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ARRIVING OUTSIDE ALFIES, Tommy look down at the sleep girl beside him who let out a loud yawn staring up at him. "So, was that it? Do we go back to hating each other when i come back to Small Heath?" Beth teased, her eyes wandering around the workers who rushed in and out of her sight in the views of Alfie's workplace. Sighting Tommy squeezed his hand that had found hers, hours ago and never left it. His silence was enough for Beth as he watched his eyes glare out the front window.

"I'll return home in a few days, I'll stay with Polly and Michael when I come back and I'll help out with the company." Beth murmured. Turning his head to look at her Tommy frowned, his blue eyes creasing slightly. "Live with me." He declared. Rubbing her thumb over his knuckles, Beth bit her lip. "It can't work like that. You and I both know that." Glancing at her Tommy's free hand reached up to to cup Beth's face and his head began to lean down but Beth turned at speed, her hand pushing the car door open.

Stepping out onto the streets of London, Beth bent down to look into the Bentley. "Tell your wife and kids I said hi." She challenged, slamming the door shut. Looking up, Beth grinned seeing the large doors opening. Alfie Solomons and Finn Solomons staring at her with warm smiles. Prancing towards Alfie, Beth threw herself into his arms allowing him to hug her tightly. Alfie wished in that moment he could pick her up and spin her around but his bones were rotting and his mind rotting more as he stared over her shoulder at Thomas Shelby who all but glared.

"Ah- you see I missed you. Yeah- fucking crazy little thing you are. Keeps me on my bloody feet yeah." Alfie chuckled. Stepping out of his grasp, Beth ran her hand over the side of his cheek before she leaned into his grasp smiling warmly at Finn who grinned down at her. Tommy rolled his eyes, his knuckles turning a shade of white as he knew what was best and began to pull away, murder on his mind. Beth smiled warmly her hand waving slightly but Tommy's eyes never changed from the dark colour as he began to speed again.

Squeezing the hand that held her waist, Alfie coughed awkwardly nodding up at his brother. "Why don't we get you something to eat, eh? Yeah- something to eat, eh Finn? Get Beth something to eat." Alfie instructed. Forcing a smile onto her face, Beth grinned at Alfie nodding her head. "Sounds good Alfie. Thank you Finn." Finn only nodded running off into the factory. Walking towards his office Alfie frowned. "Are you staying for long, my dear?"

Sighing softly, Beth shook her head. "A day or two tops, then I must head back. Business to attend to." Beth answered, pushing open the office door and sliding into one of the seats behind the big brown wooden desk. Closing the door behind him, Alfie made his way around the desk sitting down. "You make me feel like your bloody father watching you sneaky out to meet some bloody boy i don't like- eh? Makes me feel fucking old." Beth forced out a laugh, her eyebrows raised in a challenging manor.

"I knew you liked it when I called you daddy but I didn't think it was because you seen me as your daughter. That's a bit pervy even for you, eh Alfie?" Alfie let out a loud cackle of laughter, pointing his finger at Beth. "You came back with a sense of humour? My god what's this fucking Shelby doing to you eh?" Alfie teased. Beth opened her mouth to answer but Finn rushed through the doors of Alfie's office, letting out a loud yelp as he placed a bowl of soup in front of Beth. "It's bloody hot."

"Thank you Finn, I'm sorry you had to burn your hand in the process of making me food." Beth grinned. "Eh Finn, this ones came back with a sense of humour- yeah. You'll never guess what she just said-eh Beth? Yeah-." Alfie began, Beth's eyes widened and she laughed pointing her finger at Alfie. "Alfie Solomon's I swear to god if you tell him-." Beth threatened. "Tell me! Please Alf , tell me!" Finn begged, smiling in amusement. "She said-." Beth covered her ears beginning to sing loudly, a warm smile on her face.

A home away from home. That's what Alfie was.

Waking up in the warmth of her bed the next morning, Beth yawned her eyes peering up at the ceiling. She smiled smugly, cuddling into the warmth of her blankets. Watching her from his desk, Alfie smiled. "Nothing Bethany Shelby loves more than her fucking bed." Alfie murmured. Beth's eyes slowly opened and she glanced over to see Alfie studied into his work, not noticing his slip as he continued to look through his paper works, his gold rimmed glasses framed onto his face perfectly.

"Alfie darling, I'm not a Shelby." She corrected, not missing a beat as she peaked through her eye staring over at him with a teasing smirk. "Ah yes- Beth not a Shelby- fuck sorry my bad." Alfie grumbled, flipping a page. "Speaking of last names- I ehm- I yes think we should change it to bloody Bethany Solomons. Gives off a good ring- right? Yeah- right." Raising her eyebrows, Beth scoffed lying onto her back and spreading her arms and legs out into a star position- her eyes drifting back towards the ceiling.

"If that was your way of proposing it was fairly shit." Alfie chuckled, rolling his eyes finally looking up from his paper work. "I'd get down on my bloody knee but i don't think i'd ever get back up again." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small velvet box and Beth's eyes instantly turned, noticing the box in his hand she quickly sat up. Her eyes round like saucers. "Alfie I swear to fuck if your messing with me I will wrap barbed wire around your neck and watch you struggle." She growled.

Alfie only grinned, opening the box to reveal a big diamond ring. "I want to give you the bloody wedding he never did- eh? Just the Jewish way of course- eh. I'd just said I'd say it now before-." Alfie continued but stopped noticing Beth's eyes welled with tears. "The bloody fuck is happening." He asked in confusion. Standing out of the bed, Beth allowed her shaking legs to carry her over to Alfie, staring at the ring. "We're getting married?"

"Well you have to say yes first but yeah bloody fucking hell." Alfie mumbled nervously, Beth's face still monotone but a smile began to break across it as she took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her wedded finger.

"Yes! Fucking Yes! I'll marry you!"

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