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Riley heard rumbling and a distant chatter, her hearing impaired due to her just waking up.

She nuzzled into a- hard? Pillow?

"Uh- good morning sunshine?" A deep voice said, sounding like a low growl.

Riley opened her eyes halfway, she squeaked when she saw the person she was laying on was a flustered Lucifer.

"Ah! I'm so sorry Mr. Morningstar!" She said, getting off him quickly.

Lucifer seemed conflicted, "It's alright, and you can call me Lucifer..."

Riley smiled at him, "You can call me Riley.."

Dan drove her home saying as her car was out of gas and the spark plugs were broken. She was angry with herself for leaving her car in a local parking lot in LA.

She got out of the car, thanking Dan and Lucifer for their help.

Dan waved her goodbye, "No problem! Just call me if you need a ride tomorrow!"

"I'll pick you up at 8, okay? We can have breakfast before work." Lucifer said, smirking at her.

Riley shook her head with a little smile, "Okay...Lucifer..."

Riley woke up, groaning as her body was sore. She stretched and let out a small yawn. She opened her eyes halfway and looked at her alarm clock.

"2am, new record." She sighed sadly, she got up and decided to take a shower.

Riley undressed out of her PJs.

She stepped into the warm shower, loving how the coldness of her room diminished with the warm water

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She stepped into the warm shower, loving how the coldness of her room diminished with the warm water.

She was happy though as well, she made it till 2 without any flashbacks. She got out of the shower in her towel and checked the time again, 2:30 am.. She brushed her hands over the scars that littered her lower abdomen, luckily that outfit didn't show them.

Riley sat on her bed and got out her notebook, writing down Bed: 12:00am Woke: 2am Sleep: 2 hours. She glanced at the bad nights, when she got nightmares. The lowest time was 30 minutes, highest was 4 hours.

Riley was disappointed in herself, she really thought she'd be able to get more than that. Her doctor won't be happy with her sleep schedule.

She shook her head and got changed for the day, already knowing she won't be able to go back to sleep now that she was up.

She got dressed in her work clothes.

Looking a bit nicer since she'd technically be going on a "date" with Lucifer in a few hours, well, 5 hours

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Looking a bit nicer since she'd technically be going on a "date" with Lucifer in a few hours, well, 5 hours.

She opened the baking cabinet and got out the cake mix, nothing like a little 3 am baking.

She put her glasses on, reading the instructions when the doorbell rang. Riley looked around, she found the clock, 3:30? Who was knocking at 3:30 in the morning.

She had her gun holster on her side, the opened the door, shocked to see who stood there.

"A little bird told me you wouldn't be falling asleep tonight sunshine..."

Riley gawked at the male, "Lucifer? What are you doing here? You should be asleep!"

He rolled his eyes, "Could say the same for you Riley.."

"Well, hate to break it to you but I don't sleep." She said, opening the door wider so he could come in.

He walked in and looked at her closely, "Why not?"

She looked down, embarrassed, "It's just nightmares."

Lucifer grabbed her wrist and walked into the kitchen, somehow already knowing where it was. He sat her down on top of the counter as he himself leaned against the fridge.

"Want to talk about it?" He suggested.

Riley fidgeted with her fingers, "Just have server anxiety, nothing much okay? I'm fine.."

He glared, "Your lying to me, why?"

"Am not!" Riley defended, looking extremely offended.

Lucifer slammed his hands on either side of her hips, making Riley flinch, he looked livid. She cowardly shook and lowered her head.

His eyes softened, "I get it now, was it an ex? Parent?"

"What do you m-mean?" Riley managed out, cursing herself for stuttering.

Lucifer returned to his place on the fridge, "It's obvious you went through some sort of emotional and or physical abuse, who was it?"

"I don't wanna bother you-"

"Your not bothering me Riley, if anything, your proving you trust me. And that means the most. Who was it?" Lucifer cut in, he was mentally taking notes, ready to punish the person who did this to her.

"His name was Jacob, he was a jackass." She stopped, crossing her arms and realizing she didn't finish her baking.

Lucifer bit his tongue, he needed more than that, "Can you tell me more?"

"Don't think you are going to find him..." She said, looking him in the eye, she still sat on the counter while stirring the ingredients.

He looked conflicted, "why not?"

She hopped off the counter, rubbing the inside of her hands, "He's already dead Lucifer...but I think the Devil would know his whereabouts."

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