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STEPPING OFF THE train into Small Heath, Beth smiled proudly looking down at the bright ring that endured her skinny pale ring finger. John stood at the bottom of the station his eyebrows crossed in confusion as he waited for Beth to walk his way. Looking up, Beth locked eyes with John and lightly jogged in her heels towards the Shelby, allowing him to hug her tightly. "What's got you in this good mood, eh?"

Looking around cautiously, Beth turned to John. "If i tell you, you can't tell Tommy. He'll just cause murder." Beth grumbled. John's eyebrows furrowed and he slowly nodded his head in agreement. Holding up her right hand, Beth smiled a toothy smile. "I'm engaged!" John's eyebrows stayed furrowed as he grasped Beth's hand with shaken hands. "Bethany.." John began, his voice quiet. "You're engaged?" He questioned. Beth's smile fell slightly as she nodded. "Isn't is great?"

Swallowing thickly, a fake smile attempting to form at his lips as he just shrugged. "Yeah, yeah of course. Of course. Why don't we go to the Garrison and have a few drinks to support your wedding, eh?" John jeered, his smile lifting slightly as Beth nodded. "Yeah why the fuck not. You just you gotta trust me on this one John because I know how this will kick off and I just need you to pull through for me and not tell anyone." John nodded intently and with that Beth smiled widely allowing him to link their arms and drag her to the Garrison.

Running through the streets of Small Heath, Beth let out an angry scream of frustration as her legs carried her closely behind John the only thing from stopping her catching him were the mounds of people standing in the street. "John Shelby I swear to fucking god divine I'll-." Beth got cut off by her feet skidding harshly against the pavement, as she fell. Her knee cutting open slightly. Three or four women rushed over to help her stand but Beth pushed them back harshly running into the betting station.

John stood his eyes widened with fear as Tommy's eyes darkened at the sight of Beth. The Betting Station was minute off opening so it was nearing empty apart from Tommy, Beth and John who all stared at each other. Closing the door behind her, Beth fixed her dress and nodded towards Tommy. "Thomas." She addressed quickly. Walking around the corner, Polly gasped. "Beth! Your all bloodied up and dirty. Your tights are ripped and your dress is covered in blood and fucking muck."

Nodding towards Polly, Beth opened her mouth to speak but Tommy quickly jumped in. "So it's true?" He asked. "Whats true Thomas?" She questioned, her voice calm. Tommy's eyebrows scrunched and he pointed his finger towards Beth. "Don't you dare play fucking stupid with me." He shouted. Pursing her lips, Beth's eyebrows raised as she let out a laugh. "Correct me if I'm wrong Tommy, but my father is dead. I didn't realise I had to ask your permission to marry."

"You're married?" Finn asked, peeking around the corner. Holding out her ring hand, Beth flashed the ring. "Engaged actually." Swallowing thickly Tommy shut his eyes and turned walking away. "You're a blind woman, Bethany Clover." Polly tutted before turning to follow after Tommy. Grinning towards Finn and John, Beth let out a laugh. "This is insane? Are you actually all angry at me for marrying a man I love. Tommy's married! John's married. So is fucking Arthur now but no. I'm not aloud to me- eh?" 

John sighed, grabbing Beth's hand. "You don't love Alfie, you're trying to get back at Tommy- I get it." Ripping her hand away from his grasp, Beth shook her head violently. "I thought you'd atleast understand John." She mumbled before turning out and leaving the betting station. John went to walk after her but Finn shook his head. "How bout we leave me to do the talking- eh John? She doesn't exactly have any reason to hate me at the moment." John sighed but nodded.

Finn jogged out of the betting station, and pushed people back as he caught his arm around Beth's shoulder. "Hello beautiful, fancy seeing you here." He teased. "And who might you be handsome?" Beth grinned, playing along. "I'm the man who's going to show you one hell of a good time." Finn winked. "Finn Shelby you are still my baby and you will show me no such thing!" Beth scolded, Finns cheeks flushing a deep red. "Not like that Betty." Finn mumbled in embarrassment.

Isaiah came up behind them, his arm wrapping around the other side of Beth's shoulder, holding up a bottle of rum he shook it, the liquid splashing. "Looks like you could do with a drink." Isaiah smiled innocently. Shaking her head, Beth laughed. "I am not getting drunk with two teenage boys, Tommy's angry enough we don't need to make him any worse." Beth grumbled. Isaiah and Finn shared a look, two rebellious grins spread on their faces. "Common Beth it's just the one!"

Falling in the door of the betting shop, Beth laughed loudly as she kicked off her heels. The shop had just closed leaving the workers and few men who were getting pushed out by Arthur who yelled and shoved them out. Finn tried to find his balance as he followed in Beth's footsteps except he fell flat on his ass, Beth's laugh growing louder. Stepping out of his office eyebrows furrowed, John stared at the two in confusion. "What the bloody hell is happening?"

Arthur slammed the door, looking over at the two drunken idiots who were near tears laughing. "I think our Finn has put Beth back to her old self, atleast for the night anyway." Arthur mumbled. Beth's laughter suddenly stopped and she steadied herself, eyeing Arthur and John up before she made a run towards Arthur who stood there in confusion. Beth's arms locked around his neck as she hugged to his body tightly. "Calvin! Calvin! Calvin! Oh how i've missed you my dear brother, oh my dear brother."

Arthur shot an uneasy look towards John as he stood awkwardly. Tommy walked out of his office, his eyebrows squished together as he opened his mouth to start to shout but Beth unraveled her self from Arthur and lept towards Tommy, planting a firm kiss to his lips. "My solider!" Wrapping her arm around his shoulders, Beth swung around to face Finn who still sat on the ground. "This is my Tommy- eh? My lover- eh Tom?"  Finn began to laugh louder and Tommy sighed, wrapping his arm around Beths waist to steady her.

"John go fetch my bloody car. I'm bringing Beth back to my house." Tommy instructed, trying to ignore the girl who clung to him. "You're a bloody fucking idiot Beth." Tommy grumbled. Laying her head onto his shoulder tiredly, Beth frowned. "I'm sorry Tom. I don't love Alfie- I- I-." A loud yawn interrupted her words, and Tommy subconsciously began to rub his hand up and down Beth's back. "I know your sorry, I'm sorry too."

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