I wrote the damn thing!

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Riley rose a skeptical brow, "So your telling me, this was a religious murder?"

Ella nodded solemnly, "Yep, poor guy was killed by blunt force trauma to the head and there was a cross carved into his uh, forehead."

Lucifer cringed, "Way to get fathers attention."

Riley glanced over at Dan, "Why is he so worked up about it?"

"Uh, it was what was written on his back."

Ella shakily handed Riley and Lucifer the picture.

'I see you Daniel, I see you'

"Creep factor?"

Riley nodded and pushed the paper away, "Level five stalker, he wants a rise out of us. Religion is one of the easiest ways to get into someone's head."

Lucifer sat there awkwardly, looking closely at the pictures, "Well, he's a bit, holy."

Riley stared at him with a bored expression, groaning and walking away from the two childish officers.

"What?! That was a good one!" Lucifer called out to her but she ignore him, slightly giggling.
————————————————————————"So, not only is he killing religiously he's writing why he killed them?"

Dan nodded, pointing at the picture of a verse written in blood on the wall. Lucifer scrunched his face in disgust.

Riley looked over the evidence again, "Either this guy is weak, judging by the force of the object thrown at him. Or, he feels as though he doesn't need to try to get what he wants."

They all sat in silence after her little speech, thinking about the possibilities of this happening again.

Lucifer leaned forward, his eyes narrowing, "That's not a real verse."

Ella, Dan, and Riley all looked at him skeptically.

Dan raised a brow, "And how would you know?"

Ella glanced over at Riley, who had averted her attention back to the evidence.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "I help wrote the damn thing!"

Riley inhaled deeply, before gasping and running out of the lab. Grabbing her keys and her gun she headed out. The others, besides Ella, running after her.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Yelled out Dan, who had finally caught up to her. Damn she is fast.

She stopped and unlocked her car, "I know who it is. Out of all the suspects we have to far which one is the only one with a cocky smile in his mugshot? Which one is the only one who went to church regularly and still does?"

Lucifer tried remembering their names, but found it useless as everyone was already in her car.

"David Lew.." Dan realized, buckling his seat belt.

Riley nodded, getting ready to drive off, "During the interview he stated, 'Man can not kill, it is against the Word. And I am not Man.' He is a narcissistic bastard who thinks he's god."

Lucifer snorted, "Well, not to far off."

Riley and Dan rolled their eyes, pulling into the males drive way. Riley had her gun out, Dan went to the back while Lucifer was waiting for some action.

Riley knocked on the door, "LAPD open up David!"

Tussling could he heard from inside the house, Riley kicked open the door, her gun first as she walked in slowly.

Lucifer payed close attention, making sure she was careful but the sounds of gunshots snapped his train, making him rush inside along with a worried Dan.

They rushed in, gasping when they saw the body.

"No..." Lucifer breathed out.

Dan holstered his gun, "It's over..."

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