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"UH, ALRIGHT TOM." Arthur chuckled nervously. Tommy kept his eyes on the desk, not laughing or smiling and the room fell cold. "I spoke to Moss last night. He told me that the Chief Constable of Birmingham has issues a warrant for your arrest. Murder, sedition, conspiracy to cause explosion. John they're coming for you two as well. Micheal, Beth..." Arthur staggered, reeling for the information that he was now being hunted like a dear.

John's expression turned to shock, then to one to fear as he looked between Beth and Esme grasping for their reactions. "What the fuck?" Arthur growled, glaring at Tommy. "Beth for the murder of Father Hughes." Tommy finished. "Thomas?" Beth whispered, her mouth gasping for air as her eyes held a look Tommy had never seen on Beth's face. A look of utter betrayal, hate and hurt all mixed. "Polly for the murder of Chief Inspector Chester Campbell." Tommy continued. "Wait a minute what the fuck are you talking about?" Arthur yelled as Linda gripped his sleeve.

The house began to swarm with officers, the clattering and noises getting closer. "The people that betrayed last night, they want to bring us down. Now, they control the police, they control the judges, they control the juries, they control the jails. But they do not control the elected government." Tommy yelled. "Why didn't you tell us?" John roared. "You're my fiancée!" Beth yelled, her voice cracking as she placed her head into her hands. "Your my brother!" Arthur coursed. "Listen to me! Listen to me! So i have made a deal-."

"They'll fucking hang us!" Micheal interjected. "In return for giving evidence against them." Tommy finished. "We'll fucking hang." Beth repeated. "It's all taken care of." Tommy said, his eyes holding a look with hers. "Lizzie, collect up the money and bring it to the cellar. You will all get your money in due course. When they get in, do not resist. You go with them, you do not say anything." Tommy warned, his eyes still stuck on Beth as he felt his heart fall to his stomach as he watched her stand frozen sobbing.

Beth turned watching her family all begin to make a break for the door but her body physically couldn't move as she turned back to watch Tommy. "Arthur. I've made a deal with people even more powerful than our enemies. Trust me, brother, eh? Trust me." Tommy called toward his brother before Linda strike. Punching and clawing and kicking and Beth could do nothing but watch knowing Linda had every right to be mad. She was pregnant and her husband was being sent to jail and was more than likely bound to be dead. "You did this deliberately! You made this happen to keep us!" Linda roared.

Arthur restrained his wife pulling her back into him as she attempted to console her in their last minutes together. Walking toward her, Tommy took, Beth's shoulders, cradling her face. Beth couldn't pull herself to push him away as he kissed her lips for what could be the last time. "I love you." Tommy grumbled, attempting to wipe her tears as Beth shook uncontrollably. "I hate you. You did this. You're going to kill me. You did this! God, Tommy you did this!" Beth cried in disbelief, her blue eyes looking up to meet his.

"It's you and me, Beth. You and me. I'll get you out of there. I fucking love you, c'mon Beth, I love you, eh?" Tommy spoke, glancing over her shoulder as an officer fled into the room. Beth let out a yelp as her arms roughly got pulled behind her back, pulling her away from Tommy as handcuffs clinked tightly around her wrists. Letting out a sob, Beth shook her head as she got pulled away from Tommy. "I love you." Beth repeated through her cries, being roughly out of the mansion.

Tommy followed slowly after, watching as Beth got pulled into the back of a transit van. Tears gathered in Tommy's eyes as he huffed out air. Ada walked out, her heels clinking against the tiles as she reached her older brother, grasping his shoulder as Tommy attempted to hold himself together. "She'll be okay Tommy. You just have to get her out of there soon." Ada comforted. As bad as she had seen Tommy, the look of pain on his face when Tommy turned around made Ada feel sick to her stomach. "I've fucked up. I've really fucked up. She's gone."

Ada shook her head, shoving Tommy's shoulder. "Wipe your bloody eyes and man up Tommy! If she's gone, do what you usually do. Go get her fucking back and stop your moping around. You put her into prison! You did that. You decided that. Deal with it and pull yourself together and go get her bloody back." Ada spat, fixing Tommy's suit jacket. Closing his eyes, Tommy nodded in agreement. Of course, Ada was indeed right. Tommy knew when making his decision that he'd be risking it all with Beth but still selfishly put himself over his family.

"My Bethany." Tommy muttered, sitting down onto the stairs slowly as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Inhaling the cigarette, Tommy stared toward Ada who sat down beside him, resting her head onto his shoulder. "John will bloody kill you. He wont let you near her for as long as he can. " She grumbled, glancing over her shoulder when she heard shouts of gypsy and a sudden smash, guessing Esme was kicking off. Tommy's eyes never faltered as he dragged on his cigarette.

He could only imagine how Beth would cope. His girl in prison. Bethany Clover would cause a riot. He was sure that if a wrong hand got placed on her she'd burn the fucking prison to the ground and Tommy nearly smiled at the thought but his stomach turned and twisted and Thomas Shelby felt guilt creep around his shoulders. He hadn't felt guilt as bad since the day at Cheltenham where Beth disappeared after overhearing Grace was pregnant. Or maybe perhaps he hadn't felt guilt as bad as getting his wife shot.

He had done the right thing though? In the long term, possibly. It might not have seem like it in that very moment but Tommy was sure he had made the right decision. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before tossing his cigarette to his side. Standing to his feet, he never spared a glance toward Ada who watched him in confusion. His shoes clicked against the tiles at Tommy Shelby became closer to the noise of Esme, Lizzy, Isaiah, Finn, Linda, Charlie, Curley and Johnny Dogs.

"Where do you think you're fucking going!" Esme yelled, catching Tommy who went to walk by the door. "To get my fucking girl back." Tommy grumbled, slamming the doors to his office behind him as he disappeared inside.

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