave myself." Polly snapped. "Yeah, behave yourself." Ada sighed unamused. "Behave myself or what? Behave myself or fucking what?" Polly growled, stopping her walk. "Ok Polly, I'll tell you the truth. After your recent troubles, Tommy asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Troubles? Whilst working for this company, I have killed a man. I have lost a man. I have found a son. I have nearly lost that son. I have nearly lost my own life. Now I will accept my job back if the terms on offer are favourable. But I will not behave myself." Polly spat, turning to walk away. Beth's arm reached out, without thinking pulling Polly face to face with her as her eyes glared down into the smaller woman's face and for the first time ever, Polly Shelby felt intimidated by Bethany Clover.

"Whilst working for this company, I have killed several a man. I have lost my best friend and brother. I have saved your son. I have lost myself many a time and I have nearly killed myself for the lives of this fucking family. Whilst you were out playing with tarot cards and drinking so badly you thought you could see the dead, I was pushing onto your sons wounds so he didn't bleed out and die. Don't you fucking dare act as if you aren't part of this family because if you want to walk away Polly I can assure you till the day I die you will never get back into it. Be-fucking-have." Beth growled, her voice low and eyes dark.

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