Do You Want Me?

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"You still make me smile, even if you're the reason why I'm sad." - Unknown


She glared, but her eyes held heavy waves of sadness that she was slowly being drowned in by her own emotions.

He could see it in her. Her eyes held no flame, her heart held no self-love, and her smile held no happiness. Uriel frowned, wishing it didn't have to be this way.

"What did he do to you?" He asks calmly.

She stumbles, not expecting him to ask that, "Why do you care?" She counter acts.

He smiled softly, his hand finding its way to her cheek, he rubbed where the bruise had started to form, "I care for you like I care for my siblings."

Aileth bittersweetly smiled, holding to his wrist in a comforting grasp, "So not at all?"

She held on tighter, breaking his wrist and pulling him behind her. He fell to the floor, landing on his back. Aileth stood over him, a dark aura leaking from her heart.

She had a dangerous look on her face, "I don't care what Lucifer has gotten himself into. I am not his wife, nor am I his messenger. He doesn't care for me so don't think that he will care that I am missing."

Uriel could feel his heart breaking inside, this isn't what he wanted. He wanted her to be happy. His eyes clammed shut, anger flooding his mind, this was all Lucifers fault!!!


Linda ran into Aileths room, hurrying to her side as she lay limp on the floor.

"Aileth!! Aileth!!" She called her name in a panic.

Maze followed close behind, in blind rage she threw her dagger across the room. It landed straight in the middle of the wall, making the bricks around it collapse.

"DAMMIT LUCIFER!!" The demon yelled out.

If only he wouldn't have helped his mom, if he had left the borders of hell closed. If only they went back!!!

Linda checked for any signs of life, when she found none she began to panic even more.

"I thought nothing could kill her! I thought she was immortal!!"

Maze laid next to her, confused, "She can't."

Linda hurried to find some water, and her computer. Mazikeen had her brows furrowed and her hands on the smaller woman's heart. She had tears running on the edges of her jawline.

Something wasn't right...


"If you will return to heaven with me... We can treat you better." Uriel offered, taking Aileths hands in his own.

She cried, she had already been crying but she found that she couldn't stop. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her in a brotherly hug, tightly and protectively holding her.

"I c-cant leave him.." The girl muttered, crying into his neck.

Uriel held her close, "I know Ali. I know. But you must think of yourself."

Aileth smiled, knowing this was out of character for him, "I wish I could.. but I was programmed to serve and do as Lucifer wishes."

"I have no control over wether I love myself or not."

"That's a lie and you know it."

"But how can I learn. When no one is able to teach me because they have not learned it either?"

He stood, his wings cramped behind him as he felt Aileths soul start to retract. He was told this would happen, but only when Lucifer would stop loving her. She would then be able to choose the brother or sister she then wished to serve.

She always chose him.... Even when he tore apart her soul, she would always go back to him. This wasn't right....

Uriel was going to make sure Lucifer got what he deserved, even if he had to go to the court for Aileth. He would do anything for her, because it was always them. Two peas in a pod. Best friends.... but Lucifer, he always took his best friend away.

He stood up slowly, his eyes covered by his bangs, "If you do not believe me..."

"Then I will prove it!!"

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