Bruises (mature)

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I apologize for it being so short but I want to do both mature and fluff so I decided to cut it in half. Anyway, enjoy? I guess?

Aileth smirked, pulling on his neck for a sloppy kiss. Lucifer groaned into the kiss, feeling her tongue take over his own.

Damn she was good with her tongue.

His hands roamed her body, feeling every sensitive spot on her. They released themselves from the kiss, Lucifer instantly attaching himself to her neck, sucking and biting her.

She moaned his name, letting out gasps of air as if she couldn't breathe. He began to get impatient and she knew it, she slipped his shirt off and ran her fingers along his body.

Lucifer inhaled, "Damn, why- agh, you so good at this."

"I learned from the best." She said sweetly, remembering her first time with him.

He smirked and flipped them over, her now sitting on his lap. She knew what he wanted, but she loved when he was angry with her. Angry sex was the best in her opinion.

She slowly moved down, looping her fingers in his belt loops. Lucifer grunted.

"Don't be a tease darling. Your such a slut for me aren't you?" He gasped out, smirking when she tensed a bit.

"Mm." She hummed, pulling down his zipper and moving her hips along.

"But you love it when you get to punish me."

Lucifer hated it, the way she knew him so well. But god dammit he loved it too.

He soon got bothered and decided he should take it from here. He grabbed her wrists and pushed her down. Not waiting for her he instantly began sucking on her exposed skin again. Trying to distract her.

"Mm!" She moaned into the kiss, the feeling of his hips grinding against hers made her eyes shut.

Lucifer hummed confidently, pulling away from her as they both let out heated breaths of air.

They both smirked.

"Get ready for my love." He grunted lowly.

His lover smiled teasingly, "Bring it on sugar."

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