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BETH WOKE UP, with a gasp, her eyes quickly casting toward Tommy who laughed as he held Charlie in his arms, peppering the child's face with kisses. Beth stood out of bed, tears in her eyes as she stared at Tommy who adored the child in his arms. Tommy glanced toward her, then back to his child before double taking. Placing Charles back onto the bed gently, Tommy stood properly. Opening his arms, Beth sighed as she let out a huff shaking her head. "Is it over Thomas?" Beth demanded, shaking her head as she watched Tommy's face contort as his arms fell to his sides.

A silence over fell before Tommy nodded. Beth opened her arms and grinned when Tommy wrapped his arm around her waist squeezing her tightly against him. "I'm sorry. I love you." Tommy murmured. "I know Tom, I know." Beth murmured sadly, squeezing her eyes shut as she hugged the man she loved tightly against her. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me." Tommy spoke, pulling back to look into Beth's face that he cupped in his hands. Beth's cheeks flushed a shade of red as she attempted to hide her face in his hands.

"I-There's something I need to ask you. It's now or bloody never." Tommy grumbled, sitting down onto the bed. Huffing, Beth sat beside him as she stares at him in utter confusion. "What have you done now Tommy?" Beth mumbled, her hand squeezing his as if to let him know it was okay. Tommy rubbed his eyes, before standing. Beth watched him in confusion, her heart beat increasing slightly when she realised what was going to happen.

Kneeling down in front of her , Thomas Shelby's blue eyes stared back at her with vulnerability. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small black velvet case and flicked it open. "Beth." He began, licking his lips nervously as he attempted to not reach into his pocket for a cigarette. "Bethany Clover, will you marry me?" Beth's eyes watered as she stares into Tommy's eyes, her head beginning to spins. Inhaling deeply, her hands came to cover her mouth in shock as she continued to stare at Tommy in uncomfortable silence.

Glancing down at the ring, Beth let out a laugh. Tommy had been right, he had used some of the money to buy an expensive looking ring with a silver band and diamond- nothing she had ever seen before. "Jesus fucking answer my bloody knee is sore." Tommy grumbled, attempting to break the silence. Letting out another laugh, Beth nodded. "Fucking hell- yes! I'll marry you!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms tightly around Tommy's knock.

Tommy realised a breath, he didn't realise he was holding as he stood, holding Beth in his arms. "Scared me for a bloody second." Tommy murmured, into her shoulder. Beth leaned back in his arms, swiping her thumb over his cheekbones as his smile began to mimic hers. Widely set across his face. Both man and woman traumatised from the long nights they had, but not a care between them as they stood against each other. "God, I fucking love you." Beth grinned, her voice in a whisper.

"I bloody love you." Tommy repeated, swiping her blonde hair behind her ear. "John helped me pick out the ring." Tommy informed. "We saw it the other day and he said if I don't get it for you that he'd drag me down to the cut and drown me." Letting out a snort of laughter, Beth rolled her eyes. "Sounds like my John, alright." Glancing down at the ring, that now adorned her finger, Beth hummed in satisfaction. "Was right too, it's fucking beautiful." Tommy himself nodded in agreement.

"Ada's downstairs, go show her. I'll keep an eye on Charles." Tommy murmured, the back of his fingers running across Beth's face. His eyes scanned hers and Beth picked up on the look. It was the same look she had gave him as she worried she'd forget what he looked like as if he died at war; the look she gave him as the sat down at the river, a stolen bottle of whiskey being passed between teenagers including John, Arthur, Calvin, Beth and Tommy. Furrowing her eyebrows, Beth pushed the feeling behind her as she kissed Tommy's hand before leaving.

Walking down the hall, she stared at the ring, her gut twisting as a bad feeling ached throughout her body. She instead attempted to ignore it. Tommy had promised business was over, so this was it over, right? Nodding to herself she lightly skimmed down the stairs and into the living room where Ada sat in an armchair with a book in her hands, her eyes scanning the page. "Good morning Beth." Ada hummed, her eyes glued to the page in front of her. "Morning." Beth greeted, walking over to where Ada sat.

Pointing to the page Ada was reading, Beth purposely got her wedding ring in Ada view as she pointed to a word. "How do you pronounce that?" Beth pondered teasingly. Ada's mouth fell open as her head shot toward Beth who only smiled. "Is that what I think it is?" Ada squealed excitedly. "A word? I'd hope so Ada." Beth teased. "A wedding ring! Is that a fucking wedding ring?" Ada shouted, standing up. Beth nodded, as Ada let out a loud squeal of excitement drawing Beth into a tight hug.

"Fucking finally!" Ada exclaimed, rocking them slightly. Beth nodded in agreement, cuddling into her sister in law. "Second time lucky." She grumbled, pulling away from the hug. Ada only laughed, kissing Beth's cheek. "I'm happy for you Bethany." Ada spoke. Growing up with Ada being younger, Beth somehow felt proud of the younger girl she had always known, now mothering her child on her lonesome without a complaint. Ada Shelby had grown to be as independent as Polly and Beth thought it was quiet hilarious to watch.

"Thank you Ada." She grinned before excusing herself. Beth walked over to Tommy's office, sitting into his desk and picking up the phone. Dialling in a number, Beth waited as the phone rang out. "Hello?" A small voice came from the line. "Hi baby, can you get your daddy please. Tell him it's aunt Beth." Beth spoke, huffing at the small child who agreed before walking off. The line stayed silent for a moment before a loud shout boomed through the phone. "Hello love." John spoke.

"Hello dear." Beth greeted, pouring herself a glass of rum. "I've something I need to tell you." She continued, taking a sip of her rum. "What's the matter doll?" John replied bluntly. "I love the ring." Beth spoke, waiting for John's response. "What ring?" He asked confused. "My wedding ring John." Beth murmured. "Oh my bloody fuck! He bloody proposed! Good on him!" John yelled excitedly. Letting out a snort of laughter, Beth grinned. "Crack out the good champagne John, i'm getting bloody married!" Beth yelled, Swirling in the chair excitedly.

The door opened and Tommy walked in, Charles on his hip and a bottle of expensive champagne in the other. "I think you just bloody read my mind Tommy!"

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