Petty Little Liars

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(WARNING: Lots of pictures {none belong to me})

"You really want to do this?"

"Y-Yes just, please continue!"

Lucifer smirked, "As you wish."

He pushed the button and the little makeshift paper airplane flew into the air with extremely good accuracy and hit the back of Dans head.

Riley gasped and jumped up, "How the hell do you do that?! Mine always comes back at me!"

Lucifer and Ella laughed, the both of them sitting at her desk. Lucifer in the chair and Ella on the desk. Dan tilted his head and pursed his lips.

Riley pouted and crossed her arms, her outfit was pretty simple today

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Riley pouted and crossed her arms, her outfit was pretty simple today. Her shirt was a nice white turtleneck and her pants were a pair of blank jeans. It was a pretty comfortable day.

Riley glanced at Dan and smiled slightly, "Sorry Daniel

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Riley glanced at Dan and smiled slightly, "Sorry Daniel."

Dan rolled his eyes with a joking smile and walked over to the trio, "Why are you all upset over a paper airplane?"

Riley gasped dramatically and narrowed her eyes, "Whoever loses has to pay for lunch."

Dan put his hands up in mock of surrender, "I'm not pushing my luck."

Ella giggled and jumped off the desk, wrapping her arm around Riley's shoulder, "We were gonna go to Lux tonight. Linda wanted to meet Riley."

"Wait wait wait," she stuttered, "You told me we were just going for a bit of clubbing!"

Ella slowly unwrapped her arm, "Um, but Linda and Maze wanted to meet you."

Lucifers eyes widened, "Maze wants to meet a work friend? I can see Linda wanting to make a new friend but Maze?"

"I might've told her how Riley took down a guy twice her size with little work...." The woman said sheepishly.

Riley sighed and shook her head, she still hadn't gotten her bruise taken care of, "Let me check and see if we have any active cases first. If we don't we can call it a day early, it is already almost lunch and we have gotten no calls."

Dan ate his pudding, listening intently while Lucifer inspected Riley's desk.

"What're you going to wear?" Ella asked Riley, checking her watch.

Riley shrugged and looked at Ella with a evil smirk, "Wanna come raid my closet?"

Ella smirked and grabbed Riley's hands, "Let's go!"

Riley giggled and waved goodbye to the boys, who were both secretly excited to see how well the girls could clean up.

Riley had finally made it to her car and unlocked the door. The two over excited women hopping in quickly.

Riley started the car, pulling out of the garage, "So, what are thinking? Sexy? Elegant? Modest?"

Ella smirked and tilted her head, "Sexy and elegant. I'm looking for a hot guy to, get my jig on if y'know what I mean."

Riley groaned in disgust, "Ew! TMI."

The two laughed and pulled into Riley's driveway. Ella hopped out first, reminding Riley of a small child visiting their friends.

Riley chuckled and unlocked the door, giving a little tour before showing her the closet. Ella looked through everything and then back at Riley.

"What color are we looking for?"

Riley hummed, "I just asked the guys what colors they were wearing. Maybe we could match?"

Ella squealed, jumping up and down before giving Riley a mother like glare, "Your matching with Lucifer and you can't stop me."

Riley sweatdropped and nodded slowly, texting the boys to let them know they were going to match.

"So Daniel is wearing blue and Lucifer is wearing red,"

"Figures." The two synchronized.

The burst out laughing, they won't have any time for getting ready if they keep the jokes up. But low and behold, they had gotten dressed and 'dolled up' as Ella put it.

Riley had found herself wearing an above mid-thigh glittery red dress that had thin straps. Which luckily covered the very faint scars, other than her bruise which had been healing very slowly. Her shoes were very pretty black platformed pumps that wrapped themselves around her ankle. Her makeup was the usual calm eyeliner with red lipstick. (Which isn't always a part of her makeup)

While Ella was a bit reluctant, she wore a short length darker blue dress with the sleeves reaching her thin wrists

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While Ella was a bit reluctant, she wore a short length darker blue dress with the sleeves reaching her thin wrists. She wore elegant but simple silver pumps that were rounded and mid length. Ella had only done mascara and light foundation. The two had pretty clean skin so no use putting on makeup.

 The two had pretty clean skin so no use putting on makeup

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Ella gasped and hugged Riley, "We look amazing!"

Riley chuckled, getting nervous, "Just don't hurt yourself in those heels."

"And you know how to walk in them?"

Riley smirked, dropping it low in the heels and shirt dress, coming back up with a playful glint in her eye, "You have no idea, I lived in Vegas."

Ella's eyes widened but then turned surprised, "That was amazing! Can you teach me?"

Riley smiled, "Of course!"

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