Story Time

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"So, did you actually stab Lucifer?"

Aileth sighed, "Yes, twice actually now that I think about it." She rubbed her chin.

The doctor gasped, "And he didn't like, punish you?"

The sore woman stood up from her place at the piano, grabbing a cracker, "Nope."

The doctor let out a faint 'wow' hurrying to help the Angel.

"So, are you like- a Angel or a demon? A mix?"

Aileth groaned, slowly but surely standing up. She grabbed a cracker from the buffet Lucifer had sent her and ate it, watching the Dr try and aid her.

She smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry Doctor. I am fine."

Linda didn't look so sure, but she was to blinded by shock to even think about that, "How is Lucifer supposed to be your soulmate? You two are almost completely different!"

Aileth giggled, sitting at one of the bar stools, "You see, my body was made for him. It just so happened that he also liked my personality. He was to be given a release. I was made to be his sexual, emotional, and physical release. But he's never hurt me like that before."

Linda let a small smile creep up to her face, sitting next to Riley, "I know you've been through some sort of trauma. And what happened last night, didn't help. That's why Lucifer is being a kiss-ass isn't it?"

Aileth laughed, resting her hand on the doctors shoulder, she smiled over at the human, "I'm glad we have became friends."

"Wait- you wanna be friends?"

Aileth frowned, "You don't?"

"No no no! It's not that! I would love to be friends it's just. This celestial being wants to be my, a feeble humans, friend?!" Linda grasped.

Aileth leaned her elbows on the bar counter, "I don't need fake famous friends. I want real ones, I need real ones."

She glanced at the short human, "And you are very genuine. I like that. God did a good job when making you."

Linda gasped as more questions filled her head, "WAIT WAIT WAIT! Is your relationship with god good?! Cause Lucifer seems to have daddy issues."

Aileth laughed again before taking a large inhale, "Our relationship is actually pretty well. It's just Lucifers brothers that don't particularly like me. They say I am the only thing good in his life."

Linda rose a confused brow, prompting her to say more about the other angels.

"They say he doesn't deserve happiness or love."

Aileth made a dent in the table by clenching her fists, she let go of the counter, "And I hate that. No one doesn't deserve happiness. I always thought monsters were born, yet, monsters were made by the society that claimed they had no right to not be a monster."

Aileth felt Linda hold her hand gently, comfortingly, "You are an amazing person, and I have heard so many stories about you from both Maze and Lucifer. Both very positive outlooks on your existence. I don't think you were made solely for Lucifer.."

"I think you were made to represent the good in evil."

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