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"WHERE IS CHARLES?" Beth questioned for what felt like the hundredth time, making her way through the crowded room. "Have you seen him? Charles? Anyone seen him?" She yelled, her hands shaking. Tommy also ran around asking the question but nothing could stop the shaking Beth felt ache through her body. Theoretically the child wasn't hers but ever since Grace had died- Beth had attempted her hardest to step into a motherly role for the blonde haired boy she had grown quite attached to.

John caught the look in her eyes as Tommy began to question Ada, Polly, Lizzie and Arthur and rushed to her side. Taking her shaking frame he pulled it into his chest. "He's just a baby, they're going to kill him." Beth cried, grasping John's jacket. Pushing him back roughly when she heard shouts, Beth's train of thoughts changed when she seen Tommy barking orders- knowing it wouldn't be long until he snapped.

"Back door. Kitchen. Get to Blake Street where the cars are." Tommy ordered, pointing toward Arthur and John with such a glare in his eye that John left Beth without second thought. "Tommy!" Ada called. "Someone say they saw a nurse take him through the back door." Tommy's face contorted in anger, hissing a loud "Fuck!" before he took off in a run. "I don't know. Go!" Ada ordered, pointing toward the door. Her eyes caught site of Beth who was getting bombarded by old ladies offering for help and by the look in her eye Ada knew she was in shock.

Pushing through the crowd Ada barked an order for the woman to leave which was quickly obliged. Without any words, Ada took Beth's hand taking her to the hallway. "Charles- my baby." Beth whimpered, tears flooding her blue eyes. "We're going to find him Beth, but you need to find Tommy first. Your the only one he'll listen to." Ada assured, and sure enough she had been right. Loud shouts from Tommy echoing up the stairs.

Tommy had worked himself into such a frenzy that he had managed to throw up, paced around so much he felt dizzy and nearly knocked Arthur out who attempted to console his brother.  Rushing down the stairs, Beth brought her dress up around her knees, running so hard she nearly tripped on her knees but none of that mattered. Tommy turned around, hearing her steps and his face crumbled from anger into sadness and all he wanted to do was to grasp Beth into his arms and sob his problems away but no amount of tears could fix the mess at hand.

Jumping from the last step, Beth's arms wrapped tightly around Tommy's frame, her hand cradling the back of his head whilst the other hung lazily over his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her waist his head burrowed into her shoulder breathing in her comforting scent of vanilla and cigarettes. "Oh Tommy." Beth cried, feeling his hands shake. "Our child." Tommy murmured. "He's gone. I fucked up Beth, he's gone."

Pulling back, Beth cupped his face looking him dead into the eye. "C'mon Tommy. You need to get him back. Pull yourself bloody together and let's fucking find our boy, eh? It's me and you Tom. It's just me and you. I love you." Beth whispered, watching as Tommy closed his eyes. The moment was broke when Arthur interrupted staring that they needed to get to the betting shop because whoever had taken Charles would call them and demand a ransom. Ushering them into a car, Beth sat in the back feeling ill to her stomach, Tommy sat passenger his fists clenching nervously with Pol driving.

Arriving at the shop, Tommy took Beth's hand in his leading her into the betting shop close behind him as if to remind him he still had something left. The rain poured down heavily, only worsening the day. Walking into the shop felt different this time, especially as Tommy went straight to the phone and started barking orders. Beth held her stomach the ill feeling never leaving as she ran straight to the kitchen, throwing up the contents of her stomach, her hands shakily brushing back her blonde hair that had managed to get soaked in the rain.

Inhaling deeply, Beth wiped her mouth with a towel. Hearing something hop off the wall, Beth instantly rushed back into the room. Tommy had thrown the phone hard against the wall and it lay broken amongst the floor, he himself stood anxiously peering out the window. Making her way toward Tommy, her hand cautiously reached to grasp his. "It's them." Tommy growled. "Who? Who's them love?" Beth asked quietly, afraid to worsen his dark mood.

"It's fucking them." Tommy hissed. "Look it might be some random woman, you know. Sometimes women go mad." Polly suggested. Beth's eyes cast over and when Polly caught the dark glimpse in Beth's eye she instantly looked down realised her suggestion was stupid. "No. It's. Them." Tommy spat, crouching down onto his knees. Beth caught her breathing, feeling herself hyperventilate at the thoughts of Father Hughes anywhere near her sweet boy who squealed happily every morning she came to find him.

"Did you break the phone? You broke the phone. It's alright we have another." Polly rambled, picking the broken phone from the ground. The door opened and Ada appeared from outside. "Tommy, Beth?" Ada called. "Ada!" Tommy responded, standing up straight. "There's someone outside. A priest." Ada informed looking between the couple. Beth's face paled and she swallowed thickly. Turning to Beth, Tommy pointed his finger. "Stay here. Pol. Stay here. Do not do anything."  Tommy demanded.

As Tommy left the room, Beth found herself sitting down at the table,her head falling into her hands as she covered her face to hide the expression of pain as tears began to run down her cheeks. Sliding into the chair beside her once Beth began to sob, Polly wrapped her arms around the blonde, rubbing her hand up and down her back in attempts to comfort her. Moving her hands from her face, Beth latched her arms around Polly, her sobs only intensifying as she cried into aunt Pols shoulder.

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