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TOMMY HAD MADE, strict rules as he stayed in hospital over a period of eight weeks. On his terms, he didn't want to see Beth or Charlie. The only person Thomas Shelby wanted to see was Michael. Beth after getting the life frightened out of her couldn't understand for the life of her why Tommy would want to see Michael over her. She had made up scenarios in her head that maybe Tommy only wanted to see Beth because of how hard it would be for him to stay hospitalised but that conclusion had disappeared when Tommy stayed for an extra month.

On his return, Beth had been sat in his office, her blonde hair left over her shoulders just the way Tommy liked it, her face bare of makeup and her best black dress and heels out. Her head was buried in work, Charles sat on the rug near the armchair playing with his toys when a knock rung on the door. "C'min!" Beth called, taking a light sip of her whiskey as she worked. Mary walked in, smiling excitedly. "Thomas' car has arrived, Miss Shelby." Standing up, Beth brushed out her dress before walking towards Charles and propping him up on her hip.

"Daddy's back- daddy's home baby." Beth cooed, wiping his little chin from his drool as she walked into the main entrance. Her breathing increased when she saw Tommy climb out of the car, his feet echoing as he stepped onto the stones. "Look who it is Charles's- look who it is!" Beth cooed, her heart stopping when Tommy's tired eyes met hers. Handing the child off to Mary, Beth bit back her smile as Tommy walked up the steps to the manor.

"Tommy." Beth grinned, her hands subconsciously brushing out her dress. "C'mere to me." Tommy muffled, opening his arms. Letting out a laugh, Beth fell into his open arms, smiling as he squeezed her tight. "I thought I lost you. You fucking dickhead. You ever- ever do something as stupid as that I'll kill you my fucking self." Beth growled, hugging his body closer if possible. "I love you." Tommy mumbled, placing his lips to her cheek. "Tell me again." Beth demanded, rubbing her hands up through Tommy's hair.

Pulling back slightly, Tommy placed his lips to hers. "I fuckin' love you." He mumbled, his forehead resting against hers. Smiling slyly, Beth's cheeks flushed a shade of pink. "C'mon let's get you to bed." Nodding, Tommy made his way to Mary, taking his child from her hands and beginning his trek upstairs. Beth never questioned it as she followed him upstairs, and into their bedroom. Placing the child onto the bed, Tommy stripped from his suit, leaving him in briefs as he crawled into his bed. Charles automatically reaching for his father.

Grinning Beth stripped from her dress, Pulling on Tommy's shirt and buttoning it up before she herself lay down onto the bed, staring as Tommy held the child. "I've missed you more than you'll ever know." Beth's spoke. Tommy's head turned to stare, his blue eyes watching her as she fluttered her eyes. "Missed you too Beth." Frowning, Beth pushed herself up into a sitting position. "You didn't want to see me- when you were in hospital- you didn't want to see me. Why was that Tom?"

Tommy's eyes fluttered down to the child who had crawled onto his stomach, running his car back and forth over Tommy's body, Tommy only shrugged. "I needed time." He spoke, grinning lightly as he lifted Charles. Beth smiled at the duo, rolling her eyes. "Time for bloody what? Your not rethinking us being together are you? Because if you are all you have to do is bloody say." A moment of silence pasted and Beth scoffed, standing up but a hand caught around her wrist. "Thinking about how I'm going to buy you a wedding ring out of the money I get from business with the Russians."

Sitting back onto the bed, Beth bit her lip nervously, furrowing her eyebrows at Tommy. "Y'mean that?" Without a beat, Tommy nodded. Smiling smugly, Beth pulled the covers over her body, snuggling into Tommy's chest as he wrapped his arm around her body pulling her closer. Charles reached out picking up a strand of her blonde hair, tugging it lightly as he played. Looking up at Tommy, Beth placed a light kiss to his skin. "I love you so much more than you'll ever know."

Tommy's eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head down to stare. "You've said that a lot today love." Shrugging, Beth rubbed her thumb over the side of Charles cheek, grinning as he laughed. "I know Tom, I just really thought I lost you for good in Ada's. I've never felt as much hurt in my life, it just felt like I was dying myself. Then the paramedics came and I couldn't let you go, John had to hold me back." Running his fingers up and down her arms, Tommy placed a kiss to her forehead.

"I'll make it a big wedding ring." Beth let out a snort of laughter, shaking her head at Tommy's antics. "A proper wedding too- no business. Oh, maybe Arthur could walk me down the aisle. Since he's the eldest. Charles could bring the rings up. Isaiah and Finn could help decorate the Church." Letting out a huff, Tommy nodded, reaching over to his dresser and picking up a cigarette. Placing it between his lips, he went to light it but Beth quickly snatched it making Tommy's head turn.

"No smoking in front of Charles. I'll put him to bed and then you can smoke, eh?" Making way to stand up, Tommy quickly pulled Beth back down shooting her a look. "Stay." Sighing, Beth ran her hand over her face. A knock echoed through the room and Beth quickly shouted come in, not surprised when Mary stepped in. "Miss Shelby a bouquet of flowers came from you in the lobby. No name just a card saying 'Till we meet again'." Letting out a small laugh, Beth shook her head. "Thank you. Mary can you take Charles please."

The older woman quickly nodded, quickly taking the child and leaving. "Flowers, eh? A new lover?" Tommy teased, lighting his cigarette. "No, after you got taken away I could sleep and Alfie and John fell asleep so I just left to see Alfie. We had breakfast and I explained you were in hospital and then he dropped me back to Ada's. I just needed some company, s'all." Beth explained. Nodding Tommy shift, laying down fully.

"Well I'm back now. The only company you need is mine."

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