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IT WAS NO SHOCK, to anyone who knew Bethany Clover that the woman despised early mornings. Grumbling Beth pulled a face as she glared at Tommy who glanced down at her. "Who the fuck is beeping this early in the fucking morning. Fucking cunts. I'm going to fucking- bloody fucking- kill them bloody fucking twat." Beth grumbled, sitting out of bed and pulling her silk overcoat over her night dress. Tommy was yet to answer when Beth took off down the stairs and out the door to glare at Alfie Solomon's who held down on the horn as both Tommy and Beth made their way over.

"Stop beeping that god damn fucking horn Alfie Solomons or I swear to fucking god I'll swing and knock you out with one blow to that mug of yours you stupid fucking twat." Beth yelled, glaring at Alfie who's had retreated from the car horn. "Morning Alfie." Tommy greeted, an amused grin of his face. "Yeah it is. It is. How come everybody's in fucking bed. Apart from Bethany, eh? She's up, eh Beth." Alfie teased, watching as Tommy pulled Beth in beside him. A tall chunk of a man stepped forward and Beth felt like a jack Russel compared to the bean stalk. "So this must be Goliath? Right. Let me introduce you to David. This way boys."

Glancing down Tommy placed a kiss to Beth's lips before beginning to walk away. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your morning Beth. I assume David's out of bed." Alfie grinned, turning to follow after Tommy. "Yeah, yeah shove it!" Beth grumbled, marching back into Polly's home to return to bed.

Beth was sat on the couch nursing a cup of tea in her hands as she watched Charles play with cars on the floor , a book in her hands as she sat waiting Tommys return. The front door open and she stood immediately, wrapping her arms tightly around Tommy who reciprocated the love in a tight hug. Sitting down at the fire, Beth made sure to pour Tommy a drink and hand it to him before she sat back down onto the sofa. Polly watched the couple, her eyes remaining on Tommy who still hadn't said a word since came in. His cigarette hung untouched and unlit from his lips and he flinched when Polly took his lighter from his hand and lit it.

"Do you know I remember the very first time you head butted a policeman. But after you got your OBE from the King I didn't think there would have been a next time. Bethany was young and beautiful like always and the policeman had eyes for her and I'd never seen Tommy get jealous but he took one glance at the pair before strutting over and head butting the policeman into the face and yelled at him to stay away from your Bethany." Polly recalled the memory. Beth grinned, shaking her head softly at the memory. "What are you going to tell Arthur?" Polly asked. "I'll tell him the truth."

"They're here." Polly announced, walking away to her the door. Standing, Beth followed Tommy into the kitchen, sitting down beside Finn who grinned nudging Beth softly. Her eyes watched as Arthur poured the Tokyo onto the table and she cringed looking away in disgust. "So, what the fuck happened today Tom? We all heard. Shooting in Artillery Square." Arthur spoke, breaking the silence. "Yeah there was. Today I killed three men. Now our enemies will have to wait." Beth swallowed thickly, her hand running over her stomach lightly. She was bringing a baby into the world with two gangster parents who her killed more people than they had friends.

"So I suppose they took you by surprise, did they?" Arthur questioned. "No i knew they were coming." Tommy replied bluntly. "Just after Christmas I received a letter from Luca Changretta offering to spare my son if I gave up Tommy. And I gave Tommy up." Polly spoke. Standing up, Bethany's chair screeched against the tiles. "You fucking what?" She spat, her eyes scanning over Polly. "It's alright Beth because that's the plan that and I agreed on. I knew that Luca would want to pull the trigger himself." Tommy began, watching as Beth took her seat at the table. Arthur leaned down snorting a line of Tokyo loudly.

"So I used the set up as bait to bring him in." Tommy explained. "Your a fucking idiot Tom." Arthur snarled. "Look I didn't get Luca but I got three. All right? That's it. That's what happened." Charles wandered into the room and Tommy picked up his son onto his hip. "But he's right. I mean I thought you'd gone soft. So you got three?" Johnny Doggs laughed. "Yeah I got three." Tommy answered. "Well I'll drink to you Tom. You mad bastard." Charlie grinned raising his glass as Johnny laughed. Standing up, Arthur  tracked toward Tommy. "Pretty soon your going to get the shakes and when your blood cools down, let's go get a drink." Arthur grinned, clapping his brother onto the arm.

"Dad, you got three what?" Charles asked, smiling into his fathers face. "I got three shillings for a two shilling horse. Now, my boy, you come with us, eh?" Bethany watched as the men left, her eyes catching Lizzie's who nothing short but glared at her in return. Beth shot the unkind look back and stood up, leaving to go the office to make do with her time.

Beth couldn't concentrate as she stared through the crack of Tommys office door to where he sat smoking a cigarette and looking at the picture of Grave and Charles on his desk. Standing up she walked into the office, her mind spinning. "Want a drink Beth. I've had a hard day." Tommy spoke, pouring himself a drink to whiskey. "I don't drink anymore Tommy." Beth retorted, pushing her hair behind her ear as she studied Tommy. "Why not?" He asked, throwing his drink back and Bethany was sure he already knew the answer.

"The doctor said it harms the baby." Tommy turned around, staring at Beth for a moment. "The baby." He repeated. Walking over, Beth sat at the table in his office. "The baby." She repeated, once again, looking down as she feared Tommys reaction. "Your pregnant." He stated. "And you want to keep it?" Beth looked up her eyes glaring into his. He knew the answer he was just processing it all in his head. "And your going to keep it." Sitting down into the chair beside her, Tommy grasped Beth's hand a small grin beginning to spread on his face. "We're going to have a baby together." Smiling Beth let out a laugh, the hot tears beginning to roll down her face as Tommy pulled her into a hug.

"I love you so much." She uttered, clinging to his overcoat. "I love you so bloody fucking much. We're going to have a baby together." Tommy spoke, a small laugh leaving his lips. A laugh Beth hadn't heard since before the war. Pulling back, Tommy wiped her tears and placed a kiss to her lips before pulling her to stand up. "You'll have this child and then we'll get married and have the wedding you always wanted."

"Let's go Tom."

"Let's go bloody home Beth."

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