Fucking Hell, Literally.

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<Failed my colorblind test and now my friends won't let me live it down, going to get it medically checked soon :)>

As they strolled through the meadow souls left and returned or were brought back. The meadow was also the gateway, practically the first thing you saw when you enter hell.

Everyone sees it differently. No two people have seen it the same, ever, not even Aileth and Lucifer. They too; see it differently.

And yet, there stood one. One who saw the meadow as all aspects. Everyone's own way of seeing it was seen through their eyes.

They were different. They were mixed as some would say. They were related to the royal family of hell.

In other words, someone had messed with the timeframe. Someone was transported to a different time than they belonged. The timeshares did not like it.

There stood...

The Morningstar heir....

End of Book One.....

Deleting Memories...


Memories deleted.....

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