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THOMAS SHELBY HAD, been beaten to a mere inch of his life during the night. Beth had managed to fall asleep, child in her arms in the nursery when Mary, the main maid of the house came rushing in. "Misses Shelby! Misses Shelby come quick. It's Tommy, he's in the office and there's something not right." Beth's eyes shot open and she in return nearly dropped the child in her arms but quickly braced herself. Handing the child to the maid Beth began to sprint through the manor, down the long stairs and inside the door of Tommy's office.

Hearing the door closed, the man gasped and stood slightly before falling back into his chair. Walking over to him, Beth fell onto her knees quickly as she looked up at Tommy, studying his structure. "Tom, Tommy- hey! Look at me love, look at me." Beth pried, watching as his sunken eyes fell down onto her, only then realising the tears in his eyes. "What's happening Tom? Hey, you have to tell me. I can help." Tommy stared for a moment before standing up in a rush and hobbling to the side of his desk before bending over and beginning to vomit.

Beth followed, rubbing his back and up his shoulders as he began to sob. "I've got to go- I've got to go." Tommy spoke, wiping his arm over his face that leaked of tears and sweat. Grasping his shoulders to stop him, Beth scanned his face in confusion and concern. "Where baby? Where do you have to, hm?" She murmured, rubbing her hand over his face to wipe his sweat. "The Russians- he'll kill me if i don't. Father Hughes. Then to Ada. Ada for a meeting with the Soviet Council." Beth opened her mouth to reply but Tommy had began to walk past her, grabbing his cap and gun and making way for his car.

Beth had to jog to catch up, yelling his name but Tommy didn't answer as he rushed to the car a driver awaited him in. "Tommy- you can't leave you're falling apart. Please." Beth cried, reaching for his hand as he struggled to sit into the car. "I have to- I have to. For you Beth and Charles. I have to." Beth began to cry as she struggled to make him comply. "Tommy please-. At least let me come." Tommy only shook his head, closing the car door as harsh as he could he signalled for the drive to take off.

Beth let out a cry- running after the car down the drive as she tried to stop him but it was too late- Thomas Shelby was gone. Jogging back into the house, Beth quickly ran to Tommy's office picking up the phone and beginning the one person she'd knew would help.

Beth hadn't stopped crying ever since Tommy had left. When the front door to the Manor opened she quickly stood, walking into the hall to see John. Falling into his arms she let out. loud sob, clutching to his coat as he rubbed her back. "Tommy- he looked dead. I'm s-scared John. Please help me get to Ada's." John sighed holding Beth tight. Pulling away from her, he placed a kiss to her forehead before brushing her hair behind her ears. "Of course I'll help love. C'mon, I'll drive you."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Beth thanked John as she followed him towards his car. When they were both seated, John waisted no time in rushing towards Small Heath on the journey he drove to London. John shot Beth a glance before taking her hand and squeezing it tightly in his as they began there journey. "He does love you. I know he does. Loves you bloody more than anything fucking else." John grinned. Beth smiled lightly, leaning over slightly and resting her head against his shoulder.

"I love him, I really do but I also love you and Arthur and Finn and Ada and Pol. You're my family. Families fight, eh? All that matters to me right now is that my bat shit crazy gangster family doesn't lose its bloody leader." Pausing Beth took a shaken breath.  "I fell in love with Tommy two seconds after I saw him. And i'll never stop loving him even though it doesn't make sense anymore. Without him this family would be lost. I don't want to see a world without him, John."

John sighed, leaning his head against Beth's. A silence following over them as they rushed to save Thomas Shelby.

By the time they reached London, the sky was dark and night was approaching. John had some how managed to calm Beth on the drive but nothing stopped the bad feeling that ached through her body knowing her Tommy was hanging on by his last thread. Pulling up on Ada's street. Beth never uttered a word to John as she leaped out of the car, leaving her door opened as she made a dash for Ada's house. Reaching the front door, Beth harshly banged against the wood, until it was opened.

Ada's eyes softened seeing Beth as she quickly pulled the distraught blonde into her home and towards the stairs where Tommy lay. "Ambulance- ring the ambulance quickly Ada." Beth yelled, falling onto her knees between Tommy's legs on the stair case. "Tommy." Beth cried, grasping his face lightly. "If i'm not conscious when i get there, tell them I have a fractured skull, concussion and an external bleeding. I think I might have a haemorrhage. Tell Ada to be quick because I can't see."

Letting out a sob, Beth gasped in air. "C'mon Tommy just a few minutes longer for me, eh? For your Bethany." Beth cooed, softly. "Beth." Tommy paused, gasping for air. "I've loved you since the day I first saw you and I'll never bloody stop loving you." Letting out a sob, Beth placed her head against his knee, curling up on steps. "I love you Thomas Shelby." A silence overtook and Beth was sure Tommy was out but a small murmur justified he was awake. "I cant see anything. But dad. I can see dad."

Letting out a broken sob, Beth let out a scream as she felt Tommy's body finally lay limp.

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