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JOHN SHELBY HAD been too drunk to have remembered the promise he made to Beth at the Garrison to bring her back to Tommy's house that night, instead he wandered home stumbling over her feet. Waiting for him, Beth had fallen asleep against the roots of the tree and when she woke, a jacket was being placed over her shoulders. Her eyes shot open and she smiled crookedly at Tommy who studied her face. The sun was beginning to come up, it was a cold morning with a bright sun and blue sky.

Tommy shook his head, grasping Beth's hand tightly in his as she rested her head onto his shoulder. A silent way of telling him a thousand words. He mindlessly reached over pushing her blonde, tangled hair behind her shoulder, stealing glances at her under eye bags and puffy, red ,bloodshot eyes. Sitting back against the tree, Tommy watched the sun begin to rise over the heads of tomb stones. A small frown etching onto his face when he read Calvin Clover.

"I love you." Beth whispered, glancing toward Tommy. The cold mornings air had been broken and without realising her fingers of her free hand began to fiddle with a frosted leaf. Tommy blinked before tilting his head down to look at her. "I love you." He repeated. "Bloody hell I thought I'd never hear you say that to me again love." He murmured, a small smile breaking onto his face. Grinning, Beth shrugged, feeling the tears in her eyes water as she nodded.

"It's those fucking Shelby eyes. They just do something to me." She joked, chasing out a laugh. Tommy rolled his eyes grasping her waist and pulling her into his lap. Placing a chaste kiss behind her ear, he placed his chin into the crook of her neck, his cheek pressed against her when Beth leaned back into his hold. Letting her tears trickle down her face, Beth allowed Tommy to gently wipe them away.

He looked around attempting to distract her, instead pointing towards the sky. "That's Calvin." He stated, opening his mouth continue but Beth let out a scoff. "Last time I bloody checked Tommy my brother wasn't a fucking ball of fire in the sky." She mumbled sarcastically. Tommy rolled his head letting out a sigh. "Shut up and let me fucking speak. That's Calvin, eh? All this. He's looking after you." Pausing Tommy squeezed, Beth tightly as he swallowed thickly.

"I could hear Arthur screaming, I thought it was him. I thought Arthur was dead. I ran as fast as I could but by the time I got there, Calvin was nearly gone. I don't think I've seen Arthur cry as much- ever. But Calvin made sure his last words were to tell me Arthur and bloody John to look after you like our own and I promise you that every night you aren't with me, I dream about Calvins death. It's like his way of reminding me. Beth, I've loved you so much. Since we were children. I've treated you like fucking shit and I know I have but I love you so fucking much."

Letting out a small laugh through her tears, Beth closed her eyes, nodding. "Say it again. Tell me how much you love me." She teased, grinning slightly when she heard Tommy scoff. "You're pushing it now, sweetheart."

Holding her tightly against him, Tommy placed a peck to Beth's lips as he studied her features, a genuine smile on his face as he looked down on her happily. "I've business to attend to. I'll get John to bring you home to me tonight. Have dinner, with them. Bloody hell for me, eat something your fading again." Tommy murmured, his hand crawling lightly against the pale skin of Beth's face. Grinning Beth nodded, rolling her eyes. "I'll see you tonight Mr. Shelby." She teased, Pulling down the top of his peaky hat.

The door to the Garrison flew open and Beth and  Tommy quickly stepped away from each other, watching as Finn gasped, a small smile itching onto his face. "Finn." Tommy warned, shooting a glance at Beth as she began to laugh. A smirk appeared on Tommy's face as he looked at his youngest sibling who looked ready to burst of excitement. "Are you two- you know- back together? Like the old times?" Finn asked, a wide smile on his face. Beth glanced over at Tommy, waiting for his answer to find him only looking at her.

Contemplating his decision, Tommy nodded. "Beth?" Finn asked for confirmation, glancing to Beth, who smiled and nodded. Finn's smile fell and he looked at Tommy for a moment before sprinting back inside of the Garrison. Rolling her eyes, Beth stepped closer to Tommy, resting her head against his chest. "Who do you think will make it out of the door first?" Beth asked quietly. Tommy opened his mouth to answer but as if on queue the Garrison doors flew open with four Shelby's pushing through.

John snatched Beth from Tommy, holding her in his arms in a tight hug and he hugged her tightly. "I knew it! I knew you wouldn't leave me! I bloody told them!" John shouted, flipping off Arthur, Polly and Finn. Beth laughed shaking her head at John's antics and looked towards Tommy who had began to walk away from the group. Looking over his shoulder, he winked towards Beth. John placed her down, and Beth turned towards Polly, shooting her a look as if asking for Pols permission.

"I'm happy you've made up your mind. That man is nothing without you. I've never seen Tommy in a worse way then the day after he found out Grace was pregnant and nobody could find you, Beth. He screamed and screamed and screamed at every bloody one of us until eventually he walked outside, into the back and he fell to his knees and Thomas Shelby cried." Polly spoke softly, running her hand down Beth's hair, to smooth it down. "My beautiful little girl, always like my daughter."

Grasping Polly's hand, Beth smiled softly leaning towards her touch.

"Well I suppose this is it. Bethany Shelby is back."

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