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Hey guys, how are you lot today? Hope you guys are doing well and have eaten today, I appreciate you all and I'm so proud of you for trying your best.

So. Here I am again 😅
Not for a chapter sadly, but for something probably even better.

I had been reached out by another author
(a very long time ago, and I apologize for not addressing you sooner) who wanted to translate this story into Spanish. Of course, I said yes.

This authors name is:

I also want to address the fact that her work looks so much better, she did a great job. If you prefer Spanish or are trying to learn Spanish and like this book, go check hers out.

She was so respectful about it and was a wonderful person to work with.

Thanks love for the opportunity to reach more people without the language barrier, you were a wonder person to work with. My only question is;

Cómo estás, bonita? ;) Estoy muy cansada, mucho gusto y gracias por ser una persona maravillosa.

(Sorry if my Spanish is bad- I haven't spoke it in years, as you can tell, I'm not Spanish nor American so I don't usually get the chance to use Spanish a whole lot :D)

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