Special Nights Out

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This is the 100 reads special! A 200 reads is so close! Thank you all for staying and feel free to comment whenever, it makes me motivated to do more! Thank you all again. It is short but that's because the next special will be longer as will the next chapter.

(Smexy moments ahead)

Riley swayed her hips with the music, her tight but comfortable black dress fitting her curves perfectly. They wanted to get her out, then let's get going.

Lucifer glided his hands down to her waist, keeping up with her swaying as the music continued to blare in the dimly light club.

She tilted her head back, looking Lucifer in the eyes, "I thought you didn't like this sort of music."

Lucifer smirked and grabbed her waist, pulling her in, "I'm not worried about the music right now darling."

Riley flushed but turned around, her chest pushed against Lucifers as his hold on her never wavered. She smirked in satisfaction.

She trailed her hands down his chest before brining them up to his neck as she sneakily left kisses down his jawline.

He sucked in a breath as his hold on her waist grew tight, "Calm yourself love. It takes a lot for me to hold back."

Riley pulled back and fake frowned, "Your holding back."

He captured her lips in a passionate hold, his hands now rested on her ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

She let out a breath, her dominate facade quickly vanishing.

"Not for long.."

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now