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(Yes, Matthew Gray Gubler is the chapter photo. Leave me alone 🥲)
"Next time, we aren't getting chocolate-"

"You are under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Innocent until proven guilty, you have the right to a lawyer. Hands behind your back."

"What? I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person-"

The police officer looked at me with a stern look before pulling me out of my house and throwing me against the hood.

I could hear people yelling at the policeman.

I could feel my head pulsing from the impact of the steel hood, but it was soon dispersed.

"For what?!" I yelled at the man arresting me, turning to look at the officer.

"Attempted murder."

— 5 Hours before —

"Whoo hoo! Chug chug chug!" Ella sang out.

Dan took all three shots in one go, the surrounding participants cheered and nodded their heads in respect.

Riley shook her head, still sober somehow, she smiled over at Lucifer. Who hadn't drank anything without Riley taking some to.

And damn was she stubborn.

Lucifer smirked at her, "Ready for a drink?"

Riley rolled her blue eyes, "I already told you Lucifer, I'm the driver. Go for it, I don't mind."

He looked at his partner with an almost offended look, "And let you have no fun? No way! This is Lux darling. Everyone has fun here."

Riley, feeling bold, walked over to where he was seated. She slowly sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck while slowly rolling on his lap. She heard him gasp and knew she was doing something right.

She kissed up his jaw to below his ear before giggling and getting off him, "Your easy.."

Lucifer looked shocked, then impressed, "You tease. Although I don't like the way some people got off on that. I mean, two very attractive people basically having clothed sex. Sounds pretty sexy, eh love?"

Riley smiled slightly and rolled her eyes, "Your impossible Mr. Morningstar."

"Could say the same to you Ms. Grey."

Riley winked at him and walked past him, leaving a hand on his shoulder before bowing down slightly to whisper in his ear, "Might be Mrs. Morningstar if you get lucky, love."

She walked away quickly, hoping he didn't see her flushed face. Which he didn't. He was to busy trying to hide the obvious excitement he had.

He looked up slightly confused, "What are you doing?" He huskily whispered in quarrel.

Amenadiel stayed hidden, looking down at the ground , ashamed he watched Riley closely, "Please have mercy Father."

Riley stayed at the bar, close to Maze, watching over her overly drunk friends.

She smiled at Maze, "Why don't you go have some fun? I'll take your shift."

"What? I'm having fun!" She replied, looking away.

Riley narrowed her eyes, "I can see the obvious boredom on your face. Don't worry, I worked at a couple of bars in Vegas. Scooch over."

Maze looked at the woman in slight appreciation while also moving out of the way, she took off her badge and gave it to Riley, "For today, you are Mazikeen Smith."

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