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(Random pic btw. Don't mind it.)

"Then I'll prove it!!"

Aileth stood a step back, this wasn't what she intended to happen. She hung her head low to her shoulders as Uriels eyes filled with determination and a sense of passion.

He had always been her best friend, but he wasn't acting on his own accord and she knew that. Yet, she liked it. The way he cared, the way he was so different from Lucifer. She liked it.


"Aileth!!! Wake up, please!" Maze cried.

Aileth wasn't moving, she laid frozen and still on the marble floor of Lucifers apartment. Her eyes dull and lifeless. Her body sunken and small. Her heart stopped.

"What is all the panic about?"

Linda snapped her head towards the voice with narrowed eyes, "You."

Lucifer rose a brow, "Me? What about me?"

She rammed her fists into his chest, tears flowing down her cheeks, "This is all your fault!!" She sobbed out.

Maze laid Aileths body on her bed, wanting her to be comfortable in her daze. She heard the screaming of the broken hearted doctor and knew that Lucifer had no idea what she was saying, in all honesty, neither did she.

"Linda." She said softly, pulling the woman closer to her.

Lucifer sat in confusion and worry, "What has happened?"

"She's dead."



Maze held eye contact with the devil, but her eyes were teary, "Aileth. She's dead."

Lucifer hit a blunt. What? But, she couldn't die.

"Where is she?" He asked.

Maze shook her head, "I don't want you seeing her."

He harshly threw her down, making Linda scream in terror and shock, "Where is she?!" He yelled louder.

"She's dead Lucifer you can't do anything now!!" Linda hollered, her eyes shut and her arms hugging herself.

His eyes were wide and red, "This does not concern some puny human life such as yours!"

"Ah ah ah.. Be careful brother. Your rebellious side is showing." A mocking tone sliced through the thick air.

Lucifer looked at his brother, "What the hell did you do to her!?"

Uriel smirked, his hands up in mock of surrender before returning to behind him, "I did nothing. This was of her choice."

Lucifer knew that was a lie, he knew of the terms of Aileth becoming his. She had no will that he hadn't given her and he specifically made it so she could choose no one but himself. Selfish maybe but he loved her.

"Your lying."

Uriel smiled, "Am I?"



Aileth groaned, "Aw cmon'!"

She threw her hand of cards on the glass table, pouting and crossing her arms. Amenadiel chuckled.

"This human game is quite fun, it is my favorite."

She rolled her eyes, "Only because it's the only one you can win." The halfbreed said smugly.

He pointed a finger at her, "Now now Ali."

They laughed. The songbirds listened and sung along in the meadow. They were currently in one, of many, heavenly gardens in the clouds.

It was bright and magical one might say. The vegetation was none as it was on earth. Aileth thought earth was beautiful but this garden was special. It was Amenadiels.

He took very good care of his garden, still does, he cuts the bushes clean. Waters the flowers, let's the vines of ivy grow over the stone walls containing the sacred garden.

Most angels and others in heaven were not allowed in this garden. But he always made an exception for Aileth. She might not know it but she is very well loved in heaven and hell. Perfect ruler for both yet she never abuses her power nor uses it. She just smiles and treats everyone equally.

That, is what made her special. She had no reason to hate someone, until they had done the u thinkable.


Aileth cocked her brow, "So?"

He sighed, cleaning up the cards, "Do you think Lucifer will fall for it."

She hesitated to answer. Becoming quiet she played with her now long honey brown hair that had flowers weaved into it, courtesy of Amenadiel.

She closed her eyes, opening them back up with a determined face, "I believe in Uriel."

He smiled at her, pulling her into a brother-sister cuddle session, "I know you do."

He wrapped his gray wings around her protectively, hugging her close to his chest.

The wrapped up woman grinned happily. Adjusting comfortably she laid her head on his chest.

"Love you dumbass."

He chuckled, his chest rising and falling. He stroked her hair with a small smile. The item in his pocket threatening to make a dent in the perfect moment.

He resisted the urge but could still feel it. He pushed it down, with her laying on top of him he was content and comfortable. Amenadiel rested his head on top of hers, tears threatening to fall.

With a final sad smile he said his last words to her,

"I know..."

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now