Drunken Mistakes

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(This is a real chapter)

Once the two females arrived at LUX the party had finally started. Dan and Lucifer had taken their time at the bar, chatting with Linda and Amenadiel.

Ella clapped and giggled, running up to Linda and giving her a big bear hug, "Linda! It's so good to see you!"

Amenadiel chuckled and took a sip from his drink, which was oddly bright, "Hello Ella."

She smiled over at him as Riley had yet to walked over to the bar, "Heya Amenadiel."

Mazikeen poured him another drink, looking over at Linda, "Need another?"

"Oh yes." The doctor agreed quickly, "Lucifers been all anxious about this meet up. Though I don't know why."

Riley was having second thoughts, she wasn't really one to go forward and make friends. She was always the quiet one in social gatherings until she became comfortable. And she was no where near comfortable right in the moment.

Ella rolled her eyes, "It's cause he doesn't want Maze to steal his girlfriend."

Everyone but Ella gasped, some stood in open shock while the others gaped.

Linda blinked, "What?!"

"Yep, we got a new partner and he's been crushinggggg!!!" She sang, forgetting that she was here.

Amenadiel looked skeptical, "You do realize he's never felt anything but lust to someone right?"

Ella once again rolled her eyes, searching for the one they were talking about, "Just wait till you see her, she's gorgeous."

Maze smirked, "I bet," she then turned confused, "But where's Lucifer?"

"Lucifer! No!"

They turned their heads to see a beautiful young woman with her shoulder length (now washed out) black hair curled softly. Her electric blue eyes creased as she laughed at Lucifer. Her dress fit and curved with her perfectly, as her heels only made her barely eye level with Lucifer.

She laughed, "That- no!"

Lucifer smiled, "What?! That exactly what happened!"

She playfully hit his chest, "No it didn't!"

Linda slightly smiled through her shock, "So this is the mystery woman he spoke so often about."

Maze glanced her up and down, "Now I see why he was worried."

Dan rolled his eyes and went to greet her, "Hey Riley."

She smiled over at him, giving him a quick shoulder hug, "Hey Dan! How is everything?"

Amenadiel glanced over at the crowd and his eyes went wide, "Oh no..."

"Oh no? What do you mean, she's hot." Maze counteracted.

The angel shook his head, "It's not that, it's just, nothing."

Maze nodded slowly and waited for them to come over so she could meet this 'Riley' properly, but when she saw the look Lucifer gave the human girl, she relaxed a bit.

Linda looked at the two weirdly before walking over to the group, "Hello. You must me Riley. I'm Doctor Linda, but you can call me Linda."

Riley nodded respectfully and reached her hand out, "It's a pleasure to meet you doctor."

Linda shook her hand and looked over to Ella and Dan, who had started to finally let loose.

Riley giggled, "He really needed a break."

Lucifer nodded quickly, "He really did, douche."

"Lucifer." Dan replied irritatedly.

Amenadiel snuck away, quietly watching from above the stairs, he frowned.

"Father, what have you done?"

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