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BETH SMILED WIDELY, as the photographer snapped a picture of her and Tommy. Wearing a pink dress with her hair pinned back with a face full of makeup curtesy of Esme who insisted that Beth looked her very best. Glancing to her side she rubbed her hand over Tommy's cheek. "I'm so proud of you." She murmured, Tommy's focus being drawn back to her once more as his arms held her waist. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Today the Grace Shelby institution reopened. The whole place had been renovated, decorated and furnished and was finally ready for the grand opening. With months of filling into Graces plans, Beth had perfected everything. This way the redemption of the Shelby's, those who seen them as Birmingham scum with no respect for the people around them could now have the opportunity to see them as upper class with upmost respects to people who could become good if they tried hard enough. Well atleast in the eyes of the public.

Grace had wanted to provide mistreated children the chance to turn the bad into their life into good. (Something Beth had snorted at once having found out, stating Grace was only try to repent her wrongs in the eyes of god so she wouldn't burn in hell- John finding this extremely humorous- bare in mind Beth would never say something of such sorts to Tommy so she was glad atleast John found it funny.) So Beth helped along with Graces plan.

The renovation had outcome to be a chapel, enough beds for two hundred children, kitchens, play areas, classrooms and more- a change in Birmingham. Beth grinned, her eyes ogling Tommy. He understood that the institution despite costing a fortune would be good for his reputation and dressed to impress, just the same as Beth who had dressed Charles in a suit that morning. Glancing around her eyes caught sight of Ada with Charles in her arms and Beth let out a sigh of relief.

For someone who had hated children, the love child of Tommy and Grace had undoubtedly grown on her. At first she hated him but after a while she realised it wasn't the child fault his mother- in Beth's eyes was in spawn of satan himself. Tommy's hands squeezed Beth's waist, her attention focusing back to him this time. "It's you and me Beth, eh? Fuck these people. It's you and bloody me." Tommy whispered, grinning when he seen Beth's frown turn to a smile. "You and me." She repeated, her cheeks flushing.

"Oh aren't they so cute! So in love." One of the old women cooed, Beth grinning as she hid her face into Tommy's should, his hands rubbing up her back. "She's just such a darling! Such a pretty thing. They make a beautiful couple!" Another coursed. Tommy pulled away, looking down at Beth. "We should do our rounds." Nodding Beth parted, their hands lingering for a moment before slipping out of each other's grasp. Making her way toward the old women, Beth laced on an award winning smile.

"Thank you all so much for coming." She spoke, the women all coursed back to her. "You look beautiful as ever!" An old woman coursed, Beth tugging at her hands nervously as she bellowed a laugh. "Thank you so much!" A hand grasped her shoulder and John raised his eyebrows. "Beth there's a woman over here who would like to meet you." Turning back to the group Beth smiled. "If you'll excuse me please." Allowing John to take her hand, Beth got pulled into the hall. Letting out a huff of air as she laughed at John's antics.

"All those old women freak me bloody out." He whispered, shaking his body around. "It's all, please! Thank you so much! Oh, I didn't get back with Tommy after Grace fucking died! She was a lovely woman, I'm just fucking her husband now that she's six fucking feet under. Hallelujah for that though." Beth grumbled in annoyance. John's laugh echoed around the hall as he walked toward the large portrait of Grace displayed. "She was beautiful." Beth commented, staring at her.

"Never liked her." John spoke. Beth turned grinning cheekily at John who smiled back at her. "What you smiling at Betty?" He questioned. Smiling Beth shrugged. "Why didn't you like her you soppy cunt?" She asked, poking into his side. "She tried so hard to be you. Didn't work though. She wasn't that level of crazy yet. You can be batshit sometimes- scarier than fucking Tommy when you want. She could never be you. No one could."

Beth'a smile grew across her face as she wrapped her arms tightly around John's neck. "I love you John Shelby. You will forever be my best friend." Beth whispered, squeezing him. John in return squeezed her back, rocking them side to side. "You too doll face, you too." He mumbled, petting over her hair. Beth pulled back, smiling sweetly as she stepped away from John, pulling him back inside. "C'mon, Tommy will kill the two of us."

John only groaned, fixing his suit before he entered the hall, plastering a fake smile onto his face as he watched Beth get whisked away by a man who began to talk about the institution. Letting out a chuckle, he searched the room, his eyes landing on the drinks table. Beth nodded along with the mans words, fluttering her eyes to prevent them from rolling out of boredom at the same conversation she felt as if she had twenty times that day. "It's no thanks to Tommy! He's a kind man, always has been, always will be, eh?" 

The man cringed and Beth would tell by his face as his expression changed at the mention of Tommy he was trying to hit on her. "He's a wonderful fiancée, he treats me so right and I can't remember the last time we argued believe it or not!" She lied, coaxing on a fake laugh as the man nodded before turning her back to her. Beth couldn't contain her laugh, sheltering her left hand as she put the finger up to the man behind his back. A hand found her back and Beth turned, jumping in slight shock but letting out a laugh when she noticed it was Tommy.

"Hello love, you scared me. I was-." Beth began. "Bethany. Beth. He's gone. Charles he's gone. Oh fuck."

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