Hells Back In Business

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(I am not Scorpio♏️ I am actually ♋️Leo/Cancer♌️ comment what your zodiac is and your fav color and you'll get a place on the shoutout board!!)

Aileth watched the demons bow to her feet, they truly haven't had a reining ruler in so long. Their Queen was really the only person they wanted to return, she was kind yet stoic. She was merciful yet unforgiving. She was perfect.

Aileth chuckled softly, bending down to place her hand on one of the demons head, she smiled, "Go return to your cell. We will all gather for a feast in the morns."

The demons flinched and cried at the sound of going back to their cells, but cherished their Queens kindness in giving them a break for dinner.

Yet she was prepared for this, they would not use her kindness against herself. She wasn't dumb, god no, she was smart. Maybe even a genius. She knew what they wanted, freedom, and she knew how to give it to them without giving it to them. She was baiting them.

Tiny ripples in hell, a roar in the distance, and a growl. Aileth pursed her lips and furrowed her brows in slight annoyance. Crowley and his hounds were back. (Imma be honest I don't think there is a Crowley in Lucifer so I'm going to make him up)

Crowley smiled at his queens return to the underworld, he hopped off his hound and dropped on one knee. His head low and fist on his heart.

"Your majesty. You've returned."

Aileth held her breath, "Yes."

He grinned once again, standing up he grabbed her hand gently yet firm, "It is nice to see you again Ali."

She flinched at his touch but smiled nevertheless, letting him kiss her soft palm, "I see you have not changed, Crowley."

The man of the hour once again grinned ear to ear, he hadn't let go of her hand, "I see you have grown well."

This made Aileth a little uncomfortable. She will not lie, she would not deal with a human man doing this to her or any women. But Crowley?? Lucifers second in command? She didn't know what else to do but-

She let go of his hand and pushed him to his knees, her black thigh high laced heel planted roughly on his shoulder as he groaned in dismay, "Don't fucking touch me. Disgusting."


"So what are we supposed to do??"

Uriel looked at his brother as if he had just asked the stupidest question, "What do you mean 'wHaT aRe wE sUpPoSeD tO dO' GO DOWN THERE AND GET HER!"

Lucifer pouted, he didn't like the idea of getting bossed around but he also didn't like being wrong and in this moment he was very wrong about Aileth.

"She will be fine."

"She'll become ruthless, vile, and cruel. She won't be the same naive little Ali once she is done. You don't understand, you never do!" Amenadiel yelled back at his brother.

Linda sat impatiently, "So what can we do?"

Lucifer sat oddly quietly, before sigh heavily, "We can't do anything."


They all had their eyes on Linda, who had just cursed at 3 celestial beings without any regrets. But she did feel a tad bit terrified.

"Lucifer what is stopping you from going to get her? Maybe your fear of going back to hell or maybe the fact that you don't actually love Aileth and only think of her as a pawn in 'dAdS pLaN' so you are afraid to get close. That's what's wrong Lucifer! Your afraid! Your a coward!"

Amenadiel hung his head low, her words striking everyone, Uriel stood quietly and frankly he was afraid as well. Lucifer sat horrified on the doctors couch.

What frightened and angered him was that... she was right....


"Touch me again and I'll have you personally escorted by Lucifer himself. You have no right to touch me at all."

He growled, pushing her leg off of him and throwing her to the floor of the castle hallways, "You have no right to talk to me like that! You are but a mere woman! You have no power over me!"

"I beg to differ bitch..."

Aileth lit his arms on fire, blue embers escaping her now charred and bleeding hands. She had never used her blue flames this long before, yet they hadn't turned blue. They had turned a bleach white.

She knew he couldn't die unless specifically killed by Lucifer. It was in her conduct, she couldn't kill a celestial being without the celestial blade. Which fortunately ended up in her stomach by the hands of her most trusted brother, Amenadiel.

She sighed sadly, standing up and fixing her dress, "Sweep him up and out the back door, please." She ordered the maids, who immediately followed her commands.

She solemnly walked to her room, feeling the pity and sadness from the Angel himself.

Something else wonderful about being tied to the brothers, being able to connect to them personally and feel what they feel. Rather that be mental or physical, it works both ways.

She sat on her bed, throwing her shoes off and laying on her back on the black silk sheets, she closed her eyes peacefully.

Something she never got in the human world, peace. The hate and violence never seemed to end. While in heaven, it's all celebration all the time. Hell, was truly peacefully quiet. The silence is one of the reasons so many people down here have gone mad.

Yet, all she could hear was the cackling fire outside and the heavy breathing of Amenadiel. The queen smiled slightly on her peach lips.

She bummed softly, comfortably, calming, "I understand your fuss Amenadiel but do not worry. I forgive you."


"She forgives me.?"

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