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REACHING BACK, TOMMY let his hand brush softly over Beth's knee cap. Squeezing her eyes shut, Beth clawed at the jacket around her shoulders, pulling the heat source closer. "M'fuck off Alfie. Let me sleep." Beth murmured tiredly. Tommy's eyebrows furrowed and he let his hand roam aimlessly, brushing his hand over her cheekbone. Beth slowly peeled her eyes open, leaning away from Tommy's touch her nose scrunched.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, her eyebrows crossing in frustration as she pushed Tommy's hand away from her. "You fell asleep." Tommy replied. "And you didn't. it's your wedding day Tommy, if any of Graces cousins saw you out here touching me while i bloody sleep i don't think it would go down to well with the bride herself." Tommy only grinned, pushing his door open and standing out onto the pebbles.

Opening her own door before Tommy could, Beth let out a small grumble at the cold air that hit her at once, taking the heat from her body. "Arthur's gone to find John, we've more business to attend to." Looking down at the blonde woman who glowered up with her dark eyes. "Alone." Raising her eyebrows- Beth shook her head and walked over towards the manor. Back inside to the warm buzzing party.

Esme's eyes caught sight of the woman and she quickly rushed from Polly's side taking a glass of champagne from a waiting tray and shoving it into Beth's hands. "You look fed up, let's get bloody pissed!" Esme cheered, a cheeky smile on her face. Knocking the drink back, Beth grinned. "Well if we're going to get drunk i think i'll need something better than this posh shit." Esme laughed, looking around before grabbing Beth's arm and pulling her into the kitchen- both girls giggling at the mess they were about to make.

Stumbling up the stairs drunk as the night, Esme and Beth both laughing louder than they should have. Slipping on the carpet stairs Esme let out a loud scream of laughter and Beth hunched over letting out a wheezed laugh. At all the commotion a room door flew open and Tommy stared down at the two drunk women. Sighing Tommy scolded down at Esme who quickly stood to her feet, pushing past Tommy roughly and stumbling into a room where a loud cheer from a drunk John escaped, before the door slammed.

"I'll stay in Finn's room tonight and will leave in the morning." Beth declared, her smile dropping. "Nonsense, stay for the weekend." Tommy sighed, glancing to the side into the room where Grace stood staring out him her face scrunching. Reaching over Tommy closed his bedroom door slowly, avoiding eye contact with Grace. Choking on laugh Beth shook her head. "It's your wedding day Thomas. Go be with your wife. As i said earlier i didn't come for you."

Shaking his head Tommy began to walk down the room stopping at a room and peaking inside. Gesturing his hand inside, Beth contemplated the idea before turning back to the stairs and beginning to walk away. "Bethany! Please just stay tonight. It's a free room and you don't have to bloody talk to me if you don't want to." Tommy shouted, sighing Beth turned around staring at Tommy once more before walking towards the room and stepping in.

Walking in behind her, Tommy closed the door but Beth let out a sarcastic laugh. "Get the fuck out." Walking towards the window she looked down at the sight of a bonfire dying out. Wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, Tommy placed his head into the crook of Beth's neck inhaling the scent of her; expensive perfume and rum. Scoffing Beth turned to Tommy shoving his away. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Sitting onto the double bed that took up most the room, Tommy placed his head into his hands. "I need you, I want you, I don't want to let bloody go of you ever again." He murmured desperately attempting to pull Beth closer but she stepped away shaking her head angrily. "Okay and? I don't need you, I don't want you, I couldn't give two fucks if you were seven feet under with bullets in your chest." Beth shouted, picking up the first time she seen which happened to be a book and flinging it full first.

Standing up to dodge the book being thrown at him, Tommy scrunched his face. "You love me Beth, I know bloody fucking well you do!" Tommy shouted, his finger pointing harshly at Beth. "Love? Love? You think I love you? Are you fucking joking me. Thomas Michael Shelby I will never love a man like you ever again! I can do so much better than a Birmingham scumbag who shoots people he doesn't like without caring about anyone other than himself. I've loved you once but never, ever again."

Reaching up to pull at his hair Tommy let out an aggravated shout, pulling his fist back and hitting it into the wall. Slowing his breathing, Tommy shook like a leaf, resting his head against the wall. "I waited for you for so long." Tommy mumbled. Storming over to the door, Beth flung it back harshly and pointing outside. "Go wait with your bloody wife because you clearly didn't wait long enough if you've married, with a child of your own." Beth spat calmly.

Closing his eyes, Tommy paused. "Please Beth. Please." He begged. "Get. Fucking. Out." Beth growled. Standing up straight, Tommy swallowed thickly and fixing his waist coast before walking into the hall. Staring at each other from the door way, Tommy opened his mouth to speak but Beth slammed the door. Leaning against the door, Beth clasped her hand over her mouth as a sob escaped her lips, sliding to the floor she pulled her knees to her chest.

Her sobs echoed the walls of the Shelby manor room, her scent still lingered under his nose, his touch still felt close against her, holding her as if it was right and as Beth let out an angry scream she realised something. However against the events of the night Thomas Shelby still had her heart, married or not.

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