After Care

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"Shut the fuck up."

Lucifer whined, "I'm sorry I went hard on you!"

Aileth looked over at him, glaring harshly, "You literally broke the fucking bed!"

Lucifer sheepishly smiled, "About that.."

She rolled over, wincing as her hips were bruised. Lucifer did apologize many times. But of course, Aileth was stubborn and she did not like the way he treated her.

You see, Aileth is a goddess of sorts. Made for Lucifer and Lucifer alone, a pawn some would say. But she was the epitome of respect. She gave and received respect from those who deserve it and she did not feel like she was respected.

Lucifer frowned, "I really am sorry. But, I haven't been able to go all out with any other women before okay? And, I missed the way you were mine. The thought of someone else claiming you fueled my desire to make you mine."

Aileth took in his words, letting them sink down before covering up and trying to rest. He had over done it, and she should've known the consequences.

"I told you to stop." She muttered.

Lucifer looked up, his brown eyes drowned in confusion and worry.

Aileth turned around once again, her body aching and begging her to just rest.

She looked him dead in the eyes, hers pooling with little tears, it broke Lucifers heart, "I told you to stop..."

He had just realized how bad he messed up, "I know a-and I'm sorry. I-I should've stopped but I didn't and I hurt you.. Fuck I'm,"

He stopped, covering his face with his hands, "I'm almost as bad as him. Aren't I?"

Aileth pursed her lips sadly, "Y-You reminded me of him, I will not lie. But, I forgive you."

He stood up quickly, shaking his head, "No, I don't deserve your forgiveness. I will make it up to you."

Aileth groaned, she hated when he had the sudden urge to spoil her to 'prove himself' worthy of her when she was literally made for him.

Lucifer gently picked her up, making sure to keep the soft blankets covering her body in place. He wrapped her in a small burrito and took her to the guest room, laying her softly on the bed.

Aileth just stayed put, knowing she would get no where with him. She just went with it, it didn't matter anymore. She had forgiven him, and that's all she needed.

While Aileth was trying to relax her sore muscles Lucifer was on his way to the bar.

Grabbing her favorite drink and asking Maze to grab some things from the store. Maze sent him a disgusted look, glad that she didn't live in Lux.

It's not like what he asked for was disturbing but she knew exactly what those products were for. I mean, pain killers? Sparkling water? A specific brand and smell of lotion? Yeah, not such a smooth devil are we.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Why must you be so difficult."

"So, who got it the Lucifer way?" Maze asked, smirking.

Lucifer sat at the bar, "Well, um, you see."

So he told her, he told her how Riley was actually Aileth and how he accidentally went a bit to hard on her last night to which she replied with a tsk and a smile.

Let's just say, Mazikeen and Aileth were partners in crime way back when. Before she was thrown in the pit and Mazikeen was sent to earth with Lucifer.

Lucifer thanked her and hurried to a local bakery and gathered some of Aileths favorite pastries. Mainly were buttered croissants, chocolate scones, and the amazing coffee the cafe had to offer.

He got two of everything and 3 cups of the coffee. All of which were for his love, coffee surprisingly had no effect on Aileth when she was in her 'divine' form.

While Lucifer was heading home and Maze was checking out, Aileth decided to try and get a glass of water. As she stood she felt her bones ignite with what felt like fire.

She quickly leaned against the wall, trying her best to see what damage had been done. Once she made it to a mirror she nearly fainted, big purple and blue bruises covered her entire torso.

Her legs were blotched red as was her neck, but what scared her the most was the hand print that circled around her nape.

It looked like Jacobs, the one that wrapped all around her neck. Red flashed her vision as she sees her body covered in blood and cuts. She knew it wasn't real but god dammit, she cursed mentally.

"Fuck! Get out of my head!"

She breathed hoarsely, her throat becoming sore. But she had finally made it to the bathroom, she put on one of Lucifers night robes and a pair of shorts.

She limped back into the bedroom, seeing a frustrated Lucifer.

"Aileth, come on. Back to the bed."

"No! I've been in it all night!"

He sighed, dropping off the pastries on the bed side and helping Aileth back into the bed. He frowned, was he being a good lover? He had hurt her, when he had promised he would never.

Was he unfit for her?

"Hey! Hotshot, you in there?" She waved her hand in front of his face, that's when he noticed the red marks.

He softly touched her shoulder, where the biggest one lay. He felt his heart dropped when his lover flinched under him.

"Did I do that?" He asked stupidly, he knew, but he wanted to hear it from her.

And she knew that, "Yes," she began, "But it doesn't hurt anymore."

He nodded solemnly, handing her the tray of drinks and food. With the addition to a pain killer and a glass of sparkling water.

She smiled, "Thank you love."

She kissed his cheek, taking the pill and eating a bite of a scone. She offered for Lucifer to come join her.

"No. I have some work to do at the LAPD today. Anyway, I want you to rest. I'll have the doctor check up on you okay?"

"Oh no it's fine! She doesn't need to come down." Aileth tried to insist.

Lucifer kissed her lips without blinking, shamelessly quieting her down, "She offered."

Aileth narrowed her eyes, "And how did she know?"

Lucifer checked his watch, "Oh looky there! That's my cue to go."

She stopped him, "Does she know your the devil?"

Lucifer sighed, "Yeah, but! But! Heat me out, she is okay with it but she searched you up and now wants to ask questions but also help you."

"Help me?!"

He smiled sheepishly, fixing his tie before waving her goodbye, "Love you!"

The Angel angrily threw a magical blade his way, which he caught, "YOU BASTARD!"

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