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They had got their suspect in custody and were planning on interrogating him but with new information arising, they had to suspend any meeting just yet. Although they still held him in custody.

Lucifer walked around the bar, running his fingers over the tables. Only in his button shirt, he gave his jacket to Riley saying as she was half naked and it was freezing outside.

Riley question the bartender, "So you say you saw this woman?"

The bartender nodded, "Yeh, right o' there in de corner. She was stayin away from everyone ya know? Kept ter herself. Didn't like peple comin up to her and askin questions."

Riley nodded, thanking the bartender and wrapping Lucifers jacket snugly around herself, noticing how his cologne smelled like masculinity and mintiness.

Dan snorted, "Please don't tell me you already have a crush on Lucifer?"

"N-No! I just like the smell of men's cologne, specifically mint and caramel." Riley shrugged.

Dan rolled his eyes, "Uh huh."

"Hey guys! I think I got something!" Elle ran over.

"So you know how our victims face was cut off? Guess what? It was cut off cause she had drugs in her system! The drugs disenigrated her face! Like, pshewwwww." Elle explained, rubbing her hands on her face.

Riley furrowed her brows, "You think this is a drug deal gone wrong? You think she owed something?"

Lucifers laugh caught the attention of the three, "Guys! Look what I found!"

And there he was, absolutely covered, in cocaine.

He growled, "and it's not even the good stuff either."

Riley shook her head, "Mr. Morningstar, come here."

Lucifer cocked a brow but obeyed, watching closely at how she would dust off the cocaine and put it in one of the plastic bags. She smiled at Lucifer and unbuttoned his jacket that he wore.

Lucifer looked at her in confusion, "what are you doing?"

Riley took off the jacket, handing it to Lucifer, "You'll get in trouble if they find you covered in cocaine, no matter who you are."

Lucifer frowned, "You care more about me than you do yourself."

She looked away, "Yes,"

She started to walk away and stopped when she saw Dan not wearing his jacket, she hesitantly asked if she could wear it till she got home.

Dan grinned, "Sure! And- you really know how to handle Lucifer."

"What?" She asked, wrapping the strong cologne scented jacket around her small waist.

Dan let out a huff of amusement, "Only one dirty joke, and absolutely no protests. That's pretty good saying he doesn't listen to anyone."

Riley laughed, buttoning the first button on the stolen jacket, "You just gotta show you respect him, be firm but not so firm you sound controlling. And smile, it gives out happy energy."

She pat him on the shoulder, thinking about what he had previously said about her and Lucifer. Was she really the only women he didn't flirt with? Why was it just her? Questions ran through her head, she needed a nap, things got jumbled in her head if she didn't sleep.

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now